Creating a Custom Java Buildpack (part 2 in series) | SUSE Communities

Creating a Custom Java Buildpack (part 2 in series)



In the previous blog post, we introduced buildpacks, discussed their benefits, and demonstrated how with nothing more than the pack CLI and Docker installed, we could compile a traditional Java web application into an executable Open Container Initiative (OCI) image with a single command.

The publicly available buildpacks are high quality and have a proven track record in large hosting services. Many engineering teams will find existing buildpacks serve their needs. But for those that need to control their build experience, it is possible to create your own custom buildpacks.

In this blog post, we’ll create a simple buildpack to build a Java Maven application.

A Sample Buildpack

The buildpack specification has been in development for at least a decade. Heroku first conceived buildpacks in 2011. Since then, Heroku and Pivotal have formalized a specification as part of the Cloud Native Buildpacks project.

These platforms have used Buildpacks to consume application source code written in a huge variety of languages, compile it into an OCI image, and then host that image on a variety of Platform as a Service (PaaS) offerings. The buildpack interface specification is detailed and flexible enough to accommodate the variety of code developers host on these platforms.

Our sample buildpack will be simple and use only a subset of our functionality. But even with this simple example, we can demonstrate many of the benefits that buildpacks bring to a build pipeline.

Our custom buildpack starts with the buildpack.toml file:

# Buildpack API version
api = "0.5"

# Buildpack ID and metadata
id = "mcasperson/java"
version = "0.0.1"
name = "Java Buildpack"

# Stacks that the buildpack will work with
id = "heroku-20"

The schema for the buildpack.toml file is documented here. We’ll break down the example file below.

The api property defines the buildpack API version the buildpack adheres to:

api = "0.5"

The buildpack section defines the details of our buildpack. The id property is a globally unique identifier, the version property defines the buildpack version and the name defines a human-readable name:

id = "mcasperson/java"
version = "0.0.1"
name = "Java Buildpack"

The stacks array (double brackets define an array item in TOML) defines a stack with which this buildpack is compatible.

stack is a pair of OCI images: one image used to build the software (the build image) and a second image used to host the application (the run image).

The run image is usually quite lean to reduce the size of the final executable OCI image. The build image will typically contain the packages required when compiling software, such as compilers like GCC and header files like those for the Linux kernel. This allows the build image to support languages that compile native libraries on the fly.

It is possible to create these images yourself, but we’ll reuse an existing stack for this example. We can find a list of stacks with the command pack stack suggest, which returns the following list:

Stacks maintained by the community:

    Stack ID: heroku-18
    Description: The official Heroku stack based on Ubuntu 18.04
    Maintainer: Heroku
    Build Image: heroku/pack:18-build
    Run Image: heroku/pack:18

    Stack ID: heroku-20
    Description: The official Heroku stack based on Ubuntu 20.04
    Maintainer: Heroku
    Build Image: heroku/pack:20-build
    Run Image: heroku/pack:20

    Stack ID: io.buildpacks.stacks.bionic
    Description: A minimal Paketo stack based on Ubuntu 18.04
    Maintainer: Paketo Project
    Build Image: paketobuildpacks/build:base-cnb
    Run Image: paketobuildpacks/run:base-cnb

    Stack ID: io.buildpacks.stacks.bionic
    Description: A large Paketo stack based on Ubuntu 18.04
    Maintainer: Paketo Project
    Build Image: paketobuildpacks/build:full-cnb
    Run Image: paketobuildpacks/run:full-cnb

    Stack ID: io.paketo.stacks.tiny
    Description: A tiny Paketo stack based on Ubuntu 18.04, similar to distroless
    Maintainer: Paketo Project
    Build Image: paketobuildpacks/build:tiny-cnb
    Run Image: paketobuildpacks/run:tiny-cnb

Our buildpack will be compatible with the heroku-20 stack:

id = "heroku-20"

The next file is a bash script called detect, in the bin subdirectory. These executables are part of the buildpack lifecycle. The detect executable determines if the source code the buildpack has been run against is a Java Maven application.

Note that buildpacks do not mandate what kind of executable can be used here. For convenience, we have created a Bash script, but these executables could just as easily be written in Go, Python, Java, or any other language.

One or more buildpacks can be combined into a builder. Each buildpack is responsible for determining if it is compatible with the supplied source code, and the first compatible buildpack will be used to compile the code. This is how we can run a command like pack build against an arbitrary code base without defining what language our code is written in, as builders like the ones supplied by Heroku come with many buildpacks that detect many different languages.

