Container Registries You Might Have Missed

Thursday, 10 November, 2016

Registries are one of the key components that make working with
containers, primarily Docker, so appealing to the masses. A registry
hosts images that are downloaded and run on hosts in a container engine.
A container is simply a running instance of a specific image. Think of
an image as a ready-to-go package, like an MSI on Microsoft Windows or
an RPM on SUSE Linux Enterprise. I won’t go into the details of how
registries work here, but if you want to learn more,this
a great read. Instead, what I’d like to do in this post is highlight
some of the container registries that currently remain under the radar.
While the big-name registries are already familiar to most people who
work with Docker, there are smaller registries worth considering, too,
when you are deciding where to host your images. Keep reading for a
discussion of these lesser-known container registries.

The Well-Known Registries

First, though, let me identify the big-name registries, so that it’s
clear what I’m comparing the under-the-radar registries to. By all
accounts, currently, the most popular registry is Docker
. Docker Hub is the center of the known
registry universe. It is the default hosted registry that every Docker
install is configured to reference. Other popular registries include:

The Registries you Might Be Missing

Now, let’s get to the interesting part. Here is an overview of
lesser-known registries.

Amazon EC2 Container Registry (ECR)

ec2You probably already know that Amazon offers a hosted container service called Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS). But the registry that Amazon provides to complete ECS tends to receive less attention. That registry, called Amazon EC2 Container Registry
, is a hosted Docker container
registry. It integrates with ECS. Introduced in December 2015, it is a
somewhat newer registry option than most of the better-known registries,
explaining why some users may not be familiar with it. ECS is not the
only container registry that is compatible with ECR. ECS supports
external registries, too. However, the main advantage of ECR is that it
is a fully hosted and managed registry, which simplifies deployment and
management. ECR also is as scalable as the rest of the ECS
infrastructure — which means it is very, very scalable. Best Use
If you are a heavy user of AWS services, or plan to be, and are
starting to look for a place to host private images, then ECR makes
perfect sense to use. It is also a good choice if you have a large
registry deployment or expect your registry to expand significantly over
time; in that case, you’ll benefit from the virtually unlimited
scalability of ECR.

FlawCheck Private Registry


FlawCheck Private Registry (which was recently
acquired, along with the rest of FlawCheck’s business, by security
vendor Tenable) is a security-focused registry option. It offers
integrated vulnerability scanning and malware detection for container
images. While there is no magic bullet for keeping your container images
free of malicious code, or preventing the insertion of malicious images
into your registry, FlawCheck’s scanning features can help mitigate the
risks. Best Use Case: For security-conscious companies out there, this
is a really great option. I foresee a lot of adoption for this registry
in heavily regulated industries.

GitLab Container Registry


GitLab Container Registry, which can run as a hosted or on-premises registry, is GitLab’s solution for hosting container images. It’s built into GitLab and completely compatible with the rest of GitLab’s tools, which means it can integrate directly into your GitLab delivery pipeline. That’s an advantage if your team is seeking to adopt a seamless, DevOps workflow with as few moving
parts as possible. Best Use Case: Some developers will find it
convenient to store their Docker images on the same platform as their
source code. If you use GitLab for your source code, then you’ll likely
find the GitLab Container Registry handy. Otherwise, however, GitLab
Container Registry doesn’t offer any killer features unavailable from
most other registries.

Portus by SUSE


Portus is not technically a registry, but it provides a front-end that replaces the native UI for on-premises deployments of Docker Registry. Portus is designed to add value to Docker Registry by providing extra access control options. These include the ability to configure “Teams” or
registry users, with different access levels established for each Team.
(In many ways, this feature is similar to user groups on Unix-like
systems.) Portus also supports registry namespaces, which make it
possible to configure the types of modifications individual users, as
well as teams of users, can make to different repositories on a granular
basis. Also notable is that Portus provides a user-friendly Web
interface for configuring registry settings and access controls. (A CLI
configuration tool, portusctl, is available as well.) Best Use Case:
If you like Docker Registry but need extra security controls, or have
other reasons to use fine-grained access control, Portus is a strong

