Wednesday, 9 February, 2022

We interviewed a number of existing SUSE Rancher customers and asked them what they loved about it. The findings are nothing short of astonishing! We are posting them here since they may help you with your container/cloud native journey.

1.  Customers love our free training – Rancher Academy. It was mentioned by almost all participants. Kubernetes management has some intricacies so starting with training is always a great idea. We have you covered.

2.  SUSE Rancher 2.6 came out with many new features – the new web interface is beautiful and intuitive. Customers love it for the looks and the ease of use it offers. The point and click UI lowers the learning curve considerably.

3.  SUSE Rancher plugs in painlessly with your existing Kubernetes clusters, Active Directory services for authentication etc., existing contracts with cloud providers and so on. Rancher is a team player!

4. SUSE Rancher is truly heterogeneous in terms of your choice of operating system – it can be deployed on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, Ubuntu, CentOS, Red Hat etc. Here is the full support matrix.

5.  SUSE Rancher handles Kubernetes management complexity better than other competing solutions. We spoke to a tech admin who was struggling with one of our competitors. They then tested with Rancher and things just fell into place.

6. Our per node pricing is about as simple as it gets. No vCore/vCPU metrics plus extra terms and even more confusion. Price is per managed node – that’s it.

7. Customers have loved Rancher from the beginning. After the merger with SUSE, a banking customer we spoke to, felt even better about it since it became a part of a larger support organization. Support, after all, is the bread and butter of any open-source business.

8. What is more, after the merger with SUSE, Rancher got huge boost in engineering resources. Projects like Harvester became products and new ones are getting launched and proving value to enterprises. Customers are honestly pleased to see that we are restlessly continuing along the path of innovation.

9. Customers chose SUSE Rancher because there already was some Rancher usage/experience within their organization. It is simply a cool product and dev teams love it!

10. Customers love the openness of Rancher and its closeness to pure Kubernetes. They shared with us that other vendors have their own Kubernetes version which, in their words, is a drawback!

11. One of our customers shared that Rancher was chosen for being an all-in-one solution – solved a number of connection issues that came with downtime. It made troubleshooting so much easier for them.

If you are still on the fence with your choice of Kubernetes management – start with the Rancher Academy. Get a few folks trained and seek their feedback later. We’ll be there to help you along the way.



IDG study “Cloud Native 2022”: Where do European companies stand in their digital transformation?

Thursday, 27 January, 2022

The modernisation of IT infrastructure is picking up speed, but most companies still see a lot of room for improvement in their digital transformation. This is the conclusion of a recent study conducted by IDG Research Services in collaboration with SUSE. Even if in some cases the extent of implementation differs significantly, the companies surveyed from Germany, France and the UK agree on one point: the time to deploy cloud-native technologies is now.

Only a minority of companies in Europe’s three largest economies currently feel sufficiently well equipped for digital transformation. According to the IDG study, German companies are especially sceptical about their positioning for the future – both technologically and organisationally.

Companies in all three countries recognise that cloud-native technologies in particular have great potential to accelerate digital transformation. IT and business managers expect containers and Kubernetes to increase the availability of their business applications, shorten development cycles, improve scalability and speed up time-to-market.

Migration to cloud-native technologies does not tend to stumble due to budget. According to the decision-makers surveyed, greater hurdles are the existing infrastructure, a lack of expertise and a lack of specialists.

You can now download the entire IDG study free of charge. In it you will learn, among other things:

  • How IT managers from Germany, France and the UK are modernising their IT today
  • Which companies are currently focusing most intensely on cloud-native technologies
  • Where companies see the greatest need to catch up in terms of digital transformation
  • How Continental AG is using Kubernetes to pioneer smart manufacturing
  • Recommended actions for decision-makers

IDG’s Cloud Native study looks at the state of play for companies in Germany, France and the UK with at least 100 employees. The report is written from responses by 420 strategic (IT) decision-makers, including C-level and various central business departments, as well as IT executives.

You can download the complete study “Cloud Native 2022” here.

