March 31, 2015

Rancher Adds Support for Private Docker Registries

When we shipped Rancher 0.12 last week we added one of the more frequently requested features, support for private […]

March 31, 2015

Architecture of Rancher’s Docker-machine Integration

As you may have seen, Rancher recently announced our integration with docker-machine. This integration will allow users to spin up […]

March 25, 2015

Rancher adds support for Docker Machine provisioning.

This week we released Rancher 0.12, which adds support for provisioning hosts using Docker Machine. We’re really excited […]

March 24, 2015

RancherOS 0.2 introduces support for upgrades

This week we released RancherOS 0.2, which introduces support for upgrades. RancherOS is a tiny Linux distribution designed specifically […]

March 20, 2015

Building an Apache Mesos Cluster on RancherOS

*This post is now a bit out of date. Since posting this article we’ve released the Rancher container management […]

March 18, 2015

Nice Overview of Running Kubernetes on RancherOS

Kubernetes running as a system service on RancherOS from Ivan Mikushin (@imikushin) Yesterday, Ivan Mikushin did an excellent write up […]

March 10, 2015

Build a NodeJS App using MongoDB and Rancher – part 2

In the first part of this post, I created a full Node.js application stack using MongoDB as the application’[…]

March 6, 2015

Building a NodeJS Application using MongoDB and Rancher – Part 1

So last week I finally got out from my “tech” comfort zone, and tried to set up a Node.[…]

March 4, 2015

A Major Step Towards Making Docker a Distributed Application Platform

Today Docker acquired SDN software maker SocketPlane. Congratulations to both Docker and SocketPlane teams. We have worked closely with SocketPlane […]