An Enterprise Linux Platform is the choice for Security and Compliance in IT

Saturday, 22 June, 2024

Organizations tend to limit the use of enterprise Linux to only critical workloads in their Linux environment while treating other workloads as secondary citizens in their IT. However, compliance and security must be considered when managing all types of workloads. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) has a unique level of certifications and a security approach that helps organizations achieve a secure and reliable IT operations environment.


In today’s digital landscape, where open-source technologies are at the core of innovation, choosing a Linux distribution goes beyond mere functionality. Enterprises are tasked with ensuring the utmost security and compliance, especially regarding critical applications, but they also must apply to internal developments and emerging deployment models like containers. This blog delves into why organizations should consider a certified Enterprise Linux, like SLES, as their default Linux distribution over free alternatives, like Debian or Ubuntu, or the use of non-curated libraries downloaded directly from community repositories, emphasizing the significance of a certification-evaluated Secure Software Supply Chain.

What is offered by an Enterprise Linux

An enterprise Linux offers more than just support and patches for Linux. It provides compliance and security as well. It gives access to a curated set of enterprise-supported open-source libraries, container images, and development tools that are essential for modern organizations. The benefits of enterprise Linux are numerous and include long life cycles that can meet the needs of any IT system. Specifically, for those systems and devices needing to be supported over decades, enterprise Linux benefits are clear because only an enterprise Linux provider like SUSE, with its unparallel Long Term Service Pack Support (LTSS) Core offering, is able to provide up to 19 years of lifecycle support for a single SLES version. Another of the most relevant benefits of an enterprise Linux distribution is security, including certifications, security patches, and vulnerability assessments among best practices and hardening guides. SUSE shows an excellent example of what to expect from such a distribution and which certifications should be expected.

Expanding Horizons of Open Source

Beyond traditional enterprise applications, open-source technologies are now foundational to containerized deployments and development workflows. However, the inherent flexibility of open-source often leads to lax security practices, with employees and departments freely utilizing “free” Linux distributions or third-party libraries and container images downloaded from community repositories without stringent oversight.
Development teams working on those scenarios that usually involve continuous delivery (CD) and continuous integration (CI), where long-term support or maintenance is not the primary concern, are more likely to undervalue the benefits of enterprise Linux. However, using a curated set of libraries, base container images, and tools provided through a certified secure software supply chain ensures the security of these components and establishes a safe and auditable foundation for development. This is becoming the only way for the organization to minimize its liability in the event of a security breach and to derisk and streamline compliance assessment and assurance, which would be critical for the business.
Furthermore, enterprise Linux providers often offer a hosted registry to simplify access to curated container images, including containers with language development environments and full and lightweight container images for container development, providing support for it. If you’re looking for a secure way to access these resources, you can check out the SUSE public-hosted registry.

Compliance needs a secure software supply chain.

Compliance regulations such as EU (NIS-2 and CRA) and US (M-22-18) now require organizations to ensure the security of their supply chains, including those of their direct providers. This responsibility requires acting with due diligence, which may involve conducting a Conformity Assessment in some instances. Essentially, companies must prove they have taken all necessary precautions to prevent security incidents in their IT services. Software Bill of Materials (SBOM), Standardized Vulnerability Handling and Reporting are now part of the minimum requirements as well as guaranteed security updates for a certain period.
Therefore, an organization is responsible for the security of its entire IT software environment, including certification and assessment of third-party software used in its IT services. This applies to the Linux operating system and all other open-source components, such as development tools, libraries, and container images.
However, this task can be complex and expensive. Qualified experts are even hard to find. Numerous liaisons with communities and circles, as well as Government Authorities, have to be set up and reliably maintained. Licenses have to be monitored, fulfilled, and carefully strategically coordinated. Hence, organizations can minimize compliance costs and potential liabilities in case of breaches by using a certified Secure Software Supply Chain software provider, like SUSE, for their Linux and open-source software and its patches. Additionally, using providers with certified procedures will minimize the occurrence of security vulnerabilities.

The Imperative Need for Enterprise-Grade Linux

Enterprise Linux is no longer an option but a necessity, particularly amidst rising cybersecurity threats. Recent events, such as the XZ vulnerability in widely used Linux software, underscore the risks inherent in solely relying on community-driven distributions.
Using “free” Linux distributions, including those considered stables such as Debian or lightweight and self-defined as secure Linux distributions such as Alpine, or relying on non-curated open-source libraries poses significant challenges and risks for organizations, particularly regarding security and compliance. Unlike enterprise-grade Linux distributions like SLES, community-driven distributions often lack the rigorous security measures and certifications required for enterprise environments. For example, SLES holds unparalleled certifications like Common Criteria (CC) Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL) 4+ , which includes all necessary measures for a Secure Software Supply Chain, assuring that the operating system and associated software components adhere to stringent security protocols. By contrast, community distributions don’t undergo the same testing and security assessments, exposing organizations to potential vulnerabilities and compliance issues.

Furthermore, leveraging a certification-evaluated Secure Software Supply Chain provider like SLES can streamline compliance efforts by eliminating the need for organizations to conduct exhaustive assessments of third-party software components for which they need to have the necessary competency and are liable. This certification ensures that the software provisioning lifecycle, including patches and updates, meets state-of-the-art security standards, reducing the burden of compliance management and enhancing overall security posture. In today’s regulatory landscape, where data protection and risk mitigation are paramount, investing in an enterprise-grade Linux solution with robust security certifications is essential for maintaining operational integrity and safeguarding sensitive information.

Addressing Security Risks with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server is positioned as the pinnacle of enterprise security with the highest certifications, being the only general-purpose Linux provider with a CC EAL4+ certification. Only from Evaluation Assurance Level 4 augmented by ALC_FLR.3 the entire Secure Software Supply Chain is part of the evaluation. It ensures state-of-the-art security measures throughout the software provisioning lifecycle—from initial launch to patch development and software updates. But why does this matter?

