Join the Upcoming High Performance Computing Webinar on the Rise of HPC, Why We Care, and Why You Should Too!

Thursday, 13 October, 2016


On Wednesday, October 19 at 10am ET, we will be conducting a new and exciting BrightTalk webinar on High Performance Computing, which will talk about how the HPC market has grown and evolved around the globe, how HPC affects our lives dramatically in so many different areas, and a technical update on what SUSE is doing in this space across many industries – in supercomputing centers and beyond for banking and finance, medical research, energy, and much more.  Even if you are not currently using HPC in your business, come here this enlightening and compelling webinar and hear about some game-changing activity happening around the world (and our solar system!) – plus our senior product manager for HPC, Kai Dupke, will discuss what’s new for SUSE and where we are headed in the very near future.

Please register for the October 19th webinar at  or more directly at

Also, please register for a SUSE Stand-up a week later on October 26th for a more in-depth HPC discussion – register for that at or more directly at

Don’t miss it!


Jeff Reser, @JeffReserNC

SUSECON – what else?

Wednesday, 12 October, 2016

For sure you have read and seen many other posts and tweets about our fantastic upcoming event SUSECON taking place from 8th – 11th of November in Washington D.C. before. Have you already registered? Will you be there? If you have not signed up so far you will have to be fast. At SUSECON you will get informed about the latest innovations in open source and Linux technologies now available from SUSE® and from our technology partners.

Are you interested in discussing the latest technology innovations like software-defined storage, cloud or container technologies?

Would you like to see a SAP installation presentation or see Linux running on a mainframe?

Looking to understand the changes and challenges facing other business leaders’ data centers?

SUSECON is the answer to all of this. It will be the “have to be place” in November talking about Enterprise Linux.

Still not sure to book a ticket? Well, I cannot promise that you will meet George Clooney or any other Hollywood celebrity, but there are many additional convincing arguments why you should visit us at SUSECON 2016:

  • 150+ sessions, ranging from tutorials to deep technical sessions
  • Certification Exams for SUSE Linux, Storage, OpenStack, and Linux Management (both Engineer and Administration levels) and many more.

We from SUSE together with our partners are happy to host you in Washington. Take your chance to be part of the big green family and perhaps you will be on the video for SUSECON 2016 like the ones from Amsterdam 2015


Oxford University: The perfect setting for HPC discussions

Monday, 10 October, 2016

IDC, one of the premier analyst firms who closely tracks trends in the IT industry, hosted a High Performance Computing (HPC) forum at Oxford University.  Oxford is one of the oldest Universities in the world but the discussions at this event were about leading edge technologies that solve current issues and business needs.  SUSE, IDC, National Cancer Institute, NASA, and others all contributed to the discussion. I learned there are only two companies building super-sonic fighter jets and SUSE partners with both of them to provide a platform that matches this critical engineering and manufacturing platform. I also learned that most of the Formula 1 engineering teams are partnering with SUSE to make their cars faster. The National Cancer Institute discussed HPC needs to deliver Photo-Immunotherapy research—most of the words they discussed I can’t even pronounce let alone spell them. Impressive.

HPC in the cloud was discussed in detail. But many came to the conclusion that HPC in the cloud is actually really expensive.   HPC computations on-prem is the way to go if you want to do more than just dabble with HPC.  If you need to save money, the way to reduce costs is the development of new computational algorithms—instead of buying more compute power make the algorithms more efficient.

This event was an “eye opener” on what is happening today in the HPC community and I realized how much SUSE has been a real partner with those doing big and complex stuff. My compliments to IDC for having the vision to bring these customers together and provide a forum to discuss the global HPC issues and solutions.

Securing East-West Traffic in a Container-based Data Center

Tuesday, 4 October, 2016

Enterprise applications moving into the cloud, either public or private, is one of the most prominent trends in the tech industry. A lot of attention has been placed on how to setup the data center environment and deploy applications in recent years, but little attention has been paid to securing east-west traffic.

As the infrastructure became mature through innovations in server technology, switch design and network and storage virtualization, securing the applications and data in the data center has become the top priority for many IT managers.