The Evolution of Linux: a success story from Fujitsu and SUSE

Wednesday, 26 January, 2022

Technological innovations are often considered to be ideas and solutions that take off immediately. But the evolution of Linux tells a different story: From humble beginnings in the 1990s, Linux has grown slowly and steadily to become a leading operating system in the business world, and now a business-critical operating system to run SAP. During this time, Fujitsu and SUSE have continued to innovate together, helping businesses everywhere to realize the benefits of Linux by running their SAP applications on it. I caught up with Jürgen Ellwanger and Martin Werner at the Global Fujitsu SAP Competence Centre to find out more about how Fujitsu and SUSE supported the evolution of Linux through a partnership of collaboration and innovation.

The Beginnings of Linux

In the 1990s the idea of a fully open-source and free operating system was still novel, with proprietary UNIX solutions like AIX, HP-UX, Ultrix, Sinix, etc. forming the basis for most operating systems. The arrival of the open-source OS Linux, created in 1991 by Linus Torvalds, a student, at the University of Helsinki, changed the situation fundamentally, but it was slow in the beginning. Despite being highly acclaimed by IT experts it was not until the late 1990s that the IT community started to realise the opportunities presented by Linux.

In 1999, SAP founded the SAP Linux Lab in Waldorf and both Fujitsu and SUSE became founding members. As early adopters, both Fujitsu and SUSE recognized the potential of Linux OS, and it was Fujitsu that gained the first published official SAP benchmark on Linux in 1999. Back then, the importance of Linux was still small compared to proprietary solutions, as IT manufacturers continued to favor more traditional OS.

Providing enterprise support for the mission-critical SAP solutions was a major issue, where Fujitsu and SUSE worked jointly to be able to offer the demanded quality.
However, also the technical facts had to be proven. So, Fujitsu not only did the first SAP SD benchmark on Linux but also delivered a remarkable track record of World Records in SAP benchmarking for Linux in the last decades.

Fast-forward to today and the entire SAP strategy is evolving to Linux with 70% of all business-critical SAP applications on Linux. Jürgen Ellwanger elaborates, “Every year, Linux has taken a big step forward on every level; robustness, mission-critical approach, scalability and performance everywhere. And as a result, all the development from SAP has been on Linux. Nothing else anymore. That’s a real success story there.”

Innovating Together for Success

Together, Fujitsu and SUSE have continued to lead the way on Linux. A couple of highlights of this are:

  • Based on the jointly with SAP and SUSE invented Adaptive Computing concept, Fujitsu developed the FlexFrame concept, which was a breakthrough in efficient and flexible operations of the SAP data center with many ideas implemented which we today find in “Cloud” operations.
  • Design, development, and certification of the first business warehouse application on SAP HANA – of course, based on SUSE Linux.

For both inventions, Fujitsu was awarded the SAP Pinnacle Award as “Innovator of the year”. Fujitsu continues to innovate around SAP, working with SUSE and other partners to develop innovative solutions that work for their customers. “At the Global Fujitsu SAP Competence Center we work with our partners’ expertise, and pair that with our experience in mission-critical customer projects, to not only make things work but to do it in a way that can be automated, easy to manage, easy to operate and flexible, in a cost-efficient way,” explained Jürgen. A great example of this is the Fujitsu Reference Architecture for SAP Data Intelligence running on Linux – read more about this fascinating story here.

Kubernetes on Linux

One might say that the latest step in the evolution of Linux is the development of containerized architecture. Containers are a key component in digital transformation, providing agility in how applications are built, deployed, and managed. Kubernetes allows the management of multiple containers for flexibility and scalability across the IT infrastructure. But when SUSE acquired Rancher, the most widely adopted Kubernetes Platform, in 2020, the special relationship of innovation between Fujitsu and SUSE met a new challenge.

With Rancher, the previous Containers-as-a-Service platform on which the reference architecture for SAP Data Intelligence was built, was set to end-of-sales immediately and this was what the Fujitsu SAP Competence Center had been using. Once again, the Linux Lab was put to the test, bringing together the partners to share, discuss and innovate together. In the end, the technology from Rancher has made the partnership even stronger and more robust, providing more opportunities to develop new solutions for customers.

