Octopod Episode 1: What is an Open Source Community?

Sunday, 1 August, 2021

In Episode 1 of the OCTOpod, Alan Clark talks with Thierry Carrez about open source communities: what they are, how they work and how you can get involved.

Trying to define what an open source community is might sound like a simple task, but it is a layered, nuanced collective with many moving parts. Thierry has been in the open source community for years and is currently the VP of engineering at the Open Infrastructure Foundation. In this episode, Thierry sheds light on some of the key traits that characterize open source communities. We hear about the importance of governance, principles, scope and documentation and find out how everyone, even those who do not code, can contribute. As Thierry notes, it is not about your technical ability, but rather about adding value where you can and being an engaged member of a community. Building a sustainable community requires effort, but that transparency and collaboration make it a worthwhile endeavor.

“It’s really not about code, it’s really not about being a technical rock star. It is really more about being useful to others.”

Listen to the OCTOpod here or subscribe on your favorite podcast platform! And please share it with your friends!

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Here’s the full transcript:



AC: I am Alan Clark. I have spent my career in enterprise software with the focus on open source advocacy and emerging tech. These days, I’m a member of the SUSE Office of the CTO, that is OCTO for short. Welcome to our new podcast series, The OCTOPod.

Season one is all about open source. I love being part of open-source communities. I’ve contributed in many ways, from code to chairs, for networking, to cloud. This includes serving as chairman of the board for the Open Infrastructure Foundation, the Linux foundation board of directors, Open SUSE chair, open mainframe project board and many more. I’ve met so many great people along the way.

In season one, I’ll sit down with a few of these experts. We’ll talk about the latest trends and challenges in open source, including findings from our latest report on why IT leaders choose open. We’ll talk about how to manage a community, the importance of diversity and inclusion in open source and much more.

Join me on your favorite podcast platform or at community.suse.com.


AC: Hello everyone, welcome to the OCTOPod. Today, I’m excited to sit down with Thierry Carrez, someone that I’ve known in the open source community for many years. We’ve worked together for a long time. He is currently the VP of engineering at the Open Infrastructure Foundation.

Thanks for being here today, Thierry. We want to get started here with some questions and we want to talk a little bit about just the basics of open source and open source communities, how they get started, what they’re like and so forth. Just to get people a flavor of how they kind of operate. Let’s start with the real basic question. What exactly is an open source community and what is it not?

TC: Thank you Alan, it’s great to be here. It sounds like a basic question but it’s actually a complex question. An open source community at the very bottom is all the people who contributes to an open source project but obviously, that just kicks the can down the road and now the question is, what is a contribution?

The traditional sense, the contribution to an open source project would be code and code patches but that quickly extended to non-code activities like documentation or user experience studies or walking on the continuous integration for the project and that’s as a result of more using it for tracking everything, not just code but also documentation and other types of documents and infrastructures to us code and those things but sharing your experience is also a form of contribution.

In the end, the community extends to all the users who publicly engage and share their experience and so in the end, the community is all the people who actively engage with the open source project and help it.

Obviously, that definition is working well for open leader block projects where anyone can engage with the project, it works less well for single vendor or open source where the makers are more separated from the consumers and in that case, they call community like more their extended circle of users and conference attendees so it’s not exactly the same meaning as what we call community in a more openly developed project.

AC: That’s a good points. I want to come back to that one because I think that’s a very good point and want to delve into that a little bit but let’s start at a different angle a little bit here. What is it that you see that brings people to participate in this communities? As you mentioned, there’s a lot of different types of contributions which means, we have a lot of different types of backgrounds and experience and interest. What is it that brings people to come and participate in a community?

TC: I would say they are like two categories of things. There is more classic altruistic motivation like giving back to the project that you’re using or participating in cultivating the commons for resource that you are benefiting from but more and more, we are seeing business sense in the form of shared innovation like a multiple organizations, putting resources together so that they don’t waste energy or inventing the wheel separately, that’s what we saw with the open stack project.

A number of organizations coming together because walking on the same body of code and software in common was better than walking on it separately. For any type of complex technology, if you can join a group of experts having the same kind of issues, you learn a lot from it so that makes complete business sense to engage with the community when you’re tackling a complex problem or seeing it for example, with the large scale [SIG 0:05:21.2] within open stack where several operators of large scale clouds get together to share their experiences, obviously, the project benefits from it because we learn from their experience but they also learn from one another and they see benefit in sharing their experience in that group.

It’s really a complex set of motivations but at the bottom, it’s either altruistic based on your usage and wanting to give back or it makes business sense, which is much more sustainable by the way because then it’s a win-win. If everyone wins, there is no sense of the project benefits from having those organizations involved and this organizations see the value of contributing.

AC: Yeah, that makes sense, right? I have to – reminiscing here a little bit, I remember one of the first times I met you, I walked in to I think it was a Nova project meeting, right? Where this was years ago and it was a planning meeting, so planning for the next six months kind of notion.

I was just overwhelmed with the number of people that were in the room at the time. I wouldn’t even dare count but there had to be hundreds of people in that room interested in wanting to participate and contribute to that project.

I remember sitting there to that point, I’ve worked in open source for a long, long time but I had never worked in a project with that many people involved. I was extremely impressed with how you handled the group, able to hear all the voices in the room and enable people to contribute and participate, this is the interesting part that I wanted to ask you.

How does an open-source community work, particularly when you have a large group of people that want to participate? What are the rules, how do you set rules of engagement, so forth, that enables these people to participate, feel like they can participate and contribute and yet when you have a very large group like that, how do you get anything done?

TC: It’s a complex question.

AC: I know it’s a very complex question, I apologize. I might have to break that one down but I was just so impressed because work happened, right? I was totally impressed with how much work was able to get done and how much people – even new people were able to come in and participate in the project.

TC: You have to balance a number of structural elements and allow for a lot of flexibility. Essentially, you have to provide a structure where people would be able to share and at the same time, make it very welcoming so that people feel like they can engage and at the same time, giving – still having a lot of flexibility in terms of the topics that are being discussed or the next steps.

The way we’ve been doing it in our design summits, which we’re referring to the event that you mentioned earlier, those designs summit, the idea was to have anyone be able to join and informs the future of the software and it was based on even to developer summits originally and then we perfected the idea in open stack where we have a theme that is being discussed so there is a first a call for organizing the themes and then every 40 minutes we would switch or 50 minutes we would switch.

During that time, we would discuss, openly discuss that topic with either pads to take notes and fish bowl-type setting where people that are most involved in the discussion sit in the middle but at the same time, you can have like extending circles of people depending on how much they want to get involved and people move in the room and get more involved as the discussion goes.

That provides this structure in which people feel free to communicate and at the same time, a lot of flexibility as to where the discussion goes, that helps with getting that setup. As you said, it’s probably a problem you have once you reach a certain size. In terms of rules of engagement or principles or charters that you have to predefine before you start, I would say, you need three things.

The first one is really to define the scope, what is the problem space your project wants to address and make that very clear from their zero because without scope, you’re really exposed to scope creep and that might – Ultimately, that lack of focus might ultimately kill your projects.

It’s actually one thing we didn’t do well in open stack which is to set a very aggressive scope so that we don’t – just because we are a community, it doesn’t mean that we should address every problem earth practically.

The second one is like the big principles, the big 10x that you want your community to follow and write those down so that it’s really clear to whoever joins the community, what they’re signing up for and finally, governance, which describes how decisions are made, governance is really needed in any social group like absence of rules is in itself a form of governance called anarchy and there is the benevolent dictator model where all decisions go up to one person.

You need to define the governance and you need to do it before any problems arise because if you wait for the problem to arrive to have the rule on how to solve it then it’s a bit too late.

AC: Too late, isn’t it?

TC: People will discuss forever. They can be simple but in the end, it really needs to be clear where the bucket stops and avoid gray areas and what we’ve seen in OpenStack at least and in other projects since is that usually, writing things down in advance avoids the situation that the rule is designed to address.

Sometimes just saying, “Well, this doesn’t get solved at that level, this gets escalated to that level for resolution” then it forces in a way, the first group to come to terms and not escalate because they don’t want to escalate basically. They don’t want the situation out of their hands. They usually work it out between themselves without needing to call out for the upper governance body.

AC: Cool, thank you, that was good. Hey, so, we’re going to run out of time here pretty quick but I wanted to get in for this audience, we have a lot of folks that have not participated in a community and they aren’t sure how to get started, right? It can be very intimidating.

Just maybe very basically, how can someone that perhaps hasn’t been involved with open source in the past and their interest maybe some of those contributions that you talked about earlier that are things beyond writing code? If someone’s time is somewhat limited, can they get involved in a community? How would they begin?