SUSE Secure Software Supply Chain CC EAL4+ image

SUSE Secure Software Supply Chain CC EAL4+ image

The Importance of a Secure Software Supply Chain

In a regulatory environment where organizations bear the burden of ensuring security, SLES provides a critical safeguard. SUSE’s Secure Software Supply Chain ensures that every aspect of the software provided, including patches and updates, adheres to stringent security protocols. However, HR processes and physical access protection measures are also checked, even during site visits. This reduces the risk of vulnerabilities that can compromise critical business operations.

Ensuring Compliance and Reducing Operational Risk

Organizations that deal with sensitive data or run mission-critical applications such as SAP cannot take compliance and security lightly. SLES provides a robust framework that complies with regulatory requirements, reduces operational risk, and protects against potential breaches.
However, compliance and security are equally important for internal developments, containerized environments, and what may be considered non-critical applications. Organizations face unacceptable risks in their overall IT when they treat those as a secondary citizen in terms of security.


In conclusion, a certified Enterprise Linux provider can offer peace of mind and the needed stability and security in IT. The adoption of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server and its enterprise-supported container images, open-source libraries, and tools in all the company departments represents a proactive step towards enhancing security and compliance in enterprise environments. By leveraging SUSE as a certification-evaluated Secure Software Supply Chain provider, organizations can mitigate risks associated with open-source technologies, ensuring a stable and secure foundation for critical business operations. Embrace SLES to safeguard your enterprise against emerging threats and maintain the highest standards of operational integrity.

This article has been updated to include a new blog discussing Confidential Computing, its role in enabling enterprise innovation, and its importance in securing sensitive data. You can access the blog here.

For more information on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server:

Preparing Your Infrastructure for CentOS EOL: Steps and Strategies

Friday, 21 June, 2024

CentOS EOL (End of Life) is fast approaching on June 30th, 2024, and organizations need to prepare for the transition. Once CentOS reaches its EOL, security patches and maintenance updates will no longer be available, leaving your workloads at risk for cyber attacks.

So what can you do? There are currently several CentOS alternatives on the market, many of which require a migration to a new operating system. Other alternatives offer continued CentOS 7 support to keep running CentOS, providing support for the continuous stability and security of your systems.

However you choose to move forward, the time to act is now. This blog provides actionable steps and strategies to help you make an effective CentOS EOL plan to protect your IT infrastructure and maintain stable operations.

This article includes:

  • How to assess your current CentOS environment.
  • Strategies for creating a detailed CentOS EOL plan and migration strategy.
  • CentOS alternatives, including a no-migration-required option.
  • Tips for ensuring minimal disruption during the transition.

Assessing Your Current CentOS Environment

The first step in preparing for CentOS EOL is to assess your current environment. This step will help you understand the scope of the migration, identify potential challenges and ensure a smooth transition.

  1. Assess your inventory: Start by creating a comprehensive inventory of all systems running CentOS in your organization. Include details such as system specifications (both hardware and software), installed applications and services, network configurations and the current versions and update status of each system.
  2. Evaluate which systems are most critical: For each application, document its dependencies on specific CentOS features or versions, its integration points with other systems or applications and its usage patterns and performance requirements.
  3. Conduct a risk assessment: This will help you evaluate the potential challenges associated with a migration. Consider the impact of potential downtime on operations, compatibility issues with new operating systems and the training and support needs for your team.

By thoroughly assessing your current CentOS environment, you’ll be better prepared to create a strategic CentOS EOL plan and ensure a smooth transition.

Choosing the Right CentOS Alternative

The CentOS EOL carries significant ramifications, including increased security risks, compatibility issues with a sunsetted system and lack of technical support. These impacts are too urgent to ignore, and choosing a path forward is crucial for the continuity of your operations.

Selecting the right alternative to CentOS is a critical step in your EOL plan. The choice you make will significantly impact your system’s performance, security and support.

CentOS Alternatives that Require a Migration

The complexity of migration required varies among CentOS alternatives. Migrating to other Linux distros means you need to adapt to a completely different environment, which comes with significant costs and risks. Many of your applications may not weather such a big change, especially if existing applications are not compatible with the new OS.

When evaluating migration options, consider factors such as:

  • Compatibility with existing applications and infrastructure.
  • Complexity and downtime involved in the migration process.
  • Resources needed to accomplish the transition, including hardware, software and personnel.

However you slice it, migrating to a new system takes significant time and resources. With the CentOS EOL just days away, you don’t want to leave your distributions unprotected during the transition. Luckily, there is an alternative that gives you the freedom to make business decisions on your own timeline and the peace of mind that all your applications will be supported in the meantime.

An Alternative to Migration: SUSE Liberty Linux

SUSE Liberty Linux is a CentOS alternative that offers continued support with zero migration required. This solution ensures the continuity of your CentOS 7 systems. With SUSE Liberty Linux, you can keep your current OS and get your patches and post-EOL support from SUSE.

The key benefits of SUSE Liberty Linux include:

  1. Continued Support, Security, and Stability: SUSE Liberty Linux delivers essential security patches and stability improvements to extend the lifecycle of CentOS 7. Your infrastructure remains protected against vulnerabilities, supported by SUSE’s extensive experience in enterprise Linux environments.
  2. Custom-Tailored Solutions: SUSE Liberty Services streamline the transition to SUSE Liberty Linux with tailored solutions that fit your business needs. From quick health checks to comprehensive infrastructure implementations, we’ll ensure a smooth transition to SUSE Liberty Linux, enhancing ROI and minimizing risk.
  3. Seamless Transition, Zero Migration: SUSE Liberty Linux requires no migration effort. It maintains compatibility with CentOS at the ABI level, allowing you to transition seamlessly by simply switching from Red Hat patch repositories to SUSE channels. And since you won’t be changing any infrastructure, you don’t need to worry about downtime or other migration complexities.