Martin Werner commented on the success of the collaboration, “I think for both of the partners [SUSE and Fujitsu], continuous communication was important. Rancher brought a huge amount of experience in Kubernetes, we [Fujitsu] brought our SAP experience, along with the SAP experience coming from SUSE. Together we have created an SAP eco-system with the security, availability, speed, and reliability that our customers need and expect.”

The evolution of Linux is an incredible success story on its own. But Fujitsu and SUSE have also had a part to play in that. Innovating together for over twenty years, to ensure Linux is the SAP operating system of choice. In the words of Jürgen Ellwanger, “Still today, the Linux Lab is where we have our core meetings, sharing what we are doing, providing suggestions or proposals for anything that we could change or improve. And that is what makes this partnership so successful.”

If you would like to find out more click here.

Brazilian telecoms giant accelerates innovation with SUSE

Monday, 24 January, 2022

“SUSE Rancher makes it easier for our IT staff to manage and scale a large container environment. As a result, we can spend less time on repetitive manual tasks and more time on value-added development.” Marcos Borges, Telco/DC Application Manager, Algar Telecom.

Brazilian telco leader, Algar Telecom, adopted an agile infrastructure, based on Docker containers, to smooth the introduction of innovative product offerings. As the environment grew, Algar found that managing containers using standard Kubernetes required significant manual effort, threatening to divert resources away from customer experience enhancing product development efforts.

To simplify container management processes and ensure the highest levels of scalability and availability for business applications, Algar Telecom needed to gain a single point of control for all its Kubernetes clusters. After reviewing enterprise offerings from leading vendors, the company selected SUSE Rancher for all its Kubernetes distributions. Key to this decision was the reliable local support and robust service level agreements offered by SUSE. The Algar team were also impressed by the advanced management capabilities offered by SUSE Rancher over standard Kubernetes.

Algar needed to be able to manage its SUSE Rancher environment with in-house resources to minimize total cost of ownership and maximize reliability. Training became pivotal to this requirement and authorized SUSE training partner, SSYS, provided this service as well as integrating SUSE Rancher into Algar’s environment in just four months.

Taking the lead in Brazil’s telecommunications marketplace

Algar’s infrastructure setup is the first of its kind in the region, driving agility and hastening service innovation. Algar’s IT team can now complete tasks such as assigning application instances to a cluster within minutes — accelerating management tasks and reducing the risk of human error.

Algar can easily determine which clouds or environments its development teams can access through a single, intuitive interface, helping them to maintain rigorous information security and data governance standards. Unlike other management systems, SUSE Rancher has a completely open architecture, which means there is no risk of vendor lock-in. SUSE Rancher has provided autonomy to development and DevOps teams, allowing them to have more agility and flexibility.

Critically, SUSE Rancher provided Algar with mechanisms to prototype and experiment, facilitating innovation. Algar can focus on building next-generation digital services with the peace of mind that its entire stack is supported by a trusted local partner. SUSE Rancher makes it easy for the Algar team to manage and scale its extensive container environment, resulting in less time being spent on repetitive, manual tasks and more time on value-added development — ultimately accelerating service innovation and helping to provide high quality customer experiences.

First class training has empowered trained in-house IT staff to run the solution effectively, ensuring high availability for mission-critical applications.

Click here to find out more about how Algar’s pioneering infrastructure setup is driving agility and accelerating service innovation.

Tech Trends in 2022 – Your Customary January Predictions Blog

Wednesday, 19 January, 2022

January is always a month for tech predictions. I cooked up a few of my own, in the main areas SUSE’s technology and solutions intersects with. So here’s my little list.

  1. Key Tech Area #1 – Cloud

Continued growth

Fully expect to see continued hyper growth in 2022, hybrid and multi cloud seems to be the dominant strategies for most enterprises. Whether or not the pandemic ends this year (fingers crossed, please God let’s make it so!), the shift to cloud will continue to accelerate. Apparently Gartner predicts global spending on cloud services will reach $482+ billion in 2022, up from $314 billion in 2020. I think we can all agree, most companies are moving to an OpEx model and have recognized the value of cloud-optimized and microservice-based solutions for the years ahead.