TC: We touched on that earlier when we discussed what is a community but even if you don’t write code or if your time is limited, you can definitely participate in and be part of a community, especially like just joining the conference and participating in the discussions and finding a presentation or those are all contributions that are extremely worthwhile because otherwise, you end up with the same speakers every conference, those who are comfortable speaking.

It is really good to have that people feel empowered to do that and teaches like documentation, people that use project, they’re probably not as issues with the documentation as they first try to run it, so talking on documentation is really an easy way to get involved. Showing your experience like I said, we have this example recently where we have interns on the outreach program in open stack where we pair them with a mentor and experienced developer and they walk together on some specific project.

One that outreaching intern did is documenting her full experience of this onboarding on blog posts but also on TikTok posts or on every social media and it was extremely useful for us to hear how difficult or how easy it is to pass some of the hurdles that we throw our newest contributors on. Even that like doing a quick write up of how you handle those first step of contributions is extremely valuable to a project. There shouldn’t be like extremely high expectations and the bar is not high. Even the simplest contribution, just hearing it from a diversity of perspective is really useful.

AC: Okay, that’s cool. One last topic before we have to go here and this one maybe too deep, might have to deal on another day but I thought it would be interesting because I know you’ve joined or started projects from the beginning, right? If I have something that I think would be very interesting to start an open source community or start a new project in a community, is that something that somebody should be able to do today? Any advice on how someone would start a new project?

TC: Yeah, sure.

AC: Like I said, that is a big question, isn’t it?

TC: Yeah, that’s like the topic for a whole new episode but I’ll try to make it quick. In terms of creation, I would say today it’s really easy to setup an open source project compared to even ten years ago. It’s really easy to setup shop, you just take a force like GitHub or GitLab or OpenDev that we are using for OpenStack and so it is easy to do it like whether you should do it or not is another good topic.

AC: A whole question, isn’t it?

TC: Yeah, I guess the key question is whether several people or several organizations have the same issue and would benefit from sharing the solution because ultimately for me, the interest in having an open source project is ultimately to avoid the waste of having several parties develop the same thing proprietary on their side while they could collaborate and contribute and avoid wasting that energy by doing it as a collaborative project in open source.

Which is actually why I’m so motivated by open lead develop open source because I don’t really see the point of open source that is owned by a single body because then, you don’t really have that collaboration that reduces waste. It is just one way to do proprietary software where you just publish a code and have some free labor in and on the side. Ultimately, for me what matters is whether multiple people have the same problem and then yes, there is potential for an open source project and then setting it up is not the most difficult part. It used to be but it is not the most difficult part today.

AC: That’s true. That is a good point, so thank you for that, I like your response. All right Thierry, so we wanted to circle back a little bit about how community works and I’ll call them the levels of openness that can be done because some communities are much more directed than others and you know, as we’ve worked together for over these several years, I really like the notion of what we call the four opens.

Could you talk to us a little bit about that and about how that opens up a community and enables a lot of communication and I think a lot more contributions, so give us a little bit of flavor on what we call the Four Opens?

TC: Sure, so like we previously talked, we mentioned rules of engagement and I said that we need to define scope, principles and governance and the four opens would be an example of principles. Those are the principles that the open stack community was built on. The four opens are open source, because back then there weren’t any openly developed open source project that was not open core that would do a cloud software.

It was a way of saying that will do we will open source, not open core. There won’t be a proprietary edition of the product, we will not keep some features or to sell a proprietary edition of whatever, everything should be open source. There is open development, which seems really obvious now because like every open source project on earth is on some open GitForce somewhere that you can see what is happening but 12 years ago or 11 years ago when we started OpenStack, there weren’t anything like it.

Open development is about being able to see what’s happening in development transparently so all the patches, all the reeves, all of the issues or all of the discussions everything should be accessible and transparent without needing people to register or anything to see it happening, so transparency in development.

The third one, which was collectively known as well and we touched on it when we discussed design summits is open design. The fact that development is not done behind closed doors by an elite group of core developers, the design is discussed in the open engaging with the users during those open events that we are throwing and that model was replicated in other successful projects like Kubernetes for example.

Finally, open community. Open community is the idea that anyone can join the community and anyone can become a leader in that community. There is no pay to play, there is no like an enforcement that the leaders, the technical leaders from the project out coming from one of the major sponsors or it is completely disconnected. Technical governance is completely disconnected from any other foundation governance or anything.

It is really one contributor, one vote and you end up with elections and the most respected contributors get elected to the leadership buddies for the project. With those four opens, you actually have a very sustainable community because you really empower your community to participate. There is no place that they can’t see, there is no feature that they can’t use, there is no discussion that they can’t participate in and there is no level of leadership that they can’t attain and I feel like it’s been instrumental in the success of open stack.

It is also instrumental in the success of other communities that I’ve adopted them, if not in the letter, in the spirit and so I feel like it is a good model.

AC: I’m glad you pointed that out. Back when we first stated those Four Opens you’re right, they seemed almost revolutionary in some sense and they have become very adopted in many of the communities that I have participated in over these last years and to me that just says they work and that’s why I really like them, so thank you for elaborating on those. I want to go to that fourth one there, a little bit about open community and where things like the technical boards and so forth are elected not just appointed.

That kind of alludes that things are based on reputation, right? Your merits are earned in a community, so any advice on dos and don’ts on how a person would build a reputation in an open source community to help them be a strength particularly in that open community portion?

TC: Yes, you are right that if you have open elections it can turn into a popularity contests really quickly and then reputation is important. People think that you need to be a technical rock star to get to the level of reputation that will let you be elected as a leader for a project but it is actually not really true. From the things you can do, making yourself useful to others is really the key. Do the things that nobody else does.

Everyone is grateful for that to cover all that blind spot that nobody else is covering, you become really well-known across all of the community including in extremely large communities by doing those things that nobody else is doing and then you can leverage that reputation to get elected to the leadership positions like I said or you can influence decisions because nobody wants to piss off the person that actually does the things they don’t want to do.

That’s actually how I started in most of the communities I got involved in like when I joined Gentu in 2000, I ended up documenting security because it wasn’t documented the way I wanted to be. Clearly, documenting the security processes was not high on everyone’s list and by doing that, I earned a good reputation. I ended up leading the security team there, I ended up elected to the Gentu board of directors. It is really a theme and in open stack, I basically did the same.

I started with waste management, which was a non-development task again by documenting security and I ended up being elected to the technical committee for four years and ended up as a leader for that community by starting with a non-code contribution. It’s really not about code, it’s really not about being a technical rock star. It is really more about being useful to others.

AC: That’s great.

TC: In terms of don’t, don’t put in things you should not do, I would say you shouldn’t assume malicious intent because 99% of the cases in those communities, people try to do good and what is seen as potential malicious intent is actually breaks down to communication problems in the end and 99% of the time. It is really key to not jump to conclusions, give people a chance to voice their side of the story rather than packed in haste and make for a not very welcoming community and as a result.

AC: Well, thank you Thierry. This has been very, very interesting and very educational. I have learned some stuff as well and it reminded me a lot of good stuff. Thank you very much for helping us out today and joining us in this podcast. I very much appreciate it.

TC: Well, thanks Alan for the invitation.

AC: Thierry, this has been great.


AC: For more information, check out community.suse.com and make sure to subscribe to the OCTOpod on your favorite podcast platform.


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Kubernetes for the Edge: Key Developments & Implementations

Tuesday, 11 May, 2021

Kubernetes is the key component in the data centers that are modernizing and adopting cloud native development architecture to deliver applications using containers. Capabilities like orchestrating VMs and containers together make Kubernetes the go-to platform for modern application infrastructure adopters. Telecom operators also use Kubernetes to orchestrate their applications in a distributed environment involving many edge nodes.

But due to the large scale of Telco networks that includes disparate cloud systems, Kubernetes adoption requires different architectures for different use cases. Specifically, if we look at a use case where Kubernetes is used to orchestrate edge workloads, there are various frameworks and public cloud-managed Kubernetes solutions available that offer different benefits and give telecom operators choices to select the best fit. In a recent Kubernetes on Edge Day sessions at KubeCon Europe 2021, many new use cases of Kubernetes for the edge have been discussed along with a showcase of cross-platform integration that may help enterprises adopting 5G edge and telecom operators to scale it to a high level.

Here is a high-level overview of some of the key sessions.

The Edge concept

Different concepts of edge have been discussed so far by different communities and technology solution experts. But when Kubernetes is coming into infrastructure, IT operators need to clearly understand the key pillars on which the Kubernetes deployment will seamlessly deliver low latency performance in telco or private 5G use cases. First, there should be a strong implementation of Kubernetes management at scale. Second, operators need to choose the lightweight K8s for edge solution, preferably certified by CNCF. And third, a lightweight OS should be deployed at every node from Cloud to the far edge.