SUSE Liberty Linux keeps you covered with uninterrupted Linux performance, giving you more time to thoroughly test all your apps if (and when) you choose to migrate to a new OS.

Migration Strategy

If you choose to migrate to a new operating system, a robust migration strategy will minimize disruptions and help you address any challenges that may arise during the process.

Steps to Execute a Migration from CentOS

  1. Assess Compatibility and Dependencies: Evaluate the compatibility of your applications and dependencies with the new Linux distributions you’ll migrate to. Identify any software or services that may require updates or adjustments to function smoothly on the new platform.
  2. Plan Migration Phases: Divide your migration process into manageable phases to minimize downtime and disruptions. Start with non-critical systems and gradually move to more critical ones. Consider scheduling migrations during off-peak hours to reduce impact on daily operations.
  3. Backup Critical Data and Configurations: Before initiating the migration, ensure you have comprehensive backups of critical data, configurations and settings to avoid potential data loss during the transition.
  4. Choose Migration Tools and Methods: Select appropriate tools and methods to facilitate the migration process. Automated migration tools can streamline the transfer of data and configurations, reducing manual effort and potential human errors. Ensure these tools are compatible with both your current CentOS environment and the target Linux distribution.
  5. Test Your Migration Process: Test the migration process in a controlled environment before rolling it out to your production systems. Use this opportunity to refine your migration procedures, verify compatibility and ensure that all applications and services function correctly.
  6. Migrate Systems: Implement your migration plan according to the defined phases and schedule. Monitor the migration closely to identify and resolve any issues promptly. Conduct thorough testing after each phase to verify the functionality and performance of applications on the new Linux distribution.
  7. Post-Migration Validation and Optimization: Conduct thorough testing after each phase to verify the functionality and performance of applications on the new Linux distribution.
  8. Implement Ongoing Monitoring and Support: Establish post-migration monitoring and support procedures to proactively manage the new Linux environment. Ensure your team is equipped to handle any post-migration issues promptly.

By following these structured steps, organizations can effectively execute a migration from CentOS 7 to a new Linux distribution. However, it is still an investment of time and resources to pull off a well-organized migration. This is where continued support plays an important role in protecting your CentOS workloads during the transition.

Uninterrupted Performance with SUSE Liberty Linux

Instead of rushing into a costly, complex migration before the EOL deadline, you can keep your systems running seamlessly with SUSE Liberty Linux and get high-quality support for CentOS 7 through 2028.

We’ll ensure continuity and reliable performance until you decide it’s the right time to migrate away from CentOS 7. And whenever you choose to migrate, we’ll protect your systems during the transition.

With the countdown to EOL running out, SUSE is offering a special deal on SUSE Liberty Linux Lite, further reducing the barrier to future-proof your CentOS 7 estate. Don’t miss out on the limited-time offer to keep your current CentOS 7 systems and still get the security patches and updates you need.

More on CentOS EOL

Preparing for CentOS 7 EOL requires proactive planning to safeguard your organization’s operations and security. Whether opting for migration or choosing SUSE Liberty Linux’s no-migration approach, taking decisive action now will ensure a smooth transition. Consider SUSE Liberty Linux as your trusted partner in maintaining stability and security beyond CentOS EOL.

For more details about CentOS EOL and how to prepare, check out our Comprehensive Guide to Navigating CentOS End of Life. This guide covers the timeline of support, important dates and what users need to know about the end of support for CentOS.

Learn more about SUSE Liberty Linux or reach out to us for assistance with your preparation for CentOS EOL.

Taking it up a level with SUSE’s all new Cloud Elevate Program!

Friday, 21 June, 2024

Marketplaces are the place to be – and SUSE’s well and truly in the market. Customers love marketplaces, with good reason. They’re a faster, easier, and more economical way of buying our solutions, both direct from SUSE and in conjunction with our partners.

A Total Economic Impact (TEI) report of AWS Marketplace found that customers using it enjoyed a 10% reduction in licensing costs and 60% faster search and selection of vendors.

Crucially, marketplace purchasing also helps customers draw down their committed spend, allowing them to recapture around 25% of what was at risk.

Marketplaces are also good news for our partners. A separate study by Forrester found that transacting through AWS Marketplace gave SIs, GSIs, and resellers 40% more net new business and an ROI of 234%. Deals are closed on average 50% faster and deal size can be four to five times larger than normal. One North American SI/MSP even saw their win rate go up 19%.

Introducing SUSE Cloud Elevate Program

Let me tell you how we can help partners to win more business on the cloud with the Cloud Elevate Program. In a landscape where innovation reigns supreme and adaptability is key, we know that you have had to adapt your business models to suit how your customers want to consume technology and services.

Now, you might be wondering, “What sets Cloud Elevate apart from the rest?” Well, let me tell you. It’s not just another run-of-the-mill program; it’s a game-changer. Crafted with customer satisfaction at its core, Cloud Elevate ensures that your clients get the best of the best, while you access the benefits and incentives offered to all our SUSE One Partner Program including a specific set of benefits tailored to complement the go-to-market for our Cloud Elevate partners.

With Cloud Elevate, SUSE is putting the power back in your hands. Our innovative marketplace solutions and pricing structure gives customers the freedom to choose where they purchase from, ensuring maximum flexibility and convenience. And guess what? It’s a win-win-win situation for everyone involved.

But don’t just take my word for it. Let’s hear from our partner Redapt, who is leading the way by offering SUSE security solutions with their world-class consulting services on the marketplaces. These initiatives help customers manage spend and achieve faster time to value, and they help channel partners like Redapt build new revenue streams and expand their customer base.