Sonatype Nexus


Sonatype Nexus, which supports
hosted and on-premises deployments, is a general-purpose repository. It
supports much more than Docker image hosting, but it can be used as a
Docker registry as well. It has been around for much longer than Docker,
and is likely to be familiar to seasoned admins even if they have not
previously worked with container registries. The core Nexus platform is
open source, but a commercial option is available as well. Best Use
Many companies have had Nexus deployed as a repository for Maven
for years. By simply upgrading to a modern release of the platform,
organizations can add support for hosting Docker images, thereby
creating their own Docker registry without having to train development
or operational staff on a new product. Plus, they can host other types
of artifacts alongside Docker images.

VMware Harbor Registry

might not think of VMware as a major player in the Docker ecosystem, but
the company certainly has its toes in the water. Harbor
is VMware’s answer for
hosting Docker images. This registry is built on the foundation of
Docker Distribution, but it adds security and identity-management
features. It also supports multiple registries on a single host. Best
Use Case:
Because of Harbor’s focus on security and user management,
this option offers some valuable registry features that enterprises
might seek, which are not available from all other registries. It’s a
good choice in the enterprise. It’s worth noting, too, that because
Harbor runs as Docker containers, it is easy to install on any server
that has a Docker environment — and the developers even offer an
offline installer, which could be handy in situations where security
considerations or other factors mean that a connection to the public
Internet is not available.


The main variables between the different registry offerings include what
type of deployment environment they support (hosted, on-premise or
both); how fine-tuned their access control options are; and how much
additional security they provide for container registries. Choosing the
right registry for your needs, of course, will depend on how these
features align with your priorities. But with so many choices, it’s not
difficult to find a registry that delivers the perfect balance for a
given organization’s needs. About the Author: Vince Power is an
Enterprise Architect at Medavie Blue Cross. His focus is on cloud
adoption and technology planning in key areas like core computing
(IaaS), identity and access management, application platforms (PaaS),
and continuous delivery.
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Why Reinvent the Wheel – Share Your Expertise, Experience and Knowledge with the SUSE Best Practices!

Thursday, 10 November, 2016

You might have heard me emphasizing it several times: in my view, documentation is an essential part of a product, above all when it comes to software. Most software tools just and only become usable thanks to comprehensive documentation. If you work in an IT department and you are responsible for operative and productive environments and smooth processes, this impacts your daily work and probably also your businesses success. Documentation makes information easily accessible, helps new users learn quickly, simplifies the product and often results in reduced administration and support costs. For our customers, good documentation is definitely important.

In general, documentation consists of different categories. Just a few examples: There is Marketing material, such as whitepapers, brochures, data sheets, that contain valuable information. There are technical articles in professional magazines. And there is the classical reference documentation, such as guides, manuals, release notes, etc. – and – I never get tired of repeating it – my teammates are doing a phenomenal job here.

Additionally, in every organization, a lot of hidden IT knowledge and experience exists – just like treasuries that are hidden in the deep blue sea.


Our consultants, sales engineers, supporters work with our partners and customers on a daily basis to implement, strengthen and fine-tune our solutions, to find the best options how to install third party software on top of our operating system, or to get the most out of a customer’s infrastructure. An engineer might have found a certain solution to address a common problem in a repeatable manner, which is not yet documented. Infrastructure departments have to solve challenges, or already found easy ways to implement certain set ups, which might occur similarly or be helpful in a customer set up.

For every product and solution, there are subject matter experts that have profound know-how and skills. Many proof of concepts and projects have been conducted. And many of them might in big parts already be documented. But this kind of information is normally “buried” on a personal laptop, probably on a team server, but generally not publicly available for our colleagues, our partners or customers.

The purpose of the SUSE Best Practices is to change this situation, to make existing knowledge and experience available to a broader audience, and to promote it via a recognizable series of documents. Yes, with the SUSE Best Practices, we introduce a new series of documentation. But why are we doing this? The answer is easy: there is a real NEED for it. We get requests from customers, partners, and also from our colleagues, to provide more solution based information.