Microsoft’s Akri Project: Microsoft’s Akri project is an innovation that will surely break into multiple Kubernetes-based edge implementations. It discovers and monitors far edge devices of brownfield devices that cannot have their own compute – can be a part of Kubernetes cluster. Akri platform will let these devices be exposed to the Kubernetes cluster.

AI/ML with TensorFlow: TensorFlow is a machine learning platform that takes inputs to generate insights. It can be deployed on the cloud, on-premises, or edge nodes where ML operations need to perform. One session showed that Kubernetes clusters deployed in the cloud and edge can host analytics tools set (Prometheus, EnMasse/MQQT, Apache Camel, AlertManager, Jupyter, etc.) to process ML requests with the lowest latency.

Architectures for Kubernetes on the edge: While deploying Kubernetes for an edge, many architecture choices are varied per use case. And each architecture poses new challenges. But the bottom line is that there is no one-size-fits-all solution as various workloads have different requirements and IT teams focus on connecting network nodes. So, the overall architecture needs to evolve into centralized and distributed control planes.

Robotics: Kubernetes has also been implemented in Robotics. Sony engineers have showcased how the K8s cluster systems can be used for distributed system integration of robots and to perform specific tasks collaboratively.

Laser-based Manufacturing: Another interesting use case discussed by Moritz Kröger, a Researcher at RWTH Chair for Lasertechnology leveraged a Kubernetes-based distributed system. Kubernetes features like automation configuration management and flexibility in moving workloads in clusters give operational benefits to Laser manufacturing machines.

OpenYurt + EdgeXFoundry: OpenYurt is yet another open source framework that extends the orchestration features of upstream Kubernetes to the edge. It is showcased that – it can integrate with EdgeXFoundtry in 5G IoT edge use cases where EdgeXFoundtry is used to manage the IoT devices and OpenYurt is used to handle server environments using OpenYurt plugins set.

Using GitOps: Kubernetes supports the cloud native application orchestration and declarative orchestration. Applying the GitOps approach to achieve the Zero Touch Provisioning at multiple edges from the central data center is possible.

Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge: Another use case discussed is – Kubernetes is implemented in edge infrastructure for managing applications that are managing sensors at Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. The use case is unique as it focuses on defining the sensor devices on the bridge as CRD in Kubernetes, associating each device with the CI/CD, and managing and operating the Applications deployed on edge nodes.

Node Feature Discovery: Many end devices can be part of thousands of edge nodes connected to data centers. Similar to the Akri project, the Node Feature Discovery (NFD) add-on can detect and push into Kubernetes clusters to orchestrate with edge servers and cloud systems.

Kuiper and KubeEdge: EMQ’s Kuiper is open source data analytics/streaming software that runs on edge devices with low resource requirements. It can integrate with KubeEdge where we get a combined solution that leverages KubeEdge’s application orchestration capabilities and streaming analytics. The combined solution delivers low latency, saving cost on bandwidth, ease in implementing business logic, and operators can manage and deploy Kuiper software applications from the cloud.

What Comes After Kubernetes?

Friday, 23 April, 2021

What Comes After Kubernetes?

You probably can’t believe I’m asking that question. It’s like showing up to a party and immediately asking about the afterparty. Is it really time to look for the exit?

No…but yes.

We used to deploy apps on systems in data centers. Then we moved the systems to the cloud. Then we moved the apps to containers. Then we wrapped it all in Kubernetes for orchestration, and here we are.

  • Have we arrived at PEAK IT?
  • Where do we go from here?

Each advance in technology unlocks doors we couldn’t reach before. As we move from room to room, we’re shifting gears, turning our momentum into energy to go faster and further.

Moving faster requires that we pay more attention to the road ahead, and it’s hard to do that while building the vehicle to take us there and building the road itself.

Whether you’re a business working on products for tomorrow’s world, or an individual who wants to know what skills will advance your career, you’re actually seeking leverage. Leverage gives you an edge over your competitors, and in today’s world, everyone is your competitor.

SUSECON Is Your Map to the Future

SUSECON, from May 18-20, 2021, is the first SUSE event that includes the people and products from Rancher. It packs the content of three events into a single digital platform with three worlds: LinuxWorld, KubeWorld and EdgeWorld.

Each world focuses on the solutions and strategies that its inhabitants care most about:

  • How does Kubernetes enable the next frontier of computing? (This information will shape your business decisions and career choices).
  • What are businesses doing to position themselves as trailblazers in the new frontier, and how can you follow in their footsteps?
  • What is adaptable Linux, and how can it drive digital transformation?

Within each world are keynotes delivered by SUSE leadership and customers from both SUSE and Rancher. Dozens of sessions range from introductory-level tutorials to advanced use cases for specific niche applications across Linux, Kubernetes, and Edge.

Every session was hand-picked to meet the needs of our diverse audience, from beginner to advanced, across topics that include:

  • AI/ML
  • Infrastructure and Operations
  • DevOps
  • Edge and IoT
  • Kubernetes
  • Linux
  • Open Source
  • Business Strategy
  • and more…

If you have questions, SUSECON is where you will find strategic answers.

Open Source Matters

Rancher and SUSE are both innovation leaders, and the combined company is a creative powerhouse. In just a few short months, developers have created solutions for real issues that everyone in the industry faces. These are core issues that slow developer and operations teams, and when solved, the entire organization will move faster.

  • How can I implement security policies in Kubernetes without increasing complexity or making my clusters harder to manage?
  • What can I do to protect myself from a supply chain attack on an upstream container base image?
  • What are the new features in Rancher 2.6?
  • How can I deploy hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) without paying crippling license fees?
  • How can I use AI/ML to detect and respond to events before they become outages?
  • How can I help my developers build and deploy apps on Kubernetes without them having to learn everything about it?

At SUSECON, we’ll introduce you to projects that answer those questions, along with others that solve even more problems. These are all open source, built to help you succeed.

Open source is in our DNA. It’s the key to the democratization of opportunity, the single most effective solution to level the playing field and reward businesses for generating value. At SUSECON, you’ll learn just how important this is to us, with insights on:

  • Why is it important to be both open and interoperable?
  • What the word “open” means in “open source” (and how other companies use the term to trick you).
  • Why is Linux leadership essential to Kubernetes innovation?
  • How is freedom different from choice, and how does one complement the other?

SUSECON Is Your Event

SUSECON is a conference like none other you’ll attend this year. With actionable information in every session, you’ll leave the event with a plan for your future, and you’ll know the steps to take next on your journey.

I’m excited about it. When SUSE acquired Rancher, there were concerns that Rancher users would lose the freedoms they had. We promised you that wouldn’t happen, and SUSECON is our chance to show you the full power of the combined organization. Not only is Rancher still free and open source, but there is also a non-stop torrent of open source software that we’re adding to the portfolio. Any of those projects could change your world as much as Rancher, K3s, RKE and Longhorn did.

Head over to the event site to browse sessions and sign up for free.

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Multi-Tier Architecture vs. Serverless Architecture

Monday, 12 April, 2021

You’ve undoubtedly come across some terms like three-tier application, serverless framework and multi-tier architecture in your knowledge-seeking journey. There’s a lot to keep up with regarding application design. In this post, we’ll briefly compare serverless and multi-tier architectures and look at the benefits of serverless over traditional multi-tier architectures and vice versa.

Before diving into our comparison, let’s look at the unique components of each architecture.

What is Serverless?

The best way to define serverless is to look at where we’ve come from in the last five to ten years —  multi-tier architecture. Historically, when designing software, we plan that software to be run on a particular runtime architecture. Serverless is an approach to software design for client-server applications. It refers to software that runs on a single computer or a group of computers hosting an application that connects to a remote system such as a browser or mobile phone. Business logic is executed on the server systems to respond to that client, whether it’s a phone, browser, etc.

For example, let’s look at your bank’s website. When you connect to their website, you connect to a software application running on a server somewhere. Odds are it’s running on a mini server, and it’s in a complex environment that’s performing the functions of the bank’s website. But for all intents and purposes, it’s a single application. You gain value from that application because you can conduct your online banking transactions. There is logic built into that application that performs various financial transactions; whatever you need is fulfilled by the software running on their servers.

Serverless offers a way to build applications without considering the runtime environment. You don’t need to worry about how the servers are placed into various subnets or what infrastructure software runs on which server. It’s irrelevant. But that hasn’t always been the case, and that’s where we get multi-tier architecture.

What is Multi-Tier?

Let’s say you work at a bank and you need to write a software application for an online banking service. You don’t want to think about how the bank will store the data for the various baking transactions. The odds are that it exists in a database somewhere like FaunaDB (a serverless database service). You’re not recreating the bank’s enterprise reporting software. You’re simply looking to leverage that existing data. Traditionally,  we design software as a multi-tier architecture. That is a runtime architecture for client-server applications composed of tiers. So there can be several different tiers depending on how you approach a particular problem, but generally speaking, the most common tiers are presentation, application and data. Let’s explore those.