Hyperscalers take the lead in Hybrid Cloud

For the past 5 years or so, hybrid cloud was traditional hardware vendors’ answer to the Cloud migration question raised by customers. But the equation has been shifting in the last year or so, as public cloud providers like AWS launch offerings like Outposts – bridging the gap for many customers who can’t move to the public cloud for one reason or another. This will grow and accelerate in 2022. AWS for example, has launched offerings like Outposts and EKS Anywhere for companies with compliance and security requirements that require continued on-premise capabilities. Of course SUSE’s own Rancher is perfectly positioned for this new hybrid world – as the world’s most widely deployed multi-cluster Kubernetes orchestration solution.

Vertical Clouds March onto Center Stage

Industry specific clouds are going to mature in a big way in 2022. The major cloud providers, software vendors and SIs large and small are developing a lot of solutions – targeted at specific industry verticals. The goal is simplifying common business processes, accelerating time to market and providing a new means of digital differentiation.

Cloud and Edge Gets Ever Closer

The tech worlds of Cloud and Edge are colliding. There is a lot of experimentation pairing edge computing with hybrid cloud scenarios, opening the door for distributed cloud services that run at the edge. A fun little use case I ran across was iRobot, who leverages AWS IoT to control its “army” of robot minions – um, I mean – your wonderful little sweeper helpers.

Speaking of Edge, this brings us to the next big area.

2. Key Tech Area #2 – Edge

Edge Use Cases Push the Cloud to Any Locale Near You

New, purpose-built apps and devices will become adopted widely in 2022 and bring digital transformation to pretty much anything you can imagine: warehouses, check; restaurants, check; retail stores, but of course; hospitals, schools… do you even need to ask? Even farms – agriculture will never be the same after this new wave of IoT lovefest.

The Edge Gets Fatter

Which one of one hasn’t put on a few Covid pounds in the last 2 years. Something kinda similar is happening to edge workloads in the same time frame. Joking aside, what I’m referring to is more and more compute and storage is happening on the edge. In many industries and use cases, a multitude of sensors generate a flood of data, and a lot of the processing happens right on site to generate real time business insights.

The Edge Gets Smarter

This one is fun and exciting, but also a mouthful – distributed federated learning with the support of central clouds is becoming a reality in 2022. We are basically talking about AI at the Edge. For example, hospital could all benefit by sharing a lot of patent healthcare data to train algorithms that provide diagnostics help. However, HIPPA will not allow for this kind of sharing scenario. With federated learning, multiple hospitals can just train the algorithm using in house data, but the resulting algorithm gets smarter due to the cross training, without violating any privacy and data sharing laws – and leading to much better patient outcomes.

3. Key Tech Area #3 – Cloud Native/Containers/ Kubernetes

Kubernetes Moves to Production

The tone of conversation around the topic of containers and Kubernetes will change in a big way in 2022. It’s no longer just “looks interesting” or “how do I deploy it?” The new conversation is about scale and going live. Kubernetes will become more and more mainstream and more and more customers start architecting their cloud with K8S at the heart.

Another Sign of Maturity – Service Mesh

In 2022, let’s just throw it onto Kubernetes is no longer going to be a satisfactory answer for your business stakeholders. Service Meshes will be adopted in a big way – allowing for holistic consideration around security, observability, reliability.

That’s it for now. So what do you think? I would love to hear your comments and your own predictions!

SUSE Liberty Linux – Securing your Linux future without vendor lock in

Wednesday, 19 January, 2022

Open source has become synonymous with innovation.  The reasons are clear — open source fosters collaboration, speed and interoperability.  But what happens when open source isn’t truly open?  That is, if using an open source solution actually locks you into a particular solution stack or forces you to stay with a particular vendor?  This potential for “lock in” can cause a nightmare for your business, limiting your agility and inhibiting the speed of innovation. 

With three decades of open source expertise, Linux and Kubernetes leadership, openness and interoperability, customer and community-led innovation, SUSE is committed to putting the open back in open source.

The Reality of Mixed Linux Environments 

Running a mixed Linux environment is common in today’s IT world. That is, competitive businesses run a wide variety of workloads on a wide variety of Linux distributions, including production workloads running on different enterprise Linux distributions.  