While the SUSE product documentation mainly guides through the installation and usage of products, the SUSE Best Practices provide installation and implementation experiences. This means a SUSE Best Practices paper describes a technical scenario or solution that is not covered by the general and extensive SUSE product documentation. Such a scenario can also include third party software and implementations (partly) done by partners.

And while the SUSE product documentation is delivered in parallel with a new product or a next version, the SUSE Best Practices usually will not adhere to newly launched products, but to products already introduced to and established in the market. Usually the scenario /solution has already been conducted in a real-life scenario at a customer’s site. It can include – but is not limited to:

  • a specific, non-common (but repeatable) setup
  • the installation of 3rd party software on top of a SUSE product
  • the implementation of a multi-part solution
  • a step-by-step procedure
  • a newly tested procedure
  • a proven process or methodology

This also implicates that the main content for a SUSE Best Practices paper cannot be delivered by the SUSE documentation team. We heavily rely on the know-how and operating experience of our colleagues, customers and partners, who implement solutions onsite, or provide workarounds and solutions for certain technical challenges.


And of course, we´d like to invite you, the technical experts, to contribute to the SUSE Best Practices series of documentation. Please suggest your topics, you are working on a huge variety of topics, and you know which kind of information is needed and might be from interest for others, too.


Although the content will have to come from you, we help to fine-tune the content where needed, via face-to-face conversations, phone interviews, or email conversations. We edit the content and take care of proofreading. If you don’t want to disclose your company’s  name, we will make the content “anonymous”. For the publication of the documents, we use the official SUSE documentation workflow. To make it easy for you, WE JUST TAKE THEM ALL: no matter which format you use, no matter if you send us OpenOffice or Word documents, pure text files, PDFs, ASCII or anything else, we move the content into DocBookXML, bring it into the formal “layout” of our SUSE documentation, and make the papers available in four different formats: HTML, Single HTML, PDF and even ePub/eBook.

drbd-1     drbd-2

Finally, we publish the papers on our SUSE documentation public web page – just have a look at the papers that are already out there (btw, we are also already working on a portal for the SUSE Best Practices)! And we promote and market the papers via diverse channels and activities (social media, blogs, marketing campaigns where appropriate, news briefs, events, etc …).


So, why reinvent the wheel?

  • Share your experience – AND benefit from the knowledge of others.
  • Respond to new requirements (e.g. in the field of cloud or storage) much quicker, get faster time to solution – AND increase your own customer’s satisfaction.
  • Learn faster about new technologies and how to implement them yourself – AND teach others.
  • Create joint high quality technical papers – AND use them for your own purpose and distribution.
  • Use our promotional machinery – AND let us help you to increase your visibility
  • Save time and effort by capitalizing from existing documentation of similar setups, in reproducing scenarios that already have been implemented by others – AND help others to reach the same goal.
  • Get access yourself to much more detailed additional information – AND be a vital part of the Open Source community: we share all documentation under the GFDL.
  • AND finally: get a cool limited edition SUSE gift for your contribution.

chameleon   raspi

If you want to propose a topic and contribute to a SUSE Best Practices paper, just reach out to us! You can write an email to the documentation team at, or send an email directly to me ( with your proposal. Another option is to contact your Account or Partner Executive – they know how to find us :-).

Disclaimer: The text at hand has not been reviewed by a native speaker. If you find typos, please send them to me ( – or if you like them, just keep them :-).

Introducing SUSE Containers as a Service Platform

Thursday, 10 November, 2016

SUSE Containers as a Service Platform is the solution that puts together SUSE Linux Enterprise MicroOS, the operating system optimized for running the next generation of applications with Linux containers, and the container orchestration solution for container cluster management based on Kubernetes.

SLE MicroOS technology is a modern Linux Operating System, designed for containers and optimized for large deployments.

MicroOS inherits the SLE knowledge while redefining the operating system into a small, efficient and reliable distribution.

The first version is planned to be based on the recently announced SLES 12 SP2.

For building and maintaining container infrastructure, SUSE Containers as a Service Platform will provide benefits such as:

  • Transactional updates and rollback based on btrfs technology
  • Container images in docker format for fast deployment and ready to run application containers.
  • Container orchestration at scale through Kubernetes for creating large-scale business applications

SUSE Containers as a Service Platform will come with:

  •   Easy installation of the entire cluster
  •   Complete automatic installation and configuration of components using Salt technology.