Rick Cantu, CEO, from Redapt, explains more: “We’ve partnered with SUSE for many years. By collaborating with SUSE, we are able to provide customers with a proven solution to build better software solutions and applications in the cloud. SUSE’s inclusive approach to the channel enables us to grow faster and more efficiently.”

See? It’s not just hype – it’s the real deal. So why wait? Join the ranks of industry leaders who are already reaping the benefits of SUSE’s Cloud Elevate Program. Elevate your business, elevate your profits, and elevate your future. The sky’s the limit!

Ready to take the plunge? Reach out to us today and embark on a journey to cloud success like never before.

Here’s to reaching new heights together!

Understanding CentOS EOL Support Options and Services

Thursday, 20 June, 2024

The end-of-life (EOL) date for CentOS is quickly approaching on June 30, 2024. You are now facing a pivotal moment. Your once stable and secure infrastructure is now at stake and your support options are limited.

This quick guide is designed to illuminate the path forward, offering clarity on the various CentOS support options available post-EOL. We want to provide you with the knowledge to make strategic, informed decisions that will safeguard your organization’s technological future.

In this blog, you’ll find:

  • What end of life for CentOS means for enterprises
  • Security, stability and cost considerations
  • Support options after CentOS end of life


The Impact of CentOS EOL

The urgency to plan for your post-EOL CentOS support cannot be overstated. Without regular updates and security patches, systems become increasingly vulnerable to exploits and performance issues.

According to the Ponemon Institute, 60% of cyberattacks are caused by unpatched or unmaintained systems, which shows how crucial it is to take action before CentOS goes end-of-life. The lack of critical updates after EOL makes your infrastructure an easy target for hackers, risking data breaches and operational inefficiencies. This can cost your company dearly; not only monetarily, but also in customer trust.

Recognizing the impact of CentOS EOL is the first step toward maintaining a secure, efficient environment. You must act now, exploring and implementing appropriate support options to safeguard your infrastructure and ensure business continuity. The decisions you make today will determine the stability and security of your operations tomorrow.

Frequently Asked Questions for CentOS EOL Support

  • When is CentOS going end-of-life? CentOS is going end-of-life on June 30, 2024.
  • What happens after CentOS reaches EOL? Systems become vulnerable without regular updates and security patches.
  • What are my options for continuing support? Options include extended support services, third-party support, do it yourself patching and maintenance. will now be focused on CentOS Stream; there will be no more patches for CentOS 7.
  • I’m still running CentOS, is it too late for me? It’s not too late, but you need to act now. Considering that SUSE releases approximately 9 security patches each month, each passing month means that your CentOS systems only become more and more vulnerable.


What to Consider

As CentOS reaches its end-of-life, the challenges for systems relying on this Linux distribution are significant. Here’s what you need to consider:

  • Maintaining Security Post-EOL: Security must remain your top priority post-EOL. Without security updates and patches, CentOS environments are at massive risk after June 30. Hackers will exploit newly discovered vulnerabilities. Implementing strategies to deliver regular security patches, updates and advanced security tools is essential. Proactive practices, including threat monitoring and incident response planning, will shield your systems from emerging threats. From meeting regulatory requirements to meeting internal business requirements, security must remain top of mind.
  • Ensuring Stability Post-EOL: To achieve system stability as CentOS reaches EOL, adopt best practices for monitoring and performance. Regularly check software and hardware compatibility, actively track system performance and ensure timely updates to prevent disruptions. Ensure that your applications continue to run in this post EOL world. Without these measures, your systems may become vulnerable to bugs and cyberattacks, leading to significant business continuity disruptions and high costs.
  • Cost Considerations for Post-EOL Support: Understanding the financial impacts of extended support, third-party support and migration is critical for your bottom line. Conduct a comprehensive cost analysis, comparing all your options both in monetary terms and in resources required. Consider both immediate and long-term impacts. Balancing cost and reliability is key to ensuring your chosen solution is economically viable and robust enough to meet your operational needs.

By focusing on these areas—security, stability and cost—you can navigate the challenges of CentOS EOL effectively. This leads to informed decisions that will protect and sustain your infrastructure.


CentOS Support Options

As CentOS approaches its end-of-life, you may be exploring various support options to ensure system stability and security. Let’s talk about some of them:

  • Extended Support Services for CentOS: Extended support services provide critical updates, security patches and technical support, extending the life of your existing systems. It’s important to note that no current first-party extended support is being offered for CentOS, and its current proprietors are advising a full migration to another Linux environment. When selecting an extended support provider, consider their history with Linux, their engineering staff, the scope of support and costs. Be mindful of potential vendor lock-in, which can limit your flexibility and future options.
  • Third-Party Support Options: Third-party support for CentOS is an alternative to vendor-provided extended support services. While potentially more flexible and cost-effective, be sure to research the history of the provider. Take into account their history with open source, the depth of their engineering teams and their ability to properly support CentOS. Look at the length of the support contracts and whether the vendor has a history of providing patches in a timely manner. Comparing the benefits and drawbacks of each option will help you determine the best CentOS support option for your needs.
  • DIY (Do It Yourself) Support for CentOS: The CentOS community as you know it today will be frozen on June 30, 2024 with no patches or updates forthcoming. That leaves the option of your company creating its own patches and updates for your CentOS system. While this may be a viable option if you have a deep engineering bench with a history of Linux expertise, it is not the most cost-effective or time-sensitive means to address upcoming vulnerabilities. Support quality and time constraints will often foil this DIY model of support.