  • Presentation Tier: This is the actual UI of the application. It uses something like RedwoodJS, React or HTML+CSS to provide the visual layout of the Data. Part of the application handles displaying that information in some shape or form.
  • Application Tier: This tier passes information to the presentation tier. It processes how we manipulate the data to services. For example, if we need to show a list of banking transactions by date, the application tier handles the date sort and other business logic our application requires.
  • Data Tier: This tier handles getting and storing the data that we are manipulating within our application.

Multi-Tier Application Architecture

I’ve outlined the basics of multi-tier,  a common approach for software development. Understanding where we come from makes it easier to understand the benefits of serverless. Historically, if we were writing software, we’d have to think about database servers, application servers and front-end servers and how they handle different tiers of our application. We’d also have to think about the network paths between those servers and how many servers we need to perform the necessary functions. For example, your application tier may need a substantial number of servers to have the computing power to do the business logic processing. Data tiers also historically have extensive resource needs.

Meanwhile, your front end might not need many servers. These are all considerations in a multi-tier software design approach. With serverless, this is not necessarily the case. Let’s find out why.

Serverless Fundamentals

Before we jump into architecture, let’s familiarize ourselves with several serverless components.


With the evolution of the public cloud and mobile applications, we’ve seen a different application development approach. Today mobile app developers don’t want to maintain a data center to service their clients. Instead, they’ve designed mobile applications to take advantage of the cloud. Cloud vendors quickly provided a solution to this in the form of a backend as a service. Backend as a service is a cloud service model where server-side logic and state are hosted by cloud providers and used by client applications running via a web or mobile interface. Essentially, this is a series of APIs hosted in the cloud. Let’s say I’m working on a web application and need an authentication mechanism. I can use AUTH0’s cloud-hosted APIs. I don’t need to manage authentication on my servers; AUTH0 handles it for me. At the end of the day, all APIs hosted on the cloud craft a URL, make a rest request to get some data and execute it.BAAS lays the foundation for serverless.

Functions as a service (FaaS)

Functions are just some code that performs a super-specific task, whether it be collecting a user id or formatting some data for output. In the Faas cloud service model, business logic is represented by event triggers, WhileBaaS using APIs from cloud providers, with FaaS, you provide your code, which is executed in the cloud by event-triggered containers that are dynamically allocated and ephemeral. Since our code is event triggered, we don’t have to start the application and wait for a request. The application only exists when it’s triggered; something has to make it spin up. The best part is you have to define what that trigger is. Containers provide the runtime environment for your code. In the true nature of serverless, there aren’t servers; services handling your request only get created when a request comes in that it needs to handle. Faas is also dynamic, so you don’t have to worry about scaling when you get a traffic spike. Cloud providers handle scaling the application up and down. The last thing to keep in mind is that the containers running our code are ephemeral, meaning they will not stick around. When the job is done, so are they.

Serverless Architecture:

Serverless is a runtime architecture where cloud service providers manage the resources and dynamically allocate infrastructure on demand for a given business logic unit. The key to a serverless application is the application runs on a seemingly ethereal phantom infrastructure that exists yet doesn’t. Serverless uses servers, but the beautiful part is you don’t have to manage or maintain them. You don’t have to configure or set up a VPC, set up complex routing rules, or install regular patches to the system to get high-performance and robust applications. The cloud providers take care of all these details, leaving you to focus on developing your application.

Basic Serverless Architecture

Developing an application with serverless takes a lot of overhead. You pay every time your code is triggered and for the time it runs to the cloud provider.
When creating a serverless application, take appropriate measures to protect it from unwanted high traffic, such as a DDOS (Distributed Denial Of Service) attack that could spin up a lot of copies of your code and increase your bill.
Your application can be a mixture of both BaaS and FaaS hosted on your cloud provider’s infrastructure.

Ultimately, with serverless, you only have to focus on developing and shipping the code. Development is easier, making client-server applications simpler because the cloud service provider does the heavy lifting.

Now that we better understand Multi-Tier and Serverless architectures let’s compare them.

Multi-Tier vs. Serverless

There are several critical areas to consider when comparing serverless architecture with multi-tier architecture.

  • Skill Set
  • Costs
  • Use Case

Each has varying degrees of impact depending on your goals.

Skill Set: 

You need only a development background to be successful with serverless. Your cloud provider will take care of the infrastructure complexity.

To succeed in a multi-tier approach, you need an operational level of support expertise: You’ll configure servers, install operating systems and software, manage firewalls and develop all these things alongside the software. Depending on what you’re trying to achieve, having this skill set could be advantageous.


When it comes to cost, there are arguments for both architectures.  Startup costs with serverless are really low because you only pay for every execution of your code.

The opposite is true with multi-tier architecture. You’ll have upfront costs for servers and getting them set up in your data center or cloud. However, you’ll save money if you expect a steady traffic volume and you can leverage that cloud configuration. Because you will do the cloud configuration yourself, the cost may vary depending on your use case.

Use Cases:
Let’s look at how we expect to use the software.

Serverless: Serverless is fantastic for sporadic traffic or seasonal traffic. Perhaps you are looking at a retail website with large monthly sales (with huge traffic). With a traditional data center, your infrastructure is available even when you don’t need it, and that’s a significant spike in overall cost. With serverless, you don’t have to worry about the infrastructure. It will automatically scale.

Multi-Tier: Let’s say you have a consistent traffic pattern. You know exactly what you need. In this case, you might be able to save some money by sticking to the traditional approach of software architecture.


In closing, traditional DevOps culture is converging. We’ve moved from servers to virtual machines to containers. Now we are looking at literally just a few lines of code in a function that we have been shrinking away from maintaining a full-on infrastructure with our software. We have to isolate business logic from the infrastructure with serverless. And that is convenient for development’s sake because you don’t have to worry about taking care of the infrastructure as you develop your software.

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Using Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Service Mesh Based Applications for Distributed Deployments

Monday, 21 December, 2020

Join the Master Class: Using Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Service Mesh Based Applications for Highly Distributed Environment Deployments

Service Mesh is an emerging architecture pattern gaining traction today. Along with Kubernetes, Service Mesh can form a powerful platform which addresses the technical requirements that arise in a highly distributed environment typically found on a microservices cluster and/or service infrastructure. A Service Mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer for facilitating service-to-service communications between microservices.

Service Mesh addresses the communication requirements typical in a microservices-based application, including encrypted tunnels, health checks, circuit breakers, load balancing and traffic permission. Leaving the microservices to address these requirements leads to an expensive and time consuming development process.

In this blog, we’ll provide an overview of the most common microservice communication requirements that the Service Mesh architecture pattern solves.

Microservices Dynamics and Intrinsic Challenges

The problem begins when you realize that microservices implement a considerable amount of code not related to the business logic they were originally assigned. Additionally, it’s possible you have multiple microservices implementing similar capabilities in a non-standardized process. In other words, the microservices development team should focus on business logic and leave the low-level communication capabilities to a specific layer.

Moving forward with our scenario, consider the intrinsic dynamics of microservices. In given time, you may (or most likely will) have multiple instances of a microservice due to several reasons, including:

  • Throughput: depending on the incoming requests, you might have a higher or lower number of instances of a microservice
  • Canary release
  • Blue/green deployment
  • A/B testing

In short, the microservice-to-microservice communication has specific requirements and issues to solve. The illustration below shows this scenario:

Image 01

The illustration depicts several technical challenges. Clearly, one of the main responsibilities of Microservice 1 is to balance the load among all Microservice 2 instances. As such, Microservice 1 has to figure out how many Microservice 2 instances we have at the request moment. In other words, Microservice 1 must implement service discovery and load balancing.

On the other hand, Microservice 2 has to implement some service registration capabilities to tell Microservice 1 when a brand-new instance is available.

In order to have a fully dynamic environment, these other capabilities should be part of the microservices development:

  • Traffic control: a natural evolution of load balancing. We want to specify the number of requests that should go to each of the Microservice 2 instances.
  • Encrypted communication between the Microservices 1 and 2.
  • Circuit breakers and health checks to address and overcome networking problems.

In conclusion, the main problem is that the development team is spending significant resources writing complex code not directly related to business logic expected to be delivered by the microservices.

Potential Solutions

How about externalizing all the non-functional and operational capabilities in an external and standardized component that all microservices can call? For example, the diagram below compiles all capabilities that should not be part of a given microservice. So, after identifying all capabilities, we need to decide where to implement them.

Image 02

Solution #1 – Encapsulating all capabilities in a library

The developers would be responsible for calling functions provided by the library to address the microservice communication requirements.

