Introducing The RanchCast | SUSE Communities

Introducing The RanchCast


Update – I Messed Up the Date

I mixed up the date for The RanchCast, with a Master Class I’m presenting on Tuesday. So join me for DevOps Alerting and Visualization with Prometheus and Grafana on Tuesday and The RanchCast on Wednesday

The Soft Launch

Back in May we did a soft-launch of The RanchCast. We debuted it as a Twitch stream and produced a couple of episodes that you can now find on The RanchCast YouTube channel.

After those episodes aired, I went through the feedback from the community and other streamers. Now we’re ready to re-launch.

(Re)Introducing The RanchCast

The RanchCast is a weekly live stream that allows enginners in the Kubernetes and Rancher communities to interact live with Rancher Labs and with other members of the community. Episode subjects will vary. A lot of what we talk about will be based on ongoing conversations in various community channels.

I’m constantly working with community members on our Slack workspace and forums. I pull some of the questions I see in the community out for deeper discussion, and we’ll dive into those together on The RanchCast. If you have suggestions for episodes, please join #theranchcast in our Slack workspace. You can always find me there.

The RanchCast will broadcast on Twitch, YouTube, and Mixer. We’ll broadcast live on Tuesdays Wednesdays, with the first broadcast scheduled for August 6th 7th at 9am Eastern Time. The time will change from episode to episode to accomodate our users from around the world. Watch the Rancher Labs Twitter account and #theranchcast channel on Slack for future broadcast times. We’ll go as long as we need to, or as long as the presenter’s schedule allows.

Automating Everything

Many of the questions from the community are around automation. From dev to production, the more components your team is able to automate, the better prepared you are to handle scale, disaster recovery and make the lives of your engineers and customers better.

To that end, for the remainder of the summer, we’ll code and script together. We’ll automate from zero to machine provisioning, Kubernetes and Rancher installation, and then everything else we can think of together to get from a clean slate to a production environment. Here’s the current list.

  • Kubernetes / Rancher Provisioning / Rancher CLI
  • Authentication / RBAC / User Management
  • Projects and Namespaces
  • Resource Management with Quotas
  • Logging with Elasticsearch / Fluentd / Kibana
  • Monitoring with Prometheus / Notifications / Alerts
  • Image management / security / scanning with Harbor and Clair
  • Application Management / Helm
  • Compliance and Network Policy Automation
  • Kubernetes and Rancher Upgrades / Certificate Rotation
  • Horizontal Pod Autoscaler and Cluster API / Terraform Operator / Node Scaling

I’d love your feedback, so come join us on #theranchcast channel. I can’t wait to get started.

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