SUSE Liberty Linux for CentOS EOL Support

Imagine a future where your transition from CentOS is seamless, stress-free and fully supported. SUSE Liberty Linux embodies this vision. This solution offers comprehensive features and continuous support, allowing you to avoid migrating off CentOS while still receiving updates and security patches. It integrates smoothly with your existing infrastructure, providing enterprise-grade reliability and support. And because SUSE Liberty Linux is both API and ABI compatible with CentOS 7, your applications will continue to run smoothly.

SUSE Liberty Linux offers extended support without requiring migration to a new Linux distribution, backed by SUSE’s 30 plus years of enterprise Linux experience. This approach avoids vendor lock-in, giving you freedom and flexibility. Additionally, it benefits from SUSE’s active open source community, providing valuable insights and resources.

SUSE Liberty Linux is a strategic choice for maintaining system stability and security post-CentOS EOL, combining extended support, third-party reliability and robust community backing.



As CentOS reaches its end-of-life, the need for strategic planning and informed decision-making becomes critical. This is a defining moment for your organization. Understanding your support options—whether through extended support services, third-party solutions or transitioning to robust alternatives like SUSE Liberty Linux—can safeguard your infrastructure against vulnerabilities, disruptions and high costs.

By prioritizing security, stability and cost-effectiveness, you can confidently navigate the post-EOL landscape. Now is the time to act. Explore your options and secure the future of your technological environment. The decisions you make today will shape your organization’s success tomorrow.

For more detailed insights, refer to SUSE’s comprehensive guide on navigating CentOS end-of-life.

Secure and Compliant Containerized Deployments

Thursday, 20 June, 2024

Tailoring IT Infrastructure for Containerized Solutions

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, there’s a growing need for IT systems that are robust, secure, and compliant, especially with more and more containerized deployments. SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro 6.0 (SLE Micro 6.0) is strategically developed to meet these needs, offering a foundation that not only supports but enhances the reliability and security of containerized and virtualized environments.

Strategic Importance of Compliance in Container Hosts

Containerization has revolutionized application deployment by providing agility, scalability, and consistency across various environments. However, these advantages also bring complex security and compliance challenges, as the container hosts must secure not only the underlying infrastructure but also the containers and the applications and libraries running within them.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro 6.0: A Robust Foundation for Containerized Applications

The use of SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro 6.0 for secure and compliant containerized deployments ensures that enterprises can leverage the benefits of containerization without compromising on security or compliance. SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro 6.0 is engineered to provide a secure, stable, and compliant hosting environment for containerized applications, maximizing security, minimizing operational risks, and reducing the cost of secure operation for both standalone (non-Kubernetes) and Kubernetes-managed container deployments anywhere.

  • Immutable Operating System: The immutable nature of SLE Micro 6.0 enhances the security of container hosts by preventing unauthorized changes, thereby maintaining the integrity and compliance of the containerized applications.
  • Transactional Updates: With transactional updates, SLE Micro 6.0 allows for seamless and safe system updates, essential for maintaining the security standards required in containerized environments, and ensuring that the system can be rolled back to a stable state if needed.
  • Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux): Integration of SELinux empowers SLE Micro 6.0 with robust mandatory access control, securing the container host processes against unauthorized access and ensuring that containerized applications are isolated and protected.
  • Live Patching: Enabling hosts to fix critical vulnerabilities immediately without service downtime is essential for maintaining a secure infrastructure. This capability is crucial not only for containerized deployments but also for the virtualization host role that SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro provides. In this way, you can patch the virtualization host without stopping or affecting the performance of virtual machines.

Enhanced Security and Data Protection for Containerized Deployments

Ensuring data protection within containerized deployments is paramount, as data flows dynamically across containers and cloud environments.

  • TPM2 Support and Full Disk Encryption: SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro 6.0 offers full disk encryption supported by TPM2, securing data at rest directly on the container host, crucial for protecting sensitive data within containerized applications.
  • Confidential Computing: SLE Micro 6.0 supports confidential computing environments, providing additional security for processing sensitive data within containers, thus ensuring that data is protected during both rest and runtime. To understand better Confidential Computing you can read the blog Confidential Computing. Enabling enterprise innovation while securing your data .

Secure Software Supply Chain and Certifications

The security of the software supply chain is critically important in containerized environments where multiple components and dependencies are integrated from various sources and .

  • Certified Compliance: The secure software supply chain of SUSE is evaluated by the Common Criteria EAL4+ certification, ensuring all components comply with stringent security standards, crucial for maintaining the overall security and integrity of containerized deployments.
  • Global and Regional Compliance: SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro 6.0 is designed to meet diverse compliance requirements efficiently, benefiting organizations that operate across different regulatory landscapes and need to ensure their containerized applications adhere to various international and local regulations.

The webpage SUSE Certifications and Features has the latest news about certifications reached by SUSE products. Visit the Enterprise Linux Platform is the Choice for Security and Compliance in IT blog to learn more about how a Enterprise Linux built in a Secure Software Supply Chain helps in compliance and security.

Conclusion: A Strategic Asset for Secure and Compliance-Driven Containerized Deployments

SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro 6.0 is more than just an operating system; it’s a strategic asset for any business prioritizing security, stability, and compliance for their containerized deployments. With its robust architecture, comprehensive security features, and adherence to global compliance standards, SLE Micro 6.0 helps enterprises protect their containerized applications, mitigate risks, and maintain operational efficiency.

More info in the SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro Webpage and in the SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro 6.0 announcement

Harvester 1.3.1: Elevating Cloud Native Virtualization, Optimizing AI Workloads and the Edge

Wednesday, 19 June, 2024

Harvester 1.3

Today, at SUSECON 2024, we are excited to share the latest release of Harvester: our 100% open source software to seamlessly manage containers and virtualized environments, and at the edge. This update brings a host of highly anticipated features, like NVIDIA vGPU support for cloud native virtualization to optimize AI workloads. For robust, highly-available virtualization in demanding edge scenarios deploy a Witness Node for two-node clusters. Even more reliability with optimization for devices abruptly powered off and on. We are also excited to announce a technical preview of ARM enablement and new cluster management capabilities using Fleet. Let’s dive into the standout features of this release.