SUSE Containers as a Service Platform empowers developers to run cloud native container applications and operational department  to quickly set up and administrate a cluster.

The product is schedule to have an early access program starting in March 2017.

Customers can today subscribe to for more information.

SUSE Enterprise Storage 4: when traditional storage is not good enough

Thursday, 10 November, 2016

 ‘It seemed like a good idea at the time’ pretty much sums up the picture of legacy storage in the typical data centre. And, like the 2009 rom-com starring Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin, ‘its complicated’. Very complicated.

If yours is like most enterprises there will be an absolute hotchpotch of appliances, clusters and supporting protocols. Some of which was installed on your watch, some put in by your predecessors, and some put in by colleagues in different business units or organisational silos. You’ll have a wide variety of appliances, protocols, proprietary software providers, tiering of data, and some mission critical stuff its scary to touch.

If you’re in the typical enterprise, you’ll be facing data growth of around 30% a year*, finding that damned expensive, having trouble getting appliances to scale, and having problems with ‘large’ data – files that individually are more than 100GB which make poor bedfellows with traditional arrays. For most organisations, storage is a CapEx drain, a sink of skilled staff and ‘thinking time’, and a barrier to moving towards the software defined data centre; in short, a bit of a drag on agility – period – at a time with IT teams are being hard pressed by the Business to move faster and faster in the age of digital transformation. On top, you’ll likely have concerns about security and governance, challenges in performance and availability, a lot of data silos, and issues with capacity planning, backup, and recovery and archiving. And did I mention the cost thing yet?

When it comes to managing and storing large files, particularly of unstructured data – as so many of us are or soon will be – traditional storage just isn’t good enough. An appliance will set you back millions of dollars (yes all you readers in Britain, the dollar exchange rate is about to force up your costs in the post Brexit world) and can typically deal with around 500TB of data before running out of space; for large data use cases it’s a bit like trying to park your car in a supermarket carrier bag, and a really expensive carrier bag at that.

So if you are in the ‘large’ data world, you’re probably using or considering object storage: all that metadata capability that allows the system to effectively label and categorise unstructured data, the epic scalability, and the capacity to disperse your footprint across the globe. But before you start down the proprietary route, you should actively consider Open Source software defined storage, or, you will very likely find that your latest storage platform is only a partial answer to your problems, is adding to complexity, administration time, and jacking up your CapEx at a time you call ill-afford it.

With SUSE Enterprise Storage 4 there is now unified support for file, block and object – the first distribution of the leading Ceph open source to deliver this. You can run on commodity hardware (we even support 64 bit ARM). When you run out of space you can simply add servers and nodes – true scale out as you never run out of space in your object store. We run to TB, PB and beyond: on cloud principles there are no known limits to capacity.  And innovation is coming at breakneck speed, quicker than the proprietary providers.

I’m not saying SUSE Enterprise Storage 4 will solve all your problems – but we do think the case for adoption is strong, we can go a long way to helping you significantly reduce cost, complexity, administration and management time, improve capacity planning, and fit you out for the software defined data centre of the future – one that is also very likely open source.

Talk to the leaders, and park your large data car in the multi-story.

Day 2 at SUSECON 2016

Wednesday, 9 November, 2016

Adapting to Win (with our Partners)

Day 2 kicked off with Michael Miller talking about the theme for the day, ‘Adapt to Win’, ‘SUSE storage, cloud and container solutions really help you respond  quickly to changing business needs. Because you have to be quick, but you also have to keep your costs down. Rapid response also means faster innovation…which every company loves.’

Michael then introduced Dr. Thomas Di Giacomo, Chief Technology Officer who joined SUSE this last year. Thomas dived straight in to talk about Software Defined Infrastructure (SDI), Dev/Ops and the future of management and orchestration and why SUSE’s open-open approach made him ‘so happy to be here’.