To understand the differences between the traditional network security model and the security in the data center, it’s important to recognize the network traffic patterns in the data center. Traffic in data center typically flows in three directions. Traffic entering or exiting from the data center is called north-south traffic. On the other hand, east-west traffic refers to the network communications between servers and applications within the data center. Many enterprise and financial services companies have traffic flowing between multiple private and public clouds they manage.

Because of the multi-tier design of today’s enterprise applications, the east-west direction typically accounts for 70% of all network traffic in the data center.

With the adoption of a micro-service architecture and container technology in modern applications, the portion of east-west traffic will only grow larger. As monolithic applications are broken into pieces, functions previously achieved by RPC calls and domain sockets are replaced by packets on the wire.

Obviously, traffic across data center boundaries over the Internet need to be secured. Most enterprises have at least some NGFW, IPS, WAF, and DDoS mitigation devices deployed at the entrance of their data centers. Inter data center traffic is often further secured by IPSec.

At the same time, east-west traffic security within a data center is often neglected.

“As long as the perimeter is protected, I don’t have to worry about the internal security, right?”

In fact, according to some research reports, about half of the security breaches are caused by insiders, within the data center. A compromised mobile device can introduce malware when accessing the internal data. Sensitive data can be stolen if egress policies are not well defined. Packaged application images may contain unknown vulnerabilities. And malware can spread within a data center rapidly if the internal network is not protected throughout, from the web servers to business logic and databases. Surprisingly, these attacks can bypass layered protections at the data center entrance because these devices have no idea of what and how things are running within.

“Would you hire a security team to guard your building if they don’t know how the rooms and corridors are arranged?”

There have been several attempts that try to solve the data center’s internal security issues. However, many of them still employ the bulky hardware oriented designs, attaching the security enforcement point to hardware devices or rerouting the network traffic to some centralized nodes. These solutions are heavy and slow, and almost always become the bottleneck of the network.

It’s especially unacceptable in a containerized environment. Containers are more short-lived compared to virtual machines. If a container causes damage and get killed after a short while, it probably leaves no trace at all if the security solution has no awareness of the container life cycle. If a security solution cannot scale fast enough to keep up with the applications, those applications are left unprotected at their most critical moments. After all, the most important benefits that container technology brings to us are its easiness to deploy and scale. Deploying container security should not be a burden to DevOps, otherwise, no one would be willing to use it.

Although securing east-west traffic is generally thought of within a data center, you could imagine east-west traffic even between data centers. When there are private networks or hybrid public-private clouds, not all traffic between data centers might flow north-south. This might even occur more frequently with containers, since it’s so easy to deploy and destroy containers based on the best available resources. East-west traffic between containers in different data centers could also be a vulnerable point.

So, in order to secure east-west traffic it looks like we are asking for contradictory things. On one hand, a security solution must be solid, reliable and sophisticated enough. At the same time, it should be lightweight, scale well within or across data centers and understand your container deployment and application behavior. Providing a security solution that satisfies both issues is a challenge for the security industry. It is especially difficult to achieve in a containerized environment.


Fujitsu @ SUSECON: Mission Critical and the Cloud

Tuesday, 4 October, 2016

Fujitsu_LogoIn about a month’s time, the United States will vote on a new president. At the same time in Washington, D.C., SUSE will kickoff SUSECON 2016. And with everyone off voting in their home districts, it’s a great time to be in D.C. where those of us at SUSECON will join an exciting lineup of partners, training sessions and general fun.

Joining us in that lineup as a cornerstone sponsor is our partner Fujitsu. If you attended SUSECON last year, you know that Fujitsu delivered a dynamic keynote. This year, Katsue Tanaka, SVP, Head of Unit, Platform Software Business Unit for Fujitsu, will be joining Michael Miller on stage. Without giving away too much, their discussions will revolve around some of the announcements we will be making together in cloud and mission-critical computing and really are not to be missed.

To help set the stage for the coming announcements, it’s important to consider our current relationship. Our close engineering alliance has resulted in PRIMEFLEX for SAP Landscapes, a pre-defined, pre-integrated and pre-tested combination of servers, storage, network connectivity and software from Fujitsu running on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. Coupled with enterprise-class software support services, you can bet these new solutions will embody the innovative, reliable and open principles already found in our joint solutions.