Our detection script is simple: if a pom.xml file does not exist, then we return a non-zero exit code to indicate that our buildpack is not compatible. Otherwise, the script returns an exit code of zero to indicate that it is compatible:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# The -e option will cause a bash script to exit immediately when a command fails.
# The -o pipefail option means if command in a pipeline fails, that return code will be used as the return code of the whole pipeline.
set -eo pipefail

# Check for the presense of a pom.xml file.
if [[ ! -f pom.xml ]]; then
    # If pom.xml does not exist, return an error code.
    exit 100

The work of building the source code is performed in the build executable, also in the bin subdirectory:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# The -e option will cause a bash script to exit immediately when a command fails.
# The -o pipefail option means if command in a pipeline fails, that return code will be used as the return code of the whole pipeline.
set -eo pipefail


mkdir -p "$dependencieslayer/.m2/repository"
echo -e 'cache = true\nbuild = true' > "$layersdir/dependencies.toml"

mkdir -p "$mavenLayer"
echo -e 'cache = true\nbuild = true' > "$layersdir/maven.toml"

mkdir -p "$jdkLayer"
echo -e 'cache = true\nbuild = true' > "$layersdir/jdk.toml"

mkdir -p "$jreLayer"
echo -e 'launch = true\ncache = true' > "$layersdir/java.toml"

# Download Maven if it doesn't exist already.
if [[ ! -f $mavenLayer/bin/mvn ]]; then
    echo "Downloading Maven"
    # Ensure the executables are placed under the layer's bin directory by stripping the first
    # directory from the tar file.
    wget -q -O - "$maven_url" | tar --strip-components=1 -xzf - -C "$mavenLayer"
    echo "Skipped Maven Download"

# Download JDK if it doesn't exist already.
if [[ ! -f $jdkLayer/bin/java ]]; then
    echo "Downloading JDK"
    # Ensure the executables are placed under the layer's bin directory by stripping the first
    # directory from the tar file.
    wget -q -O - "$jdk_url" | tar --strip-components=1 -xzf - -C "$jdkLayer"
    echo "Skipped JDK Download"

# Download JRE if it doesn't exist already.
if [[ ! -f $jreLayer/bin/java ]]; then
    echo "Downloading JRE"
    # Ensure the executables are placed under the layer's bin directory by stripping the first
    # directory from the tar file.
    wget -q -O - "$jre_url" | tar --strip-components=1 -xzf - -C "$jreLayer"
    echo "Skipped JRE Download"

JAVA_HOME=$jdkLayer $mavenLayer/bin/mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=$dependencieslayer/.m2/repository clean package

for jarFile in $(find target -maxdepth 1 -name "*.jar" -type f); do
    cat >> "$layersdir/launch.toml" <<EOF
type = "web"
command = "java -jar $jarFile"

The build script is doing a lot of heavy lifting, so let’s break down the code.

We configure Bash to fail if any command in the script fails. This means we don’t mask errors returned by any commands called in this script:

set -eo pipefail

The first argument passed to the build script is the directory holding our layers:


Buildpacks use layers to hold important files when building the code and running the compiled application.

Layers can optionally be cached to ensure that any files saved by a previous build are reused. A layer is simply a directory paired with a TOML file to configure the layer metadata.

We start by creating a directory to hold our application’s dependencies:


Under this directory we create a nested directory structure to hold our Maven dependencies:

mkdir -p "$dependencieslayer/.m2/repository"

To configure this directory as a layer, we create a TOML file with the same name as the directory, meaning in this case, the file is called dependencies.toml. We set two properties to truecache, which indicates that the files placed in this directory will be made available to subsequent builds, and build, which indicates this layer is used as part of the build process:

echo -e 'cache = true\nbuild = true' > "$layersdir/dependencies.toml"

We create a new layer that will hold a Maven distribution. This layer is also cached and used for the build process.

