Proven Tools from a Trusted Partner Can Help You Make the Journey to the Cloud


For CIOs looking for cost-saving opportunities, the advent of virtualization has been a major boon.

According to Gartner, CIOs can achieve 20%-50% cost savings by turning to virtualization. Perhaps that’s why IDC predicts that throughout 2012, 80% of new commercial applications will be deployed on cloud platforms. It seems safe to say that companies are eager to save by switching to virtualization and cloud technologies. However, using the cloud brings with it certain challenges, such as how to properly deploy and manage
cloud applications.

Dirk Oppenkowski our SAP Partner Executive at SUSE has teamed up with SAPinsider to delve into some of these challenges and explore the solutions that can help companies overcome them. To read the article go to SAPinsider Special Report: Solutions for the CIO.

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