Enterprises’ Need for Cloud Native Virtualization

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, enterprises are increasingly seeking agile and scalable solutions to manage their IT infrastructure. Cloud native virtualization offers unparalleled operational flexibility, enabling businesses to efficiently manage both virtual machines (VMs) and containerized workloads. As enterprises search for solutions for skyrocketing virtualization licensing and subscription fees while remaining agile in the cloud-native world, Harvester addresses this critical need by providing a unified platform that enhances resource utilization, reduces costs and simplifies operations.

Latest 1.3.1 Features 

  • NVIDIA vGPU Support: Harvester now allows users to leverage NVIDIA GPUs for SRIOV-based virtualization, enabling the sharing of GPU resources across multiple VMs. This feature enhances general performance for GPU-intensive workloads. For detailed instructions on configuring vGPU, please refer to the documentation.

    • ARM Support (Technical Preview): Harvester now supports installation on ARM-based servers, thanks to recent updates to KubeVirt and RKE2, which both support ARM64 architecture. This technical preview allows users to explore the benefits of Harvester on ARM platforms, broadening its applicability.

  • Witness Node: Highly Available Two-Node Clusters This release introduces support for two-node clusters with a witness node, providing high availability without the need for larger deployments. This configuration is ideal for environments with limited resources requiring resilience through frequent interruption and relocation. The witness node helps maintain cluster operations, ensuring uptime and reliability. More details are available in the documentation.

  • Optimized for Frequent Device Power-Off/Power-On: Harvester is now optimized for environments that experience frequent power interruptions or device relocations, such as at the edge or remote environments. The new optimizations ensure VMs are shut down safely and responsibly, ensuring the cluster remains stable even after abrupt shutdowns and restarts, reducing the operational burden on cluster administrators.

  • Managed DHCP (Experimental Add-on): This experimental feature simplifies IP address management within clusters. Administrators can configure IP pools and automatically assign IP addresses to VMs, streamlining the deployment process. Managed DHCP uses the vm-dhcp-controller add-on to handle DHCP requests efficiently. See the documentation for setup details.

  • Fleet Management (Technical Preview): Fleet is now integrated for managing and deploying objects, such as VM images and node settings in Harvester clusters. Fleet support is enabled by default and functions independently of Rancher, though it can also manage Harvester clusters imported into Rancher. This feature enhances scalability and simplifies cluster operations.

Harvester at SUSECON 2024

We are thrilled to announce that Harvester will be prominently featured at SUSECON 2024. This premier event is the perfect opportunity to see Harvester in action and learn more about its new features directly from our experts. Be sure to attend our sessions and visit our demo booths to get hands-on experience and deeper insights into the advancements of Harvester.

Don’t Miss These Exciting SUSECON Sessions:

A big thank you to the Harvester development team for their tireless efforts in bringing these features to life. We invite you to explore Harvester 1.3.1 and share your feedback through our Slack channel or GitHub. Your input is invaluable in shaping the future of Harvester and 100% open source software.

Thank you for your continued support and engagement with the Harvester project!

Empowering Innovation: Celebrating Partner Excellence

Tuesday, 18 June, 2024

Partners are key in differentiated & impactful solutions

At the heart of every successful digital transformation journey are our partners.

Why? It is through our partner ecosystem that we are able to deliver impactful solutions that leverage SUSE’s open source technologies to accelerate digital transformation for our joint customers.  Our partners are the reason we are able to offer differentiated solutions and during our Global Partner Summit, SUSE CEO, DP van Leeuwen, reaffirmed our commitment to working with our partners on this.

During the Global Partner Summit, DP also stated SUSE’s aspirations to do 100% of our deals with partners, bucking the trend of other technology vendors who are breaking partner trust by taking deals direct.


2024 Global Partner Award Winners

2024 Global Partner Award Winners

This year’s partner award winners, who were unveiled at the SUSE Global Partner Summit on June 17,  stand as beacons of excellence. We celebrate their pivotal roles in enabling organizations to chart a path towards success through data-driven strategies and cost-efficient, open source solutions.

The significance of these awards goes beyond mere recognition – they symbolize the transformative impact that partners have on shaping the future of technology and business. By embracing certifications that elevate their skill sets and adapting to meet the dynamic needs of customers, these award recipients exemplify the spirit of innovation and collaboration that defines the SUSE ecosystem.

The 2024 Global Partner Awards showcase a diverse array of SUSE partners whose business models have thrived on diversification, innovation, and open source technologies. This recognition underscores the vital role that partners play in the growth and success of SUSE.

Cloud Partner of the Year: Amazon Web Services

For over a decade, SUSE and Amazon Web Services (AWS) have partnered to deliver a secure and innovative foundation for our customers’ cloud journey.  Initially, this was providing flexibility and scalability for customers moving their business critical applications, such as SAP, to the cloud, deployed on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) . Most recently, we created proven solutions for Kubernetes, and security with Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS).  This partnership with our secure container platform has unlocked the full potential of customers migrating applications and workloads to the cloud and streamlines deployments.

AWS offers SUSE customers flexible spending options with our recent Marketplace listings for Rancher Prime, NeuVector Prime, SUSE Liberty Linux and SUSE Manager along with unique ways to procure multiple products, simplifying the way customers can purchase SUSE products. AWS is the first SUSE partner to help SUSE expand Marketplace offerings throughout the cloud partner program, Cloud Elevate. Cloud Elevate is now open to thousands of SUSE partners, combining the best of the SUSE One Partner Program with benefits aligned to AWS’s Channel Partner Private Offers (CPPO) program.