So make sure to join SUSE and Fujitsu at SUSECON 2016 to experience our big reveal! Otherwise, you’ll only get to read about it instead of being a part of it. See you there.

Don’t miss the SUSE® team at SAP TechEd Bangalore – Booth S1

Thursday, 29 September, 2016

SAP Tech Ed 2015, Las Vegas, USA

SAP TechEd is the premier worldwide technical education conference for IT architects, administrators and developers playing their role with SAP technology.

SUSE is excited to be a Silver sponsor at SAP TechEd 2016 Bangalore October 5-7, 2016, India’s largest technology event. Please come and visit our S1.

One of our main topics this year is “Towards Zero Downtime,” so don’t miss our lecture session.

Tuesday, October 5, 2:00 p.m. (Mini theatre -Show Floor 3B 3C): Towards zero downtime for your digital architecture, Markus Guertler, SUSE

In the digital age, downtime isn’t an option. Whether planned downtime for SAP HANA or the more unpredictable unplanned downtime from failures or even natural disasters, your business is incurring business loss. You’re under pressure to supply more uptime in the data center to stay competitive and meet customer demands. Join our 20-minute discussion and learn how you can minimize your server downtime, maximize your service availability and build a digital infrastructure that keeps SAP HANA running 24×7, 365 days a year.

Strong partnership – Lenovo and SUSE

Through SUSE’s close collaboration with SAP and partners, customers worldwide benefit from the tight integration of products and services, as well as comprehensive operating system service and support options.

Don’t miss to stop by the Lenovo booth – a SUSE Alliance partner. Lenovo and SUSE presenters will cover the broad topic of high availability and disaster recovery in SAP HANA application environments and provide information about a certified Software Defined Storage solutions based on Ceph and SUSE Enterprise Storage with Lenovo Solutions for SAP HANA.

Join the Lecture Sessions:

  • Software Defined Storage for SAP HANA using SUSE Enterprise Storage
  • SUSE HA Configuration Guidelines for SAP HANA Using System Replication on Lenovo System x Servers
  • SAP HANA Do’s & Don’ts
  • Pave the Way to a Highly Available S/4 HANA Platform
  • Critical measures to active Alwys-On with SAP HANA

Watch the demos:

  • Lenovo converged HX Series running SAP Business Suite on SUSE
  • Highlight IoT authentication on System x running SAP HANA

Ask questions, get answers

SAP TechEd Bangalore is a unique opportunity to talk to our SAP experts from Engineering, Professional Services, Alliances and North America Sales.  They are ready to answer frequently asked questions, such as:

  • What is the best cloud strategy for your SAP workload?
  • What is the migration path to S/4HANA?
  • What does it mean to move from Windows or UNIX to Linux?
  • How do you automate SAP HANA system replications?
  • How can you achieve zero downtime for your mission-critical SAP workloads?

You can also find out why over 95% of SAP HANA customers run on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications, the recommended and supported OS of choice for SAP HANA on premises and in the cloud.

We look forward to meeting you in Bangalore!

The Software Arms Race

Friday, 23 September, 2016


jkIn the retreat like conditions of the Greenlands Campus, Henley Business School, I had the opportunity to learn and reflect during my time studying for an MBA.

I still live a short distance away, in Marlow, and a 30 minute drive away, across the Chiltern Hills, is the HQ of Micro Focus where I work in the SUSE business unit.

It was especially interesting and useful at Henley BS to analyse case studies with examples of both failure and success. It is no surprise that marketing and PR focus on success.

PESTLE Analysis, (a mnemonic which in its expanded form denotes Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal & Environmental), is a useful tool for companies to track the environment they are operating in or are planning to launch a new project/product/service.

While there are many forces at play and associated stakeholders, the best formulated strategy can be exposed by a weak link. Technology can be a catalytic platform for growth and stability or a frustration and inhibitor.

In a recent success, a Global FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Good) company invested in SUSE Linux for SAP. For the Indian IT services company entire outsourced arrangement was struck at over $200m with SUSE subscriptions representing a small fraction of that amount. However SUSE provides a solid base for this 5 year investment program relied upon by SAP itself.