There are a few drawbacks to this solution:

  • It’s a tightly coupled solution, meaning that the microservices are highly dependent on the library.
  • It’s not an easy model to distribute or upgrade new versions of the library.
  • It doesn’t fit the microservice polyglot principle with different programming languages being applied on different contexts

Solution #2 – Transparent Proxy

Image 03

This solution implements the same collection of capabilities. However, with a very different approach: each microservice has a specific component, playing a proxy role, taking care of its incoming and outcoming traffic. The proxy solves the library drawbacks we described before as follows:

  • The proxy is transparent, meaning the microservice is not aware it is running nearby and implementing all needed capabilities to communicate with other microservices.
  • Since it’s a transparent proxy, the developer doesn’t need to change the code to refer to the proxy. Therefore, upgrading the proxy would be a low-impact process from a microservice development perspective.
  • The proxy can be developed using different technologies and programming languages used by microservice.

The Service Mesh Architectural Pattern

While a transparent proxy approach brings several benefits to the microservice development team and the microservice communication requirements, there are still some missing parts:

  • The proxy is just enforcing policies to implement the communication requirements like load balancing, canary, etc.
  • What is responsible for defining such policies and publishing them across all running proxies?

The solution architecture needs another component. Such components would be used by admins for policy definition and it will be responsible for broadcasting the policies to the proxies.

The following diagram shows the final architecture which is the service mesh pattern:

Image 04

As you can see, the pattern comprehends the two main components we’ve described:

  • The data plane: also known as sidecar, it plays the transparent proxy role. Again, each microservice will have its own data plane intercepting all incoming and outgoing traffic and applying the policies previously described.
  • The control plane: used by the admin to define policies and publish them to the data plane.

Some important things to note:

  • It’s “push-based” architecture. The data plane doesn’t do “callouts” to get the policies: that would be a big network consuming architecture.
  • The data plane usually reports usage metrics to the control plane or a specific infrastructure.

Get Hands-On with Rancher, Kong and Kong Mesh

Kong provides an enterprise-class and comprehensive service connectivity platform that includes an API gateway, a Kubernetes ingress controller and a Service Mesh implementation. The platform allows customers to deploy on multiple environments such as on premises, hybrid, multi-­­­­­­region and multi-cloud.

Let’s implement a Service Mesh with a canary release running on a cloud-agnostic Kubernetes cluster, which could include a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster or any other Kubernetes distribution. The Service Mesh will be implemented by Kong Mesh (and protected by Kong for Kubernetes as the Kubernetes ingress controller. Generically speaking, the ingress controller is responsible for defining entry points to your Kubernetes cluster, exposing the microservices deployed inside of it and applying consumption policies to it.

First of all, make sure you have Rancher installed, as well as a Kubernetes cluster running and managed by Rancher. After logging into Rancher, choose the Kubernetes cluster we’re going to work on – in our case “kong-rancher”. Click the Cluster Explorer link. You will be redirected to a page like this:

Image 05

Now, let’s start with the Service Mesh:

  1. Kong Mesh Helm Chart

    Go back to Rancher Cluster Manager home page and choose your cluster again. To add a new catalog, pass your mouse over the “Tools” menu option and click on Catalogs. Click the Add Catalog button and include Kong Mesh’s Helm v3 charts .

    Choose global as the scope and Helm v3 as the Helm version.

    Image 06

    Now click on Apps and Launch to see Kong Mesh available in the Catalog. Notice that Kong, as a Rancher partner, provides Kong for Kubernetes Helm Charts, by default:

    Image 07

  2. Install Kong Mesh

    Click on the top menu option Namespaces and create a “kong-mesh-system” namespace.

    Image 08

    Pass your mouse over the kong-rancher top menu option and click on kong-rancher active cluster.

    Image 09

    Click on Launch kubectl

    Image 10

    Create a file named “license.json” for the Kong Mesh license you received from Kong. The license follows the format:

    {“license”:{“version”:1,“signature”:“6a7c81af4b0a42b380be25c2816a2bb1d761c0f906ae884f93eeca1fd16c8b5107cb6997c958f45d247078ca50a25399a5f87d546e59ea3be28284c3075a9769”,“payload”:{“customer”:“Kong_SE_Demo_H1FY22”,“license_creation_date”:“2020-11-30”,“product_subscription”:“Kong Enterprise Edition”,“support_plan”:“None”,“admin_seats”:“5”,“dataplanes”:“5”,“license_expiration_date”:“2021-06-30”,“license_key”:“XXXXXXXXXXXXX”}}}

    Now, create a Kubernetes generic secret with the following command:

    kubectl create secret generic kong-mesh-license -n kong-mesh-system --from-file=./license.json

    Close the kubectl session, click on Default project and on Apps top menu option. Click on Launch button and choose the kong-mesh Helm charts.

    Image 11

    Click on Use an existing namespace and choose the one we just created. There are several parameters to configure Kong Mesh, but we’re going to keep all the default values. After clicking on Launch , you should see the Kong Mesh application deployed:

    Image 12

    And you can check the installation using Rancher Cluster Explorer again. Click on Pods on the left menu and choose kong-mesh-system namespace:

    Image 13

    You can use kubectl as well like this:

    NAMESPACE          NAME                                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    cattle-system      cattle-cluster-agent-785fd5f54d-r7x8r                     1/1     Running   0          75m
    fleet-system       fleet-agent-77c78f9c74-f97tv                              1/1     Running   0          75m
    kong-mesh-system   kuma-control-plane-5b9c6f4598-nvq8q                       1/1     Running   0          16m
    kube-system        event-exporter-gke-666b7ffbf7-n9lfl                       2/2     Running   0          76m
    kube-system        fluentbit-gke-xqsdv                                       2/2     Running   0          76m
    kube-system        gke-metrics-agent-gjrqr                                   1/1     Running   0          76m
    kube-system        konnectivity-agent-4c4hf                                  1/1     Running   0          76m
    kube-system        kube-dns-66d6b7c877-tq877                                 4/4     Running   0          76m
    kube-system        kube-dns-autoscaler-5c78d65cd9-5hcxs                      1/1     Running   0          76m
    kube-system        kube-proxy-gke-c-kpwnf-default-0-be059c1c-49qp            1/1     Running   0          76m
    kube-system        l7-default-backend-5b76b455d-v6dvg                        1/1     Running   0          76m
    kube-system        metrics-server-v0.3.6-547dc87f5f-qntjf                    2/2     Running   0          75m
    kube-system        prometheus-to-sd-fdf9j                                    1/1     Running   0          76m
    kube-system        stackdriver-metadata-agent-cluster-level-68d94db6-64n4r   2/2     Running   1          75m
  3. Microservices deployment

    Our Service Mesh deployment is based on a simple microservice-to-microservice communication scenario. As we’re running a canary release, the called microservice has two versions.

    • “magnanimo”: exposed through Kong for Kubernetes ingress controller.
    • “benigno”: provides a “hello” endpoint where it echoes the current datetime. It has a canary release that sends a slightly different response.

    The figure below illustrates the architecture:

    Image 14

    Create a namespace with the sidecar injection annotation. You can use the Rancher Cluster Manager again: choose your cluster and click on Projects/Namespaces. Click on Add Namespace. Type “kong-mesh-app” for name and include an annotation with a “kuma.io/sidecar-injection” key and “enabled” as its value:

    Image 15

    Again, you can use kubectl as an alternative

    kubectl create namespace kong-mesh-app
    kubectl annotate namespace kong-mesh-app kuma.io/sidecar-injection=enabled
    Submit the following declaration to deploy Magnanimo injecting the Kong Mesh data plane
    cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: magnanimo
    namespace: kong-mesh-app
    replicas: 1
    app: magnanimo
    app: magnanimo
    - name: magnanimo
    image: claudioacquaviva/magnanimo
    - containerPort: 4000
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
    name: magnanimo
    namespace: kong-mesh-app
    app: magnanimo
    type: ClusterIP
    - port: 4000
    name: http
    app: magnanimo

    Check your deployment using Rancher Cluster Manager. Pass the mouse over the kong-rancher menu and click on the Default project to see the current deployments:

    Image 16

    Click on magnanimo to check details of the deployment, including its pods:

    Image 17

    Click on the magnanimo pod to check the containers running inside of it.

    Image 18

    As we can see, the pod has two running containers:

    • magnanimo: where the microservice is actually running
    • kuma-sidecar: injected during deployment time, playing the Kong Mesh data plane role.

