Kubernetes Adoption Hastens in EMEA | SUSE Communities

Kubernetes Adoption Hastens in EMEA


Containers – and Kubernetes – are now a key part of enterprise growth strategy across EMEA. We can see this not only as usage of Rancher grows, but also as the popularity of our local Lighthouse Events increases. In Northern EMEA particularly, the appetite for Kubernetes is accelerating rapidly.

How are companies in this region capitalising on Kubernetes?

World’s first National Telemedicine Initiative centers on K8s and Rancher

In Denmark, Rancher is at the heart of the world’s first national telemedicine initiative, Fælles Udbud Telemedicin (FUT). FUT will connect healthcare professionals to all Danish telemedicine patients – whose health will be monitored remotely, in real-time, in their own homes. Spearheaded by Denmark’s Central Jutland Region, this is the first time all five regions and 98 municipalities have collaborated to make telemedicine available nationwide. No other nation has attempted to connect all of its patients to one telemedicine platform and Rancher is proud to be part of this world-first initiative.

Rancher was selected by the project’s management partner, Netic, to manage, maintain and deliver FUT’s portfolio of secure, connected healthcare services to six million Danish citizens. Read more about Denmark’s national telemedicine iniative and Netic’s selection of Rancher..

De Volksbank Develops New Financial Services with Microservices Architecture using Rancher

In the Netherlands, in addition to our alliances with KPN and AH.nl (Albert Heijn), we’ve recently started working with large Dutch retail bank, de Volksbank. de Volksbank is putting Kubernetes – and Rancher – at the heart of its growth strategy. Rancher will help the bank move to an agile, microservices-centric architecture which will hasten the development of innovative new financial services. Read more details about Rancher’s partnership with de Volksbank.

Also in the Netherlands, our Dutch MSP partner True.nl created a mini documentary; asking experts at Microsoft, NU.nl, Rancher, CarePay, LaunchAI and Twill why container technology matters now, and what value Kubernetes will bring to the enterprise. Our own Jeroen Overmaat, Regional Director NEMEA, talks about his experiences working with enterprise customers in Europe:

More Resources

We’re working with a host of companies, in a variety of sectors, now convinced that Rancher will help them reach their innovation and growth goals.

Find out more at your local Lighthouse Event.

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