Together these initiatives demonstrate the flexibility and value SUSE and AWS bring to our cloud customers.  We thank AWS for being a true partner and working to create the best customer experience providing them with the best outcome possible.


Embedded Innovation: Dell Technologies

Together, SUSE and Dell Technologies form a powerful alliance, poised to revolutionize the digital landscape. Our combined forces enable us to deliver innovative solutions that empower customers to embrace the digital future, including new AI solutions with confidence and agility. By harnessing our collective expertise in applications and services, we unlock new realms of opportunity, driving digital transformation and enabling businesses to thrive in an ever-evolving technological landscape.

Dell Technologies deep understanding of emerging technologies, coupled with SUSE’s unwavering commitment to excellence, creates a potent fusion of open source knowledge and resources. This relationship allows Dell Technologies and SUSE to anticipate and address the unique challenges faced by our customers, providing them with tailored solutions that propel their digital journeys forward.

Dell Technologies have embedded Rancher Kubernetes Engine Government (RKE2) into their solution offering. The cluster is managed with Rancher Prime as the container orchestration layer, and uses Dell’s APEX Private Cloud platform to meet the performance, scalability, resiliency and availability requirements of users. 


Growth Accelerator: Fujitsu Technology Solutions

SUSE and Fujitsu Technology Solutions have exemplified a steadfast commitment to co-creating cutting-edge solutions that provide the agility necessary to support our customers on their transformative digital endeavors. The seamless synergy between SUSE’s pioneering solutions and Fujitsu’s unwavering dedication to forging new frontiers has laid the foundation for a dynamic partnership that propels us into a future teeming with boundless opportunities.

This steadfast alliance between SUSE and Fujitsu shines brightly in our joint efforts around AI, SAP integration, Hybrid-IT solutions and Resilient Data Platforms. These collaborative ventures stand as a testament to our shared vision of building new possibilities by bridging the gap between people, technology and ideas, thereby unlocking unprecedented potential in the ever-evolving landscape of digital innovation.


Rising Star – Emerging Technology Solutions: Krumware

Krumware has been developing cloud native technologies and applications alongside the evolution of containers and Kubernetes, since 2016. With practices developed through first-hand experience, Krumware provides hands-on application and platform engineering support to help organizations fill critical gaps in cloud native software development and management.

Our strategic partnership leverages deep software development expertise from Krumware and unmatched infrastructure expertise from SUSE to develop well-integrated and tested platform patterns and tools that meet the needs of many types of users, dramatically improving speed to market, team interaction and cloud platform maturity.

Together, Krumware and SUSE provide complete support for organizations seeking to provide their people with robust self-service platforms, tools and capabilities that will help them thrive.


Rising Star – Global Impact: Kyndryl

Kyndryl is the world’s largest IT infrastructure services provider, serving thousands of enterprise customers in more than 60 countries. They design, build, manage, and modernize complex, mission-critical information systems that the world depends on every day. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) is a critical component for Kyndryl as they migrate, modernize and run over 1000 customers’ SAP environments across public, hybrid and private cloud. With over 1,500 specialists trained in SAP, Kyndryl has modernized hundreds of customer SAP customer platforms in the last three years.

Their achievements are a testament to their unwavering dedication to skills development and delivery excellence.


Deal Registration Partner of the Year: SVA System Vertrieb Alexander GmbH

SVA System Vertrieb Alexander GmbH is a Germany-wide system reseller renowned for their unmatched technical expertise in both SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) and Rancher Prime. Their dedication to this expertise is evident not only in their continuously growing portfolio of SAP and Kubernetes projects, but also in their commitment to knowledge sharing.

SVA fosters a loyal customer base by consistently delivering deep technical insights. They host numerous webinars on DevOps and SAP, empowering customers to excel in these crucial areas. Furthermore, their engineers are highly certified on SUSE solutions, further solidifying their position as a trusted advisor in the SUSE community.


Joint Innovator: Tata Consultancy Services

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), in collaboration with SUSE, has set a remarkable standard in the realm of innovation—a testament to their unwavering dedication to leveraging their deep industry expertise and client-centric approach to craft visionary solutions powered by SUSE technologies.

Within the financial services sector, TCS has revolutionized the modernization of legacy applications in the insurance industry by harnessing the transformative capabilities of Rancher Prime. This strategic initiative has not only enhanced productivity but has also optimized operational costs, setting a new benchmark for digital transformation.

In the retail sector, the dynamic partnership between TCS and SUSE is reshaping the landscape of Point-of-Sale (PoS) systems and Retail Analytics through the innovative implementation of SUSE Edge 3.0. Together, they are defining the future of retail technology with cutting-edge solutions that drive efficiency and elevate customer experiences.

TCS’s groundbreaking Cloudonomy platform, powered by Rancher Prime, has emerged as a transformative force in the realm of application modernization. Equipped with ready-to-use accelerators for legacy modernization using Rancher Prime, this platform empowers clients to embark on their modernization journeys with confidence and agility.


Learn more

Learn about the SUSE One Partner Program and the awards that highlight our top performing partners.

SUSE AI: Realizing the Promise of Private GenAI through Open Source

Tuesday, 18 June, 2024

Blog by Pilar Santa Maria, VP AI at SUSE

In February, 2024, Frank Feldmann, SUSE’s Chief Strategy Officer, published a blog entitled, Our Open Approach to Tracing AI, in which he discussed the role of open source in AI and a vision for not only a secure AI solution but also a human-first approach to AI, giving enterprises a way to balance automation capabilities with the huge continuing value in human capital. 


