Migrating Applications from Rancher 1.6 to Rancher 2.0: Walkthrough Video | SUSE Communities

Migrating Applications from Rancher 1.6 to Rancher 2.0: Walkthrough Video


Rancher 2.0 was rearchitected with the goal of providing a complete multi-cluster management solution for Kubernetes and Docker containers. Because of these changes, there is no direct upgrade path from Rancher 1.6 to Rancher 2.x. This demonstration video guides users through migrating Rancher 1.6 applications to Rancher 2.x. There are several other important resources to utilize:

October Online Meetup: Migrating from Rancher 1.6 to Rancher 2.0

In our October Online Meetup, we will dive into how to transition various aspects of Rancher 1.6 applications to Rancher 2.0. During the Meetup, Rancher engineers Will Chan and Prachi Damle will discuss and demo:

  • Key terminology differences and parallels between Rancher 1.6 and 2.0.
  • How to implement elements like Port Mapping, HealthCheck, Service discovery, Scheduling and Load Balancing the 2.0 way.
  • Demo a transformation of Cattle Compose files of a Rancher 1.6 application to Kubernetes YAML specs.

Register here.

Migrating from Rancher v1.6 Cattle to v2.x Docs

The following blogs (that will be converted in an official guide) explain and educate our Cattle users on running workloads in a Kubernetes environment. View all the blogs here.

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