    Similarly, deploy Benigno with its own sidecar:

    cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: benigno-v1
    namespace: kong-mesh-app
    replicas: 1
    app: benigno
    app: benigno
    version: v1
    - name: benigno
    image: claudioacquaviva/benigno
    - containerPort: 5000
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
    name: benigno
    namespace: kong-mesh-app
    app: benigno
    type: ClusterIP
    - port: 5000
    name: http
    app: benigno
    And finally, deploy Benigno canary release. Notice that the canary release will be abstracted by the same Benigno Kubernetes Service created before:
    cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: benigno-v2
    namespace: kong-mesh-app
    replicas: 1
    app: benigno
    app: benigno
    version: v2
    - name: benigno
    image: claudioacquaviva/benigno_rc
    - containerPort: 5000

    Check the deployments and pods with:

    $ kubectl get pod --all-namespaces
    NAMESPACE          NAME                                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    cattle-system      cattle-cluster-agent-785fd5f54d-r7x8r                     1/1     Running   0          75m
    fleet-system       fleet-agent-77c78f9c74-f97tv                              1/1     Running   0          75m
    kong-mesh-app      benigno-v1-fd4567d95-drnxq                                2/2     Running   0          110s
    kong-mesh-app      benigno-v2-b977c867b-lpjpw                                2/2     Running   0          30s
    kong-mesh-app      magnanimo-658b67fb9b-tzsjp                                2/2     Running   0          5m3s
    kong-mesh-system   kuma-control-plane-5b9c6f4598-nvq8q                       1/1     Running   0          16m
    kube-system        event-exporter-gke-666b7ffbf7-n9lfl                       2/2     Running   0          76m
    kube-system        fluentbit-gke-xqsdv                                       2/2     Running   0          76m
    kube-system        gke-metrics-agent-gjrqr                                   1/1     Running   0          76m
    kube-system        konnectivity-agent-4c4hf                                  1/1     Running   0          76m
    kube-system        kube-dns-66d6b7c877-tq877                                 4/4     Running   0          76m
    kube-system        kube-dns-autoscaler-5c78d65cd9-5hcxs                      1/1     Running   0          76m
    kube-system        kube-proxy-gke-c-kpwnf-default-0-be059c1c-49qp            1/1     Running   0          76m
    kube-system        l7-default-backend-5b76b455d-v6dvg                        1/1     Running   0          76m
    kube-system        metrics-server-v0.3.6-547dc87f5f-qntjf                    2/2     Running   0          75m
    kube-system        prometheus-to-sd-fdf9j                                    1/1     Running   0          76m
    kube-system        stackdriver-metadata-agent-cluster-level-68d94db6-64n4r   2/2     Running   1          75m
    $ kubectl get service --all-namespaces
    NAMESPACE          NAME                   TYPE        CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                                                AGE
    default            kubernetes             ClusterIP     <none>        443/TCP                                                79m
    kong-mesh-app      benigno                ClusterIP    <none>        5000/TCP                                               4m6s
    kong-mesh-app      magnanimo              ClusterIP   <none>        4000/TCP                                               7m18s
    kong-mesh-system   kuma-control-plane     ClusterIP   <none>        5681/TCP,5682/TCP,443/TCP,5676/TCP,5678/TCP,5653/UDP   18m
    kube-system        default-http-backend   NodePort    <none>        80:32296/TCP                                           79m
    kube-system        kube-dns               ClusterIP    <none>        53/UDP,53/TCP                                          79m
    kube-system        metrics-server         ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP                                                79m

    You can use Kong Mesh console to check the microservices and data planes also. On a terminal run:

    kubectl port-forward service/kuma-control-plane -n kong-mesh-system 5681

    Redirect your browser to http://localhost:5681/gui. Click on Skip to Dashboard and All Data Plane Proxies :

    Image 19

    Start a loop to see the canary release in action. Notice the service has been deployed as ClusterIP type, so you need to expose them directly with “port-forward”. The next step will show how to expose the service with the Ingress Controller.

    On a local terminal run:

    kubectl port-forward service/magnanimo -n kong-mesh-app 4000

    Open another terminal and start the loop. The request is going to port 4000 provided by Magnanimo. The path “/hw2” routes the request to Benigno Service, which has two endpoints behind it related to both Benigno releases:

    while [1]; do curl http://localhost:4000/hw2; echo; done

    You should see a result similar to this:

    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 12:57:05.811667
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 12:57:06.304731
    Hello World, Benigno, Canary Release: 2020-11-20 12:57:06.789208
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 12:57:07.269674
    Hello World, Benigno, Canary Release: 2020-11-20 12:57:07.755884
    Hello World, Benigno, Canary Release: 2020-11-20 12:57:08.240453
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 12:57:08.728465
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 12:57:09.208588
    Hello World, Benigno, Canary Release: 2020-11-20 12:57:09.689478
    Hello World, Benigno, Canary Release: 2020-11-20 12:57:10.179551
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 12:57:10.662465
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 12:57:11.145237
    Hello World, Benigno, Canary Release: 2020-11-20 12:57:11.618557
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 12:57:12.108586
    Hello World, Benigno, Canary Release: 2020-11-20 12:57:12.596296
    Hello World, Benigno, Canary Release: 2020-11-20 12:57:13.093329
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 12:57:13.593487
    Hello World, Benigno, Canary Release: 2020-11-20 12:57:14.068870
  4. Controlling the Canary Release

    As we can see, the request to both Benigno microservice releases is uses a round-robin policy. That is, we’re not in control of the canary release consumption. Service Mesh allows us to define when and how we want to expose the canary release to our consumers (in our case, the Magnanimo microservice).

    To define a policy to control the traffic going to both releases, use this following declaration. It says that 90 percent of the traffic should go to the current release, while only 10 percent should be redirected to the canary release.

        cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
        apiVersion: kuma.io/v1alpha1
        kind: TrafficRoute
        mesh: default
        namespace: default
        name: route-1
        - match:
        kuma.io/service: magnanimo_kong-mesh-app_svc_4000
        - match:
        kuma.io/service: benigno_kong-mesh-app_svc_5000
        - weight: 90
        kuma.io/service: benigno_kong-mesh-app_svc_5000
        version: v1
        - weight: 10
        kuma.io/service: benigno_kong-mesh-app_svc_5000
        version: v2

    After applying the declaration, you should see a result like this:

    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 13:05:02.553389
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 13:05:03.041120
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 13:05:03.532701
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 13:05:04.021804
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 13:05:04.515245
    Hello World, Benigno, Canary Release: 2020-11-20 13:05:05.000644
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 13:05:05.482606
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 13:05:05.963663
    Hello World, Benigno, Canary Release: 2020-11-20 13:05:06.446599
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 13:05:06.926737
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 13:05:07.410605
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 13:05:07.890827
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 13:05:08.374686
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 13:05:08.857266
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 13:05:09.337360
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 13:05:09.816912
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 13:05:10.301863
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 13:05:10.782395
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 13:05:11.262624
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 13:05:11.743427
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 13:05:12.221174
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 13:05:12.705731
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 13:05:13.196664
    Hello World, Benigno: 2020-11-20 13:05:13.680319
  5. Install Kong for Kubernetes

    Let’s go back to Rancher to install our Kong for Kubernetes Ingress Controller and control the service mesh exposition. In the Rancher Catalog page, click the Kong icon. Accept the default values and click Launch :

    Image 20

    You should see both applications, Kong and Kong Mesh, deployed:

    Image 21

    Image 22

    Again, check the installation with kubectl:

    $ kubectl get pod --all-namespaces
    NAMESPACE          NAME                                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    cattle-system      cattle-cluster-agent-785fd5f54d-r7x8r                     1/1     Running   0          84m
    fleet-system       fleet-agent-77c78f9c74-f97tv                              1/1     Running   0          83m
    kong-mesh-app      benigno-v1-fd4567d95-drnxq                                2/2     Running   0          10m
    kong-mesh-app      benigno-v2-b977c867b-lpjpw                                2/2     Running   0          8m47s
    kong-mesh-app      magnanimo-658b67fb9b-tzsjp                                2/2     Running   0          13m
    kong-mesh-system   kuma-control-plane-5b9c6f4598-nvq8q                       1/1     Running   0          24m
    kong               kong-kong-754cd6947-db2j9                                 2/2     Running   1          72s
    kube-system        event-exporter-gke-666b7ffbf7-n9lfl                       2/2     Running   0          85m
    kube-system        fluentbit-gke-xqsdv                                       2/2     Running   0          84m
    kube-system        gke-metrics-agent-gjrqr                                   1/1     Running   0          84m
    kube-system        konnectivity-agent-4c4hf                                  1/1     Running   0          84m
    kube-system        kube-dns-66d6b7c877-tq877                                 4/4     Running   0          84m
    kube-system        kube-dns-autoscaler-5c78d65cd9-5hcxs                      1/1     Running   0          84m
    kube-system        kube-proxy-gke-c-kpwnf-default-0-be059c1c-49qp            1/1     Running   0          84m
    kube-system        l7-default-backend-5b76b455d-v6dvg                        1/1     Running   0          85m
    kube-system        metrics-server-v0.3.6-547dc87f5f-qntjf                    2/2     Running   0          84m
    kube-system        prometheus-to-sd-fdf9j                                    1/1     Running   0          84m
    kube-system        stackdriver-metadata-agent-cluster-level-68d94db6-64n4r   2/2     Running   1          84m
    $ kubectl get service --all-namespaces
    NAMESPACE          NAME                   TYPE           CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)                                                AGE
    default            kubernetes             ClusterIP     <none>          443/TCP                                                85m
    kong-mesh-app      benigno                ClusterIP    <none>          5000/TCP                                               10m
    kong-mesh-app      magnanimo              ClusterIP   <none>          4000/TCP                                               13m
    kong-mesh-system   kuma-control-plane     ClusterIP   <none>          5681/TCP,5682/TCP,443/TCP,5676/TCP,5678/TCP,5653/UDP   24m
    kong               kong-kong-proxy        LoadBalancer   80:31867/TCP,443:31039/TCP                             78s
    kube-system        default-http-backend   NodePort    <none>          80:32296/TCP                                           85m
    kube-system        kube-dns               ClusterIP    <none>          53/UDP,53/TCP                                          85m
    kube-system        metrics-server         ClusterIP   <none>          443/TCP                                                85m
  6. Ingress Creation