In this scenario, you are no doubt getting support, maintenance updates and security patches from not only multiple vendors, but also the open source communities. In addition, it’s possible that you are using multiple management dashboards to keep track of the health of your disparate systems.   

Your mixed Linux environment is quite frankly a nightmare for your administrators. Support contracts with multiple vendors are costly and complicated to maintain. And getting community support takes time away from the innovative work that the business is asking of you.   

The question is: how do you keep your workloads running where they run best and simplify your IT management?



Introducing SUSE Liberty Linux

SUSE Liberty Linux is a new technology and support offering that provides customers a unified support experience for managing their heterogeneous IT environments. With SUSE Liberty Linux, you get trusted support with optional proven management tools that are optimized for mixed Linux environments, including Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, and as you would expect SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.  The three pillars of SUSE Liberty Linux are:

  • Enterprise Grade Support 

With SUSE Liberty Linux, you get enterprise grade support for your entire mixed Linux environment from a world class technical support team. That means that your support experience becomes simple because you are calling one support number and one team for all your support cases – no matter what the Linux distro. 

Access your support 24/7/365 via chat, email or phone.  And, with teams across the globe, SUSE has true follow-the-sun support in local languages.  In addition, your support entitlement comes with guaranteed business critical SLAs and ongoing communication from problem identification to resolution. 

You’re in safe hands with SUSE market-leading customer support and industry-leading broad and deep enterprise Linux expertise.

  • Management Tools that Automate

SUSE Liberty Linux works well with SUSE Manager as an optional automation and management tool. That means you can simplify and streamline your disparate Linux environment – from core to cloud and all the way to the edge.  And because SUSE Manager manages all your systems, your system administrators just need to monitor a single pane of glass to keep track of their health.  

Using SUSE Manager with SUSE Liberty Linux drives efficiencies by shifting routine work away from your IT staff and integrating smart automation. The result:  minimize staffing costs and reduce the time for system deployment and updates, even in complex DevOps scenarios. This frees your staff to do the innovative work your business requires. 

  • Zero Disruptions, Complete Compatibility

You know what Linux distribution you need for your workloads.  SUSE Liberty Linux enables you to leverage your existing distributions, while also receiving consolidated maintenance patches, security updates and world class support from a single company. 

With SUSE Liberty Linux, you receive full binary compatible security patches and maintenance updates for your entire Linux estate.  This keeps your infrastructure up-to-date and secure, ensuring high availability, resilient storage, and bullet proof load balancing. 

There is no migration worry which means there is no disruption to your current environment.  As such, your applications and workloads will continue to run as designed.

SUSE Liberty Linux simplifies your mixed IT infrastructure by consolidating on a single partner with a rich Linux history.  A partner that trusts that you know your business best.  As the latest proof point in SUSE’s open, interoperable strategy, SUSE Liberty Linux provides the simplicity, choice, and flexibility you need without the expense and barriers that come with vendor lock-in.   

Choose open.  Choose SUSE.  Find out more by visiting https://www.suse.com/products/suse-liberty-linux/


*SUSE Manager is an optional entitlement subscription that will simplify and automate management. 



The Future of Retail is Now

Friday, 14 January, 2022

Young female worker using tape dispenser gun while packing cardboard boxes for the shipment in distribution warehouse.

The retail industry was always on the road to digitalization. Online retail giants quickly saw some customers do all their holiday shopping online, which forced other more traditional stores to modernize or go bankrupt. Cyber Monday started over-shadowing Black Friday. Customers demanded seamless, omnichannel experiences over mobile apps and with loyalty programs — mobile has become integral to all shopping experiences no matter where they happen. And then, in February and March 2020, suddenly doors shut on brick-and-mortars of all sizes, while demand for essential goods rose dramatically.

It quickly became clear that those who were able to adapt in response to change were retailers who embraced new technologies and agile methodologies. This allowed them, in the short-term, to move to click-and-collect and delivery services and, in the long-term, to deliver a more personalized customer experience, with new and sustainable revenue streams.