Note that we create a layer per application to take advantage of the fact that binary files under the layer /bin directory are added to the path automatically. Most Linux application archives place binary files inside a bin directory, so by extracting these archives into their own layer, we conveniently expose those applications on the path:

mkdir -p "$mavenLayer"
echo -e 'cache = true\nbuild = true' > "$layersdir/maven.toml"

We have another layer to hold the Java Development Kit (JDK), and again this layer is cached and used for the build process:

mkdir -p "$jdkLayer"
echo -e 'cache = true\nbuild = true' > "$layersdir/jdk.toml"

The final layer will hold the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). This layer is used for the executable OCI image, so the launch property is set to true. This layer is also cached:

mkdir -p "$jreLayer"
echo -e 'launch = true\ncache = true' > "$layersdir/java.toml"

We now populate the layers. The following commands check to see if the mvn executable already exists and, if not, will download and extract Maven.

The first time we run this buildpack, the Maven layer will be empty, and the Maven archive will be downloaded. Because this layer is cached, the second time the buildpack is run, the Maven files will already be available, and the download will be skipped:

# Download Maven if it doesn't exist already.
if [[ ! -f $mavenLayer/bin/mvn ]]; then
    echo "Downloading Maven"
    # Ensure the executables are placed under the layer's bin directory by stripping the first
    # directory from the tar file.
    wget -q -O - "$maven_url" | tar --strip-components=1 -xzf - -C "$mavenLayer"
    echo "Skipped Maven Download"

We follow the same pattern with the JDK and JRE:

# Download JDK if it doesn't exist already.
if [[ ! -f $jdkLayer/bin/java ]]; then
    echo "Downloading JDK"
    # Ensure the executables are placed under the layer's bin directory by stripping the first
    # directory from the tar file.
    wget -q -O - "$jdk_url" | tar --strip-components=1 -xzf - -C "$jdkLayer"
    echo "Skipped JDK Download"

# Download JRE if it doesn't exist already.
if [[ ! -f $jreLayer/bin/java ]]; then
    echo "Downloading JRE"
    # Ensure the executables are placed under the layer's bin directory by stripping the first
    # directory from the tar file.
    wget -q -O - "$jre_url" | tar --strip-components=1 -xzf - -C "$jreLayer"
    echo "Skipped JRE Download"

We now have all the files we need to build our application. We set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the directory holding the JDK layer, and then call mvn from the Maven layer. We set the maven.repo.local property to instruct Maven to download any dependencies to our dependency layer. Finally we run the clean and package Maven goals:

JAVA_HOME=$jdkLayer $mavenLayer/bin/mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=$dependencieslayer/.m2/repository clean package

Once the build completes, we’ll have a jar file in the target directory. We don’t know the exact name of this file, but we know there will be one jar file, so we use the find command to return the matching file.

The jar file must be configured to be executed in the executable image. This is done in the launch.toml file.

The type property is set to web. If the type was set to any other value, we’d have to define the PACK_PROCESS_TYPE to the same value when running the executable image. But the type of web means we can run the executable image with no special configuration.

The command property defines how the jar file is executed:

for jarFile in $(find target -maxdepth 1 -name "*.jar" -type f); do
    cat >> "$layersdir/launch.toml" <<EOF
type = "web"
command = "java -jar $jarFile"

With the buildpack.tomlbin/detect, and bin/build files written, we now have a buildpack we can use to compile our application.

Assuming the petclinic code is in the spring-petclinic directory, and the buildpack files are in the JavaBuildPack directory, we build our OCI image with the command:

pack build petclinic --path ./spring-petclinic --buildpack ./JavaBuildPack

As before, our code is compiled into an executable OCI image, this time called petclinic. Our custom build pack will:

  1. Detect the presence of a pom.xml file, and indicate that this buildpack is compatible with the supplied source code.
  2. Create four layers to hold the Maven dependencies, the Maven distribution, the JDK, and the JRE.
  3. If the layers have not yet been populated, Maven, a JDK, and a JRE are downloaded and extracted into their associated layer.
  4. A Maven build is performed, placing any downloaded dependencies into the associated layer.
  5. The executable image is created containing the generated jar file and the JRE layer and configured to execute the jar file.
  6. All layers are cached so subsequent builds can skip most, if not all, of the file downloads performed during the first build.

And with that, we have created our own buildpack to compile Java Maven applications.


Many high-quality and battle-tested buildpacks created by PaaS platforms are heavily invested in building and deploying whatever code their customers throw at them. Anyone getting started with buildpacks would be well served by these freely available options.

For those looking to provide a specialized build experience for their team, a custom buildpack may be the answer. In this post, we built a simple buildpack to compile a Java Maven application. We constructed and ran a custom build pack against our sample application with three relatively simple files.

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