    With the following declaration, we’re going to expose Magnanimo microservice through an Ingress and its route “/route1”.

        cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
        apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
        kind: Ingress
        name: route1
        namespace: kong-mesh-app
        konghq.com/strip-path: "true"
        - http:
        - path: /route1
        serviceName: magnanimo
        servicePort: 4000

    Now the temporary “port-forward” exposure mechanism can be replaced by a formal Ingress. And our loop can start consuming the Ingress with similar results:

    while [1]; do curl; echo; done

Join the Master Class

Rancher and Kong are excited to present a Master Class that will explore API management combined with universal Service Meshes and how they support hybrid and multi-cloud deployments. By combining Rancher with a service connectivity platform, composed of an API Gateway and a Service Mesh infrastructure, we’ll demonstrate how companies can provision, monitor, manage and protect distributed microservice and deployments across multiple Kubernetes Clusters.

The Master Class will explore some of these questions:

  • Why is the Service Mesh architecture pattern important?
  • Why is implementing Service Mesh in Kubernetes even more important?
  • What can an API gateway and Rancher do for you?

Join the Master Class: Using Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Service Mesh Based Applications for Highly Distributed Environment Deployments

SUSE and Rancher – Enabling our Customers to Innovate Everywhere

Tuesday, 1 December, 2020

In July, I announced SUSE’s intent to acquire Rancher Labs, and now that the acquisition is final, today we embark on a new journey with SUSE. I couldn’t be more excited about our future and what this means for our customers around the world.

Just as Rancher made computing everywhere a possibility for our customers, with SUSE, we will empower our customers to innovate everywhere. Together we will offer our customers possibilities that know no limitations from the data center to the cloud, to the edge and beyond. This is our purpose; this is our mission.

Only our combined company can make this a reality by combining SUSE’s market leadership in powering mission-critical business applications and systems with Rancher’s market-leading Kubernetes management platform. Our independent approach puts the “open” back into open source software, giving our customers the agility to tackle their innovation challenges today and the freedom to evolve their strategy and solutions for tomorrow.

Since we announced the acquisition, I have been humbled by the countless emails and calls that I have received from our customers, partners, members of the open source community and, of course, our Rancher team members. They remain just as passionate about Rancher and are even more excited about our future with SUSE. Our customers worldwide can expect the same innovation that they have come to love from Rancher, now paired with SUSE’s stability and rock-solid IT infrastructure. This will further strengthen the bond of trust that we have created with our customers.

Here’s how we will bring this vision to life:


SUSE and Rancher customers can expect their existing investments and product subscriptions to remain in full force and effect according to their terms. Additionally, the delivery of future versions of SUSE’s CaaS Platform will be based on the innovative capabilities provided by Rancher. We will work with CaaS customers to ensure a smooth migration. Going forward, we will double down on our strengths in the areas of security, compliance, governance and broad application certification. A combined SUSE and Rancher provides the only enterprise Kubernetes platform that manages all of the world’s Kubernetes distros, regardless of what underlying Linux distro they use and whether they run in public clouds, private data centers or edge computing environments.


SUSE One partners will benefit from SUSE’s increased portfolio with Rancher solutions as they will help you close opportunities where your customers want to reimagine the way they manage and scale workloads consistently, monitor the health of their clusters and simplify the deployment and management of container applications.

I invite all Rancher partners to join SUSE’s One Partner Program. You can learn more during this webinar.

Open Source Community

I mentioned it earlier, but SUSE and Rancher remain fully committed to the open source community. We will continue contributing to upstream open source projects. This will not change. Together, as one company, we will continue providing true 100 percent open source solutions to global customers.

Don’t just take my word for it. See what our customers and partners are saying in Forbes.

Our future with SUSE is so bright – this is just the start of an incredible journey.

Join us on December 16 for Innovate Everywhere: How Kubernetes is Reshaping Enterprises. This webinar features Shannon Williams, Co-Founder, President and Chief Revenue Officer, Rancher Labs and Arun Chandrasekaran, Distinguished VP Analyst, Gartner.

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Three Reasons Why Hosted Rancher Makes Your Life Easier

Thursday, 19 November, 2020

Today’s generation of makers, artists and creatives have reinforced the idea that great things can happen when you roll up your sleeves and try to learn something new and exciting. Kubernetes was like this only a couple of years ago: the mere act of installing the thing was a rewarding challenge. Kelsey Hightower’s Kubernetes the Hard Way became the Maker’s handbook for this artisan craft.

Fast forward to today and installing Kubernetes is no longer a noteworthy event. Its orchestration has become a commodity, and rightly so, as many engineers, software companies and the like swarmed to address this need by building robust tooling. Today’s Maker has far more interesting problems to solve up the stack, and so they expect Kubernetes to be able to summon a cluster on demand whenever they need it. For this reason and others, we created the same solution for Rancher, the multi-cluster Kubernetes management system. If I can create Kubernetes in one click in any cloud provider, why not my Rancher control plane? Enter Hosted Rancher.

Hosted Rancher is a fully managed, cloud-based instance of Rancher server. You don’t need to maintain a separate Kubernetes cluster, install the Rancher application or deal with upgrades. You retain all the control and ownership of your downstream Kubernetes clusters just like the on-prem Rancher experience today. When you combine Hosted Rancher with any of the popular cloud-managed Kubernetes offerings such as GKE, EKS or AKS, you now have an almost zero-touch Kubernetes infrastructure. Hosted Rancher is ideal for organizations that are looking to expedite their time to value by focusing their time on application adoption and empowering developers to use these new tools. After all, if you don’t have any applications using Kubernetes, it won’t matter how well your platform is maintained.

If you haven’t considered Hosted Rancher yet, here are three reasons why it might benefit you and your organization:

Increased Business Continuity

Operating Rancher isn’t rocket science, but it does require some ongoing expertise to safely maintain, back up and especially upgrade without causing downtime. Our core engineering team lives and breathes this stuff (they built Rancher, after all), so why not leverage their talent as a failsafe partnership with your staff?

Reduced Costs

TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) is a bit of a buzzword, but it becomes a reality at the end of the fiscal year when you start looking at actual spend to operate something. When you factor in the cost of cloud or on-premise infrastructure and staff expense to operate these servers and manage the Rancher application, it’s quite likely much more expensive than our Hosted offering.

Increased Adoption

This benefit might be the most subtle, but I guarantee it is the most meaningful. Contrary to popular belief, the mission of Rancher Labs is not just to help people operate Rancher. Our mission is to help people operate and therefore realize the benefits of Kubernetes in their software development lifecycle.

This is the “interesting” part of the problem space for every company out there: “How do I harness the value of Kubernetes for my applications?” The sooner we can get past the table stakes concerns of implementing and operating Kubernetes and Rancher, the sooner we can focus on this most paramount issue of Kubernetes adoption. Hosted Rancher simply removes one hurdle from the racetrack. With support from Rancher’s Customer Success team focusing on user adoption, your teams are able to accelerate their Kubernetes journey quickly without compromising on performance and resource inefficiency.

Image 01

Next Steps

I hope I’ve provided some insight that will help your journey in the Kubernetes and cloud-native world. To learn more about Hosted Rancher, check out our technical guide or contact the Rancher team. Until next time!

Introducing Rancher on NetApp HCI: Hybrid Cloud Multicluster Kubernetes Management with Push-Button Ease

Tuesday, 17 November, 2020

If you’re like me and have been watching the odd purchasing trends due to the pandemic, you probably remember when all the hair clippers were sold out — and then flour and yeast. Most recently, you might have seen this headline: Tupperware profits and shares soar as more people are eating at home during the pandemic. Tupperware is finally having its day. But a Tupperware stacking strategy is probably not why you’re here. Don’t worry, this isn’t your grandma’s container strategy — no Tupperware stacking required. You’re probably here because, like most organizations today, you need to be able to quickly release and update applications when and where you want to.

