Ready to go, prepared to grow.


We are happy to announce SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 JeOS — Just enough Operating System.

In private clouds and virtualized datacenters today, fast deployment is critical to achieve operational efficiency. How can you quickly fire up an image in your virtual data center or private cloud without worrying about application certifications? Facing hundreds of virtual machine images, how do you make sure they are standardized in configuration so as to be efficient?

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 JeOS – pronounced /dʒuːs/, just like “juice” – is a slimmed down form factor of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server that is ready to run in virtualization environments and private cloud. With SUSE Linux Enterprise Server JeOS, you can get the most out of your SUSE Linux Enterprise Server subscription to fit your needs.

Ready to go …

JeOS trims components down to keep the size small. It is designed specifically for virtualization environments such as Xen, KVM, as well as VMware ESX and Microsoft Hyper-V. It is ready-to-run in your hypervisors to save your time in deployment and configuration.

If your applications are certified on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server today, you do not need to re-certify for JeOS. JeOS is based on the same code base as SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. JeOS is SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. For no extra effort, you get the same enterprise-grade, mission-critical performance, stability and services.

… prepared to grow.

Included in your SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 subscription, KIWI simplifies the process of producing golden images. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server JeOS is also delivered as a KIWI template that makes large scale configuration management easy. The KIWI template may serve as a silver image to your golden images for deployment.

We were tempted to call the product “KIWI Juice” based on this relationship, and how sweet, green and healthy JeOS is for (y)our environment. Yet, the naming commitee adviced us to avoid any relationship between a serious enterprise operating system and a fruit juice. Well.

Back to serious.

As SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 JeOS is SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12, you can use it for all use cases you can use SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for. And you can customize it, identical to a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server system. Just register your JeOS! This gives you access to all packages available for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, to updates and security fixes, and it is a prerequisite to be eligible for support. Register the image by either using your existing SUSE entitlement or getting an Evaluation Key.



The juice is provided in five flavours, three will be served in open goblets, two in closed glasses. SUSE currently offers ready-to-use JeOS images for the x86_86 architecture and for the following hypervisors and environments:

  • KVM/XEN (fully virtualized)
  • XEN paravirtualized
  • Microsoft HyperV
  • VMware
  • OpenStack Clouds via cloud_init

For future releases we are planning to expand the availability of JeOS from x86-64 today to other architectures supported by SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12.

Logging In

The ready-to-run images for hypervisor deployments will ask for EULA acceptance, language and passwort at the first boot.

The OpenStack cloud image needs to be configured via cloud_init, i.e. by providing an SSH client key to the image. No password is asked for or needed

Registering Your System

To register the system run the following command from within the running JeOS:

sudo SUSEConnect -e  [E-MAIL] -r [YOUR_CODE]

Replace [E-MAIL] with the e-mail address from your organization’s account at the SUSE Customer Center (SCC). Replace [YOUR_CODE] with a valid registration code.

Docker Host: Installing the Containers Module

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 JeOS can be used as a Docker Host. To do so, follow three easy steps:

  1. Register your system to SCC (or a local SMT Server)
  2. Install the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 Containers Module; to do so, run the following command after you have registered your system:
    sudo SUSEConnect -p sle-module-containers/12/x86_64
  3. Install the Docker daemon, tools and images. More details about Docker and containers are available in the Docker Quick Start manual

JeOS, Juice and Joy at SUSECon 2015

Join us at SUSECon 2015 in Amsterdam next week for discussions around JeOS, its future, and more!

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