For years, the retail industry focused on reducing cost and increasing operational efficiency. But now, with the power of choice back in the hands of consumers, retailers have to be willing to innovate fast.

In order to achieve this level and modernization, retailers need to consolidate IT:

  1. Streamline systems to reduce cost and create the foundation to be more flexible and agile.
  2. Simplify infrastructure management to manage in-store systems and SAP environments, on premises, in the cloud, and at the edge.
  3. Consolidate systems and data to enable a 360-degree customer profile to drive predictive and personalized shopping experiences.
  4. Unify warehouse, transportation, order management, inventory management, and customer service capabilities to optimize delivery process.
  5. Replace aging hardware and software to allow for quick patches, because retailers can only afford zero downtime.

Forward-thinking retailers embrace a more innovative way to build, deliver and manage applications across their entire enterprises. They understand that this is the only way to create the customer experience they need to compete. And they’ve realized that, no matter what you’re selling, technology acts as the differentiator behind delivering that expected experience.

The next step will be leveraging that same tech to reimagine the in-store experience. Uniting the analog with the digital, retailers will increasingly deliver personalized customer experiences on any device — whether they are in the pocket of the customer or on the store shelf. This is the new way to take a casual customer and turn them into a customer for life.

This new omnichannel marketing approach will be in response to a more complete view of the customer across their full journey. This can only be achieved by an integrated, intelligent digital platform built for always-on agility, security and adaptability.

You need reliability, responsiveness and simplicity. Now.

In order to make this transition from upkeep and maintenance to innovation, efficiency and new service delivery, you need an IT infrastructure partner that is highly available, agile and secure.

Learn more by reading our white paper Transform Your Retail Business 2021

SA Power Networks focuses on sustainability with SUSE

Monday, 10 January, 2022

“We’re completing four full patching cycles a year with very few issues thanks to the reliability of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.” Pino Lascala, Server Technical Engineer (Unix), SA Power Networks.

We’re all looking for ways to limit our environmental impact – whether that’s replacing petrol and diesel cars with more environmentally-friendly, electric ones or opting for smarter, energy-efficient appliances. With sustainability a top priority, shrewd energy providers like Australia’s SA Power Networks have transformed their technology architectures to smooth and hasten the transition to a greener future.

A leader in the Australian energy sector, SA Power Networks could only undertake a transformation of this magnitude with an adaptable and highly reliable infrastructure. This was the main reason for selecting SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) for SAP Applications to run the mission-critical SAP HANA databases that support its ERP landscape, and a slew of crucial business operations. Historically, the team ran SAP applications and Oracle databases on Solaris. When SAP decided to standardize on its SAP HANA database, however, the team followed its lead and choose SLES for SAP Applications.

Rock-solid business support and seamless cloud migration

SA Power Networks is migrating its SAP landscape to the Microsoft Azure cloud, where its SAP HANA databases will run on SLES for SAP Applications. SA Power Networks is now able to buy and manage all its SLES servers in the same way thanks to SUSE’s Bring Your Own Subscription model. This ensures consistency in patching and allows the team to consolidate existing licenses under a single SUSE Premium Support contract, reducing supplier management and administration overhead.

SA Power Networks uses SUSE Manager to centralize and standardize quarterly patching for its Linux servers giving the IT team a single view of the entire landscape, whether on-premises or in the cloud.

Although SUSE Manager has significantly reduced the time and effort involved for the team, the patching process was still disruptive. SA Power Networks deployed SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) Live Patching to reduce this by mitigating the need for planned outages. SLE Live Patching has been responsible for a 50% reduction in time and effort spent on quarterly patching. This has also lowered costs by 50%, as this work was previously undertaken by a managed services partner.

SA Power Networks not only enjoys high availability for its mission-critical SAP applications but also benefits from skilled technical staff being freed from low-value support activities, leaving them available to support vital business innovation.

This has been backed by a highly responsive level of service provided by SUSE Premium Support. Whenever a major upgrade is on the horizon, the team reviews its plans with SUSE who make sure best practices are followed and provide support in refining how best to utilize Live Patching.