My first experience of significant business failure was on a UNIX project for Reuters in the mid 90’s. Project Armstrong was technically the most challenging undertaking in Reuters’ history, (akin to putting Armstrong on the moon). The objective was to create a third pillar to the business, which was focused on news origination and real-time financial feeds, by adding a queryable historic data platform for historic analysis and projections.

Reuter’s then CEO Sir Peter Job’s documented ambition was to kill Bloomberg. The project was underpinned with a NCR’s Teradata 3600, utilising one of the largest databases in commercial world at over 40 terabytes, (which some people have for domestic use now). Each Teradata box cost $15m and Reuters bought 3 for the doomed project. The first machine literally blew up when it was installed at Reuters gleaming MTC (Main Technical Centre) in Docklands. Fire sprinklers doused the fans, which were overheating and it was out of action for months.

The technology was well suited for a supermarket and a recognised success for Walmart. For Reuters it was an unmitigated disaster. Reuters is a much less dominant force than it was in 1995. I was with the project less than a year.

Soon after I met my wife to be and we married some years later in Japan pictured above. I was dressed in a Yukata for this picture and for the reception. The ceremonial sword I used was actually a safe plastic replica. There are many customs and strict social codes in Japan. I have broken a few! At our reception in Takarazuka I started to unsheathe my sword to the gasps of the Japanese family and guests. It is tradition to only unsheathe a sword if you intend to use it and is a very provocative act. I didn’t fully reveal the sword and replaced quickly in the scabbard.

One of my favourite movies is The Last Samurai. The Samurai use the Imperial Army’s overconfidence to lure their soldiers into a trap and deprives them of artillery support. The ensuing mêlée battle inflicts massive casualties on both sides. However when they rush through the Imperial Army’s line they are quickly mowed down by gatling guns. The step change in technology caught the Samurai short.

SUSE is increasingly the right solution based on open source development and refined with German engineering. A smooth and functioning IT platform can be relied upon like a utility. Performing software is often overlooked and taken for granted.

Do not get caught out by the step change in technology. Is it time for you to consider SUSE? War is the starkest competition. As I mentioned in my blog last week, in the highly competitive but less terminal world of business, technology is changing rapidly. However those that do not keep up will be exposed.

SUSE is relied upon by more businesses and appliances than you may realise.

It may be the right choice for your organisation whether considering new workloads to run on the SUSE Linux distribution, archived storage requirements with SUSE Enterprise Storage, or moving workloads to a private cloud with SUSE OpenStack Cloud.

Download a trial and get free patches and updates for 60 days.

Jon Speirs


6 reasons to join SUSE at SAP TechEd Las Vegas, September 19-23 – booth 114

Thursday, 15 September, 2016

We look forward to seeing you at SAP TechEd Las Vegas next week. SUSE will be at booth 114.

You’ll have an opportunity to talk face-to-face about SAP on Linux with our experts from Engineering, Professional Services, Alliances and North America Sales. You’ll can also find out why SUSE Linux Enterprise Server is the leading platform for SAP solutions on Linux and the recommended and supported OS of choice for SAP HANA on premise and in the cloud.

Ask questions, get answers

  • How can you achieve zero-downtime for your mission critical SAP workloads?
  • How do you automate SAP HANA system replications?
  • What is the best cloud strategy for your SAP workload?
  • What is the migration path to S/4HANA?
  • What does it mean to move from Windows or UNIX to Linux?
  • As an SAP partner, how can I join the SUSE Connect program?
  • What do digital transformation and the third platform really mean for you?

Lecture Sessions

Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2:45 pm (Bellini 2105): Towards zero downtime for your digital architecture, Lee Martin, SUSE

In the digital age downtime isn’t an option. Whether planned downtime for SAP HANA, or the more unpredictable unplanned downtime from failures or even nature disasters, your business is incurring business loss. You’re under pressure to supply more up-time in data center to stay competitive and meet customer demands. Join our 20min discussion and learn how you can minimize your server downtime, maximize your service availability and build a digital infrastructure that keeps SAP HANA running 24×7, 365 days a year.