The next guest was Katsue Tanaka, SVP, Head of Unit, Platform Software BU, Fujitsu to talk about the announcement today in which both companies are committing development, marketing and sales resources that will bring Hybrid cloud, mission-critical, and container solutions to the market with greater support for large-scale environments.

Michael moved on to dive deep into how HPC was entering new areas such as Finance and Healthcare with Figin Ulgen, General Manager, HPC Platform Software Intel Corporation. “This is where OpenHPC comes in, we at SUSE come in, and Intel comes in. With this combined effort to create a reliable, consistent platform that can be used with standard hardware, we’re making the power of HPC available to everybody” said Michael.

The Keynote once again wrapped up with a Technology Preview and everyone left for another day of sessions followed by a private party at the National Space Museum.

Featured IT Hero Video

China UnionPay

Featured Product

SUSE OpenStack Cloud 7

5 new features:

  • Container as a Service capabilities including Docker, Kubernetes & OpenStack Magnum
  • Delivery of non-disruptive upgrade capabilities
  • Additional high availability capabilities
  • Integration of OpenStack Manila with CephFS
  • Improved scalability providing deployment support across multiple data centers

Read the announcement blog for more info.

Join us tomorrow for another installment from SUSECON 2016

The SUSECON 2016 Team

Thursday, 3 November, 2016

Our very first corporate slogan captured it perfectly “SUSE – The Linux Experts”. It has never been more true than today. Linux powers the world’s economy, it runs the internet, and it is likely the base for your mobile phone. Participating in this super cool environment is easy, Linux and most of its affiliated software is Open Source. You can easily contribute to make a positive impact on the world. But how do you get started? What do you need to develop? Are there rules?

For everyone hoping to find a proper SUSE Developer Relations homepage I can assure that it will be up and running very soon and by “very soon” I mean, before the end of 2016. Once we are ready, you’ll be able to everything you need at Book mark it now for easy access when it launches.

Until then, I wanted to be sure you could easily find all the important information you need – in this blog.

The SUSE Developer Program

A place where Open Source Software is not a foreign word, but an essential part of what we believe is fuelling the future of every single company that runs software. Learn how to become part of a bigger movement, get access to Open Source technology or simply become better at writing code in general. We have various ways for you to gather information and connect with the community. The choice is all yours.

How do I get started?

This depends on your desired level of interaction with SUSE. You will always have free access to basic tools and resources [will be made available with the new homepage] and you can browse the SUSE forums [].

If you want to have access to certain code examples, iso images, the SUSE SDK or you want to interact with other developers in the forum, you would need to create a SUSE (Developer) Account []. With this account type you can also publish and distribute your app through the openSUSE Build Service (more information below).

If you’re ready to build, certify and commercially distribute your code or app for SUSE products, you would need to extend your existing SUSE Account with a SUSE partner program [] entitlement.

How can I experience SUSE/openSUSE technology?

There are various ways to experience SUSE technology right away. The efforts of the community have created several great tools for Linux and an awesome Linux distribution. The most pain-free method is to use the openSUSE Leap Linux distribution [] (for free), which provides a great foundation for your next development project – and obviously anything you need Linux for too. Thanks to the openSUSE Build Service ( you can write an app on openSUSE and make it available for any other Linux distribution. Isn’t that cool? Right, it absolutely is. So where do I get openSUSE from? Below is a collection of different installation and deployment methods, pick the one that best suits your needs:

openSUSE believes the best results come from people collaborating and having fun. Being different from other open-source communities is what makes openSUSE desirable. We are not the conventional community and our community’s efforts determines the path of the project. The efforts of the community have created several great tools for Linux and an awesome distribution. With openSUSE, you have a voice and can easily contribute to the project. Whether you are an experienced Linux developer or an end user, get involved in the openSUSE project. Join a forum, maintain and keep our wiki up-to-date, find and report bugs, review the documentation, send your wish list for new packages and features, create and submit patches, or become an advocate for openSUSE by attending events and becoming an ambassador. Find out more about how to participate here (

openSUSE is obviously used as development platform within SUSE. James Mason and Richard Brown did an excellent talk on how to use openSUSE in both the openSUSE world as well as the Linux enterprise world:

What comes next?