Click here to find out more about how the SA Power Networks IT team has driven innovation and supported the business by providing efficient, reliable, flexible and sustainable services.

The Journey to SAP Data Intelligence: an innovation story from Fujitsu and SUSE

Friday, 7 January, 2022

One of the great joys of my role is that I am often privy to the ‘inside story’ of how world-leading engineers and innovators develop the technologies that become so pivotal in our business world. One such story is that of Fujitsu and SUSE’s journey to co-create best-in-class solutions to support SAP Data Intelligence: an application that is becoming an essential tool for businesses seeking to capture, analyze and utilize the data they collate. As SAP developed this technology, Fujitsu and SUSE continued to innovate together, so that their customers can easily access and maximize the benefits of SAP’s data intelligence solutions.


So, what is SAP Data Intelligence?

SAP Data Intelligence is SAP’s comprehensive data orchestration and management solution that brings together multiple data sources. Users can simplify, analyze, process and leverage business data to develop actionable business insights at enterprise scale. Over the last five years, SAP Data Intelligence has developed to become a highly intelligent system that allows users to:

  • Discover and connect to data anywhere, anytime from the cloud
  • Transform and augment data across multiple data types
  • Orchestrate complex data flows to implement intelligent data processes


Businesses can utilize these insights to stay ahead of the curve, predicting problems before they arise, meeting customer demands and to support their own innovation. As leaders in digitization, Fujitsu are committed to helping customers realize the benefits of digital transformation. Together with SUSE, they have innovated so that their customers are able to access and take advantage of these new technologies. Here’s their story:


Fujitsu and SUSE’s response to SAP Data Intelligence

Fujitsu and SUSE have both been global partners and co-innovators of SAP since 1999. For SUSE, the partnership of co-creation has developed so much so that SAP chose to build their recent SAP HANA on SUSE Linux. For Fujitsu, years of partnership with SAP has made them global experts in SAP solutions, with over 330,000 licenses in their responsibility and 3,500 SAP specialists employed globally. As a result, the two partners were perfectly placed to meet the demands of SAP’s newest tool for digital transformation.


Martin Werner from the Global Fujitsu SAP Competence Center explains how Fujitsu started to innovate with SAP’s new data application back in 2017 when it was named SAP DataOps, “In the beginning, it was more about getting access to external data sources from SAP. We had a lot of trial and error at that time which was very good to get experience with the whole core. But then as things developed, SAP realized we needed to gain more insights, and develop algorithms to find anomalies or correlations in the data. So, they built in artificial intelligence and renamed it SAP Data Intelligence so that both the data flow and intelligence is all managed within the platform.”


The team at Fujitsu immediately recognized the importance of this technology and innovated alongside SAP, to develop solutions that made it easy for their customers to utilize the benefits. It was clear that another co-creation with their long-time partners SUSE would be critical to their success.


Fujitsu Reference Architecture for SAP Data Intelligence

SAP Data Intelligence runs on Kubernetes which leverages open source and embeds machine learning capabilities. Fujitsu innovated with SUSE to create their Reference Architecture for SAP Data Intelligence on SUSE Open Source Software. It uses SUSE Rancher Kubernetes Management Platform, renowned for its simplicity and automation processes. As a result, Fujitsu’s reference architecture enables customer-specific SAP Data Intelligence system landscapes to be created, on an architecture that their customers can rely on.


When I caught up with Jens Adam, Global Sales Director Fujitsu Alliance at SUSE, he praised the way our experts have worked together over the last few years, “Fujitsu and SUSE have continued to innovate together, alongside SAP’s initiatives for data collection from edge to core. And the final product now is SAP Data Intelligence that customers can utilize to collect this data from all parts of the organization into one central repository and do meaningful things with it.”


Together, Fujitsu and SUSE have innovated to create a framework that supports new operating models whilst bringing data closer to the business, and easily coping with the complications that stem from that. With both a service that customers can rely on and technology that enriches the customers’ SAP ecosystems, Fujitsu and SUSE have simplified digital transformation and created a reliable and secure basis that will accelerate the success of their customers.



To find out more about Fujitsu’s Reference Architecture for SAP Data Intelligence you can download this whitepaper here.