Today, SUSE is turning this vision into reality by announcing SUSE AI, a strategy for open, secure, and enterprise-grade generative AI.  SUSE AI is a turn-key solution that provides enterprises the freedom to run private GenAI solutions with the LLM of their choice on-premises or in the cloud.

In addition, we are inviting you to join us in shaping the future of AI by participating in the SUSE AI Early Access Program (EAP) – a collaborative initiative providing a basis for secure open source AI for enterprises.  

Democratizing AI through Open Source


The SUSE AI vision is one that democratizes AI – providing choice, security, and control.  With the SUSE AI enterprise-ready solution, you’ll get:


  • Security to ensure that your data remains private.  SUSE AI is secure by design. It reduces risks, is easily implemented and can be air-gapped.
  • Freedom to choose the right LLM, embeddings, vector databases, and more. Bring your own model and use your own data or use one of our tested and trusted models. 
  • Control to run your GenAI on your servers without any cloud dependency, bringing full control over AI workloads and data. The solution also de-risks “shadow AI” tools that could compromise your business.  In short, you get a GenAI solution that will ensure trust and compliance. 
  • A “Human First” approach to AI that empowers humans to do what we do best. This approach maximizes the capabilities of AI alongside human talent, in a complementary way. It is a responsible approach to AI that will augment how work gets done, removing repetitive barriers and helping you scale and innovate.


SUSE AI is based on SUSE’s industry-leading open-source, cloud-native Linux and Kubernetes offerings.  Enabling enterprises to control data flows in a secure and private environment, the SUSE AI solution provides greater control over mission-critical data – ensuring that private data stays private.  

Shaping the Future of AI


The SUSE AI Early Access Program (EAP) is a collaborative program that showcases our commitment to customers and partners. Joining the program will not only give you early access to the SUSE AI solution components, but you’ll also work hand in glove with our SUSE AI consulting experts to build out your own private GenAI unique to your business.


As part of the EAP, you’ll play a role in the future direction of SUSE AI solutions.  You’ll collaborate with our technical and consulting experts on how to best leverage SUSE AI so you can realize the promise of Private AI.

What Now?

The promise of AI is real – from increased innovation and improved customer service to augmenting how work gets done, removing repetitive barriers and helping organizations innovate at the pace of business.  But traditional AI is rife with risks – including securing and protecting proprietary company and user data.  

SUSE AI provides a turn-key, “human first” approach to private generative AI.  GenAI is a technology multiplier; SUSE AI makes that multiplier secure through open source. The SUSE AI Early Access Program unlocks access to realizing the promise of true Private AI.  

Learn more at

Announcing the New SUSE Liberty Linux Lite for CentOS 7 Offer

Tuesday, 18 June, 2024

CentOS End Of Life

According to Enlyft, there are almost 400,000 CentOS users today. If you are one of them, you know that in less than two weeks, your once trusted and stable CentOS 7 will go end of life. That means that the security patches and maintenance updates that were once readily available from the CentOS community will no longer be available. You might be feeling pushed into a risky migration or costly upgrade just to keep your operating system secure. But what if there was a better way?

Reducing the Barrier to Future-Proofing Your CentOS 7 Estate

For a limited time until October 31, 2024, SUSE is making available the new promotional offer, SUSE Liberty Linux Lite for CentOS 7, to help future-proof and protect the investments of CentOS 7 users. SUSE Liberty Linux is the best alternative for receiving long-term product updates for customers looking to ensure continuity for their workloads based on CentOS. With SUSE Liberty Linux there is no risky migrations or lengthy upgrades needed. You simply change your software channels from CentOS to SUSE, and you get fully compatible maintenance updates and security patches at the application binary interface level with CentOS 7.  This makes June 30, 2024 just another day for your data center.

The SUSE Liberty Linux Lite for CentOS 7 offering is available today at a very attractive price in the SUSE Shop and on the AWS Marketplace. Available until October 31, 2024, you can quickly and easily protect your business.

SUSE has been in the business of creating and supporting enterprise Linux systems for over 30 years. With hundreds of developers, we are one of the key contributors to Linux. Our goal is to ensure our customers can rely on a trusted, long-term partner who understands and is fully dedicated to open source. Since its inception, SUSE Liberty Linux has been a popular choice for customers needing secure and flexible Linux management without the need to migrate.  Today, SUSE Liberty Linux customers include global enterprises across a variety of industries including financial services, telecommunications and automotive. 

The cost of doing nothing

According to the Data Breach Report 2023 by the Ponemon Institute, the average cost of a data breach globally was $4.45 million in 2023.  This is up 2.25% increase from 2022.  In the healthcare industry only, costs jumped to an average of 10.93 million in the United States, These are some staggering statistics.  You can see the cost of doing nothing can be detrimental to your business.

SUSE understands that you are used to a community supported, free OS that was stable and secure. However, with the end of support for CentOS 7, you now face the risks of vulnerabilities that will compromise your operations. For reference, SUSE releases approximately 9 critical security patches per month for our SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. By waiting just a month, what is the cost to your business going to be? And how are you going to meet your regulatory requirements?  The answer is you’re not.

It’s time to take action now!

SUSE is offering CentOS 7 users a lifeline for your business – making it simple for you to keep your current CentOS 7 systems and still get the security patches and updates you need. For just a few dollars a day, you can protect your business saving potentially millions of dollars,

SUSE Linux Liberty Lite for CentOS 7 is available in two packages:

  • 100 subscriptions for $2,500
  • 1000 subscriptions for $20,000 

And with this offer there is no long term commitment. The subscription is good for one year giving you time to make the right choice for your business. Because, after all, isn’t that what open source is all about? Choice. And with SUSE, Choice Happens.

Find out more the new SUSE Liberty Linux Lite for CentOS 7 offering by going to the SUSE Shop