Today we’re excited to announce a partnership between NetApp and Rancher to bring multicluster Kubernetes management on premises with NetApp® HCI. Now you can deploy Rancher with push-button ease from NetApp HCI’s management plane, the NetApp Hybrid Cloud Control manageability suite.

Why NetApp + Rancher?

It’s no secret that Kubernetes in the enterprise is becoming more mainstream. If your organization hasn’t already moved toward containers, it will soon. But this shift isn’t without growing pains.

IT faces challenges with multiple team-specific Kubernetes deployments, decentralized governance, and lack of consistency among inherited Kubernetes clusters.Now, with Kubernetes adoption on the upswing, IT is expected to do the deployments, which can be time consuming for teams that are unfamiliar with Kubernetes. IT teams are managing their stakeholders’ different technology stack preferences and requirements while focusing on scalability and stability in production.

On the other hand, DevOps teams want the latest modern development tooling. They need to maintain control and flexibility over their clusters on infrastructure that is on demand and hassle free. These teams are all over continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) and DevOps automation. Their primary concerns are around agility and time to value.

The partnership between NetApp and Rancher addresses the challenges of both IT and the DevOps teams that they support. NetApp HCI delivers solid performance at scale for production environments. Rancher delivers modern cloud-native tooling for DevOps. Together, they create the easiest way for IT to get going with Kubernetes, enabling centralized management of multiple clusters, both new and existing. The combination of the two technologies delivers a true hybrid cloud Kubernetes orchestration layer on a modern DevOps cloud-native platform.

How We Integrated Rancher into NetApp HCI

We integrated Rancher directly into the NetApp HCI UI for a seamless experience. On top of NetApp HCI’s highly scalable, private cloud technology , the management plane where you can go to add a node or upgrade your firmware. We’ve added a button to deploy Rancher directly from Hybrid Cloud Control.

Image 01
Image 02

With push-button ease, you’ll have the Rancher management cluster running on VMware (NetAp HCI is a VMware-based appliance). Your hybrid cloud and multicloud Kubernetes management plane is ready to go.

Feature Applicability Benefit
Deployment from Hybrid Cloud Control Rancher management cluster Fastest way to get IT going with supporting DevOps-ready Kubernetes
Lifecycle management from Hybrid Cloud Control Rancher management cluster Push–button updates for Rancher server and supporting infrastructure
Node template User clusters deployed from Rancher Simplifies creation of user clusters deployed to NetApp HCI
NetApp Trident in Rancher catalog User clusters deployed from Rancher Simplifies persistent volumes from NetApp HCI storage nodes for user clusters

Rancher, as open source, is free to deploy and use, but Rancher enterprise support is available if you need it. Try out Rancher on NetApp HCI at no additional cost; think of it as an indefinite trial period. If you want support later, you can purchase it from NetApp. NetApp provides joint support with Rancher, so you can file support tickets for Rancher directly with NetApp.

A Win-Win for IT Operations and DevOps

With Rancher on NetApp HCI, both IT operations and DevOps teams benefit. Your IT operations teams can centrally provision Kubernetes services while maintaining control and visibility of all clusters, resources, and security. The provisioned services can then be used by your DevOps teams to efficiently build, deploy, and manage full-featured containerized applications. In the end, IT gets what it needs, DevOps gets what it needs, and your organization attains the key benefits of a successful Kubernetes strategy.

Learn More

For more information about NetApp HCI and Rancher, visit Simplify multicluster Kubernetes management with Rancher on NetApp HCI.

Monitor Distributed Microservices with AppDynamics and Rancher

Friday, 6 November, 2020
Discover what’s new in Rancher 2.5

Kubernetes is increasingly becoming a uniform standard for computing – in Edge, in core and in the cloud. At NTS, we recognize this trend and have been systematically building up competencies for this core technology since 2018. As a technically-oriented business, we regularly validate different Kubernetes platforms and we share the view of many analysts (e.g. Forrester or Gartner and Gartner Hype Cycle Reports) that Rancher Labs ranks among the leading players in this sector. In fact, five of our employees are Rancher certified through Rancher Academy, to maintain a close and sustainable partnership – with the best possible customer support entirely based on the premise “Relax, we care.”

Application Performance Monitoring with AppDynamics

Kubernetes is the ideal platform to create platforms and to operate a modern infrastructure. But often, Kubernetes alone is not sufficient. Understanding the application and its requirements is necessary above all – and that’s where our partnership with Rancher comes in.

The conversion to a container-based landscape carries a risk that can be minimized with comprehensive monitoring, which includes not only the infrastructure, such as vCenter, server, storage or Load Balancer, but also the business process.

To serve this sector, we have developed competencies in the area of Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and partnered with AppDynamics. Once again, we agree with analysts such as Gartner that AppDynamics is a leader in this space. We’ve achieved AppDynamics Pioneer partner status in a short amount of time thanks to our certified engineers.

Why Monitor Kubernetes with AppDynamics?

In distributed environments, it’s easy to lose track of things using containers (they do even need to be microservices). Maintaining an overview is not a simple task, but it is absolutely necessary.

We’re seeing a huge proliferation of containers. Previously there were a few “large rocks” – the virtual machines (VMs). These large rocks are the monoliths from conventional applications. In containerized environments, fundamental topics change as well. In a monolith, “process calls” within an application happen in the same VM, within the same application. With containers, they happen via networks and APIs or Service Meshes.

An optimally instrumented APM is absolutely necessary for the operation of critical applications, which are a direct contributor to the added value of a company and to the business process.

To address this need, NTS created an integration between AppDynamics and Rancher Labs. Our goal for the integration was to maintain an overview as well and to minimize the potential risk for the user/customer. In this blog post, we’ll describe the integration and show you how it works.

Integration Description

AppDynamics supports “full stack” monitoring from the application to the infrastructure. Rancher provides a modern platform for Kubernetes “everywhere” (edge, core, cloud). We have designed a tool to simplify monitoring of Kubernetes clusters and created a Rancher chart that is based on a Helm (a package manager for Kubernetes) that is available to all Rancher users in the App Catalog.

Image 01

Now we’ll show how simple it is to monitor Rancher Kubernetes clusters with AppDynamics.


  • Rancher management server (Rancher)
  • Kubernetes cluster with version > = 1.13
    • On premises (e.g. based on VMware vSphere)
    • or in the public cloud (e.g. based on Microsoft Azure AKS)
  • AppDynamics controller/account (free trial available)

Deploying AppDynamics Cluster Agents

The AppDynamics cluster agent for Kubernetes is a Docker image that is maintained by AppDynamics. The deployment of the cluster agents is largely simplified and automated by our Rancher chart. Therefore, virtually any number of Kubernetes clusters can be prepared for monitoring with AppDynamics at the touch of a button. This is an essential advantage in case of distributed applications.

We conducted our deployment in an NTS Rancher test environment. To begin, we log into the Rancher Web interface:

Image 02

Next, we choose Apps in in the top navigation bar:

Image 03

Then we click Launch:

Image 04

Now, Rancher shows us the available applications. We choose appdynamics-cluster-agent:

Image 05

Next, we deploy the AppDynamics cluster agent:

Image 06

Next, choose the target Kubernetes cluster – in our case, it’s “netapp-trident.”

Image 07

Then specify the details of the AppDynamics controller:

Image 08

You can also set agent parameters via the Rancher chart.

Image 09

Finally, click Launch

Image 10

and Rancher will install the AppDynamics cluster agent in the target clusters:

Image 11

After a few minutes, we’ll see a successful deployment:

Image 12

Instrumentation of the AppDynamics Cluster Agent

After a few minutes, the deployed cluster agent shows up in the AppDynamics controller. To find it, select AdminAppDynamics AgentsCluster Agents:

Image 13

Now we “instrument” this agent (“to instrument” is the term for monitoring elements in AppD).
Choose your cluster and click Configure:

Image 14

Next, select the namespaces to monitor:

Image 15

And click Ok.

Now we’ve successfully instrumented the cluster agent.

After a few minutes (monitoring cycles), the cluster can be monitored in AppDynamics under ServersCluster:

Image 16

Kubernetes Monitoring with AppDynamics

The following screen shots show the monitoring features of AppDynamics.

Image 17

Image 18

Image 19

Image 20


In this blog post, we’ve described the integration that NTS developed between Rancher and AppDynamics. Both partners have deployed this integration and plans are for it to continue. We’ve shown you how the integration works and described how AppDynamics, which is ideally suited for monitoring Kubernetes clusters, works so well with Rancher, which is great for managing your Kubernetes deployments. NTS offers expertise and know-how in the areas of Kubernetes and monitoring and we’re excited about the potential of these platforms working together to make Kubernetes easier to monitor and manage.

Discover what’s new in Rancher 2.5