Once you know what you can do with openSUSE and all the cool things around it like the community, you may want to start talking about business. How to make my application available for an Enterprise Linux? You can of course still develop with/on openSUSE, but through the partner program you can get access to a lot of resources on our SUSE Linux Enterprise Server as well. Instead of releasing your packages for openSUSE, you may want to make those available for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server as well. The distribution can either happen through your homepage or channels, but it is much easier achieved through SUSE Package Hub (, where we host your packages. On top, if you ultimately have an application for which you deliver commercial support for, you can certify and list in the SUSE Partner Software Catalog, closing the loop from your initial start on openSUSE to become successful as a software provider.

Programming Languages

SUSE provides a wide range of compilers for programming languages as well as the necessary runtimes for those but also for scripting languages. So if you are familiar with – or are using – any of the following (attention, long list ahead, very likely not complete though): C, C++, Fortran, ADA, Obj-C, R, Javascript, Python, ruby, php5, Java (IBM, GCC), Perl, cLISP, Obj-Caml, SWIG, Haskell, Erlang, asm, or Go, you can quickly get up to speed with SUSE.

SUSE on github

You are probably curious in which areas SUSE is actually contributing to the community. We contribute to the Linux Kernel, various above mentioned compilers, KVM and Xen, System Libraries like glibc, and many more. Those projects all have their own dedicated home pages but for smaller ones, we are using github to host the code and foster collaboration around it. Here is a list of all projects from SUSE on github:

We also have various projects on openSUSE which you find here:

3rd Party Software Provider

Are you a corporate developer at a software company looking for resources about how to make your application run better on SUSE Linux, or make it initially run in the first place? We have a dedicated page incl. a dedicated program just for you. Because when you support your application on SUSE Linux Enterprise, you open up opportunities in markets where SUSE leads. More information is available here:

I hope that this information helps you to know how to get involved. Check back soon for the new developer page, where we will have more information about k8s, docker, Salt, kGraft, any many, many more.

Come and Party with us at SUSECON 2016

Wednesday, 2 November, 2016

SUSECON 2016 starts Monday and it’s definitely crunch time around the SUSE offices.  So far, we’ve given you an awesome overview of what to expect from the event (Future Gazing – Crystal Ball or SUSECon?), a deeper dive into IT Transformation identifying top cloud (IT Transformation at SUSECON 2016: A Guide to Cloud) and storage sessions (Transform your business with these top storage sessions at SUSECON16), top SLES sessions (Adapt to Win: Top SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Sessions at SUSECON), featured workshops (Get an Early Start: Pre-SUSECON Training Workshops), certification exams (Haven’t taken the tests for your SUSE Linux Certification? Now’s your chance!), a closer look at our keynote presenters (SUSE to showcase software-defined infrastructure @ SUSECON 16 w/ help from friends) and all the reasons to “Join the SUSE Party in D.C.” (Join the SUSE Party at SUSECON 2016).  Whew!  Convinced yet?

If all of the aforementioned content doesn’t paint a clear enough picture for you to join us…let me provide you with one more: each night of the conference will feature a different social event where you can eat, drink and be merry!  Here’s a look at the line-up:

Monday, November 7th


“Birds of a Feather”

Meet and collaborate with people from all over the globe that share your interests, needs, and challenges in the data center. Birds of a Feather has been a part of SUSECON since the very beginning and is a favorite among attendees. This year, we host the event on the first night, a great time to make introductions and set the collaborative tone for the best open source conference in the world.

Tuesday, November 8th


“Election Party in the Technology Showcase”

Tuesday night all eyes will be watching the polls, waiting for the next President of the United States to be chosen. Join us in the Technology Showcase where we’ll watch the election results and be entertained by the live SUSE Band (watch their hit, Code Together).

Wednesday, November 9th


“Night at the National Air & Space Museum”

As the premier event of SUSECON 2016, SUSECON attendees will have the entire National Air & Space Museum to roam after hours. With 22 exhibition galleries, countless historic aircraft and space objects, and interactive flight simulators, you’ll get to experience this second most visited museum in the world* (including access to the Planetarium, IMAX theater, and flight simulators) without the crowds but all of the wonder.