Networking Sessions

Tuesday, Sept. 20, 4:30pm (Lounge 6, Show Floor): Technical discussion on Software Defined Storage for SAP HANA environments, Patrick Quairoli (SUSE) and Oliver Rettig (Lenovo)

Lenovo and SUSE presenters will cover the broad topic of Enterprise Storage in SAP HANA application environments, looking at certified Software Defined Storage solutions based on Ceph and SUSE Enterprise Storage with Lenovo Solutions for SAP HANA.

Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2:30pm (Lounge 7, Show Floor): Getting ready for SAP HANA, Express Edition, Jose Betancourt (SUSE) and Jordan Cao (SAP)

SAP’s solution for developers who want to create new applications for SAP HANA is here. Developers may now avail themselves of a robust SAP HANA environment, taking full advantage of the power of the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications, using a Virtual Machine (VM) deployment option.

Partner Sessions

Wednesday, Sept. 21, 12:30 (HPE booth, #107),  SUSE advances “Zero Downtime” for SAP landscapes, Rick Ashford, SUSE

Application downtime, whether planned or unplanned, robs an enterprise of revenues, profits – and potentially customers.  So critical business systems need to be updated and patched as issues and security vulnerabilities are discovered and fixed. SUSE’s Live Patching technology is an important development in the Linux Server space, especially for memory-rich hardware configurations such as HANA servers that require lengthy reboot cycles.

Thursday, Sept. 22, 11:30 (Intel booth, #101): SUSE Tech Talk, Jeff Lindholm, SUSE

SUSE and Intel have a joint commitment to identify the requirements of the data center and to work on new data center technologies to drive innovation. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications is the recommended and supported operating system for SAP HANA, currently running in thousands of SAP HANA installations, including SAP’s own. Scalability and high availability for SAP HANA is one of the most important topic and a zero downtime deployment is a solved problem. Chat with our expert full system rollback and live kernel patching.

Test Driving HANA on AWS [Webinar]

Thursday, 15 September, 2016

Pressure to compete at a faster pace and diminishing IT budgets combined with the culture of ‘everything on-demand’ is driving new levels of digital transformation across all sizes of business. Larger organizations especially are feeling heightened expectations from customers and employees alike to compete and deliver innovation at high velocity. In a recent blog post from Freek Hemminga, Head of EMEA Marketing at SUSE, he describes the challenge in a recent blog as an opportunity for organizations to ‘Excel by Accelerating.’ However this type of opportunity doesn’t come around twice, so how can even the largest of SAP-centric organizations ensure they are navigating the move towards digital transformation in a way that minimizes risk?

Leveraging the cloud delivery model for economic efficiency, scalability, and accessibility has been a hot topic for years and we are finally seeing these conversations turn into strategies and success stories. Divisions and business units from some of the largest multi-nationals are now identifying areas of the landscape that can be migrated to cloud and many even adopting a ‘cloud-first’ strategy for certain workloads which enable IT to build and manage services instead of infrastructure. Building cloud competencies, however, is a challenging investment due to the availability of these skillsets in the market today.

The ability to deliver forward-thinking solutions is something that our friends at Protera Technologies have been doing for SAP-centric organizations for almost two decades. Consider them a trusted navigator for adopting the public cloud and migrating and running your SAP, SAP HANA and S/4 HANA applications. From mid-sized multi-national chemical manufacturers to one of the world’s largest candy companies they have been helping billion dollar businesses adopt the cloud for years and are a key consulting partner for AWS in helping enterprises move SAP Applications to their platform.

We’re excited to present a live session exploring these topics, and invite you to join us later this month in an interactive session to learn:

  • Where to start your Cloud and HANA journey?
  • A migration checklist that makes sense
  • Cloud and HANA Deployment options for your SAP landscape

Register now for the “Migrating SAP Applications to HANA on AWS” live and on-demand webinar to hear Patrick Osterhaus, President and CTO of Protera Technologies, on cloud migration best practices for SAP Applications to AWS and what organizations can achieve by moving to the cloud. David Rocha, Cloud Sales Engineer at SUSE, will be co-presenting and giving insight into why SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications is far andaway the preferred choice for SAP applications on HANA whether on-premise or in the cloud. Register here:

Date: September 29, 2016