Thursday, November 10th


“Closing Night Reception”

Thursday night, join us for the mind-blowing antics of Demopalooza, followed by a closing reception celebrating all that is SUSE® and open source.

If you haven’t done so already, register now and come and party with SUSE!  Guaranteed to be a good time!

Embedded Systems Add Another Notch in SUSE's Belt

Monday, 31 October, 2016

For more than 20 years, SUSE has been a leading force in the development and advancement of Linux software solutions. Over that time, the company has grown and evolved both by paying careful attention to the needs of its partners and customers, and by planning for future trends and technology requirements. In doing so, SUSE has been able to expand its solution and product portfolio into areas like OpenStack Cloud and Software-Defined Storage, while developing powerful build and management tools and processes.

As the adoption and use of Linux continues to expand across so many  industries and market segments, one area where the platform is rapidly gaining popularity because of security and reliability is within Embedded Linux Systems.
Hardware, devices, and appliances that run a fixed-function operating system are already pervasive in the world around us. From ATMs, point of sale systems, and routers, to medical imaging, avionics, and electric vehicles, the power and importance of embedded systems mean they are right there on the bleeding edge of advancing technology.

Broader connectivity and information sharing creates tremendous opportunity across a range of industries, and all of the touch-points of these networks are playing an increasingly important role in the way people and businesses consume, capture, share, store, and leverage data. Yet, developing embedded systems can be a complicated and time sensitive endeavor that presents unique challenges and demands to the teams tasked to build and maintain them. That’s where SUSE comes in.

SUSE Embedded

Embedded Systems from SUSE

Built on the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, JeOS (Just Enough Operating System) is the vehicle for delivering a powerful embedded system. That means SUSE can still provide enterprise-level benefits in order to help OEMs and organizations go-to-market faster, improve efficiencies in development and management, and keep costs down.

With a proven history of leveraging Linux and the open source community, SUSE Embedded solutions deliver:

  • Security and reliability for a wide range of industry applications
  • Design, development, and contractual flexibility for embedded systems
  • Unrivaled support from Linux experts throughout a product lifecycle

Yet another natural fit within the company’s expanding solution portfolio, SUSE Embedded is already delivering the best of Linux to manufacturers and companies that require an optimized operating system for their own products.

Stay tuned to this blog for more information about SUSE Embedded solutions, or contact the embedded team today to learn more about why Linux is the fastest growing platform for embedded systems, and why Linux with SUSE is the clear choice for your next project.

New! SUSE StandUp: Gain Technical Knowledge In Only 15 Mins.

Monday, 31 October, 2016

Looking at the high quality of our current SUSE Webinars and our excellent presenters, I bet that most of you are already familiar with these great Monthly 60 minute sessions!

But, we have something brand new to share!

We’d like to present our Monthly Technical Deep-Dive SUSE StandUp sessions; created for you to attend within the time frame of a 15 minute coffee break! All these StandUp sessions are directly related to the topic of the previous Webinar and offer you In-Depth Technical information on that specific SUSE Product.

Yes, I can hear you think: “Where does the terminology ‘StandUp’ come from?”

It actually originates from certain business meetings that are fast but high in quality! Attendees never sit down during those meetings because of the speed of them. The name of these meetings… Yes, you’re right: StandUps!

SUSE StandUp

SUSE wouldn’t be SUSE, if we wouldn’t have made sure that the StandUps are hosted by our amazing Technical Directors! They can’t wait to show you the Technical Details on our SUSE Products, or even give you Live Demo’s. They are there for you to answer your questions and show our Best-Practices! And, even if you won’t be able to make it to the live sessions after you’ve registered, all Webinars and StandUps are recorded and available On-demand.

This months’s StandUps

Nov 29: SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 (Related to webinar is on Nov 15)
Nov 30: SUSE Enterprise Storage (Related to webinar is on Nov 17)

I am super excited, hope you are too! Don’t forget to check out our webinar page and register for our November StandUps or Webinars!

Hope to see you soon in one of our sessions!