SC13 is going FAST
We just put the wraps on day two of SC13 here in Denver. Heading into the next 2 days, we still have a tremendous amount of information to deliver in our booth (#301) and in meetings. We have already had great mini-theater presentations from partners like Solarflare, SGI and Bright Computing and a great panel discussion early this evening with Kai Dupke (Sr. Product Manager, SUSE), Vojtech Pavlik (Director, SUSE Labs) and Gary Orenstein (EVP, Fusion-io) about advances in storage technology.
Speaking of Fusion-io, they are sponsoring our system that is making a high speed download of openSUSE 13.1 available to folks who bring their laptop by our booth. The system is capable of saturating a gigabit network link without blinking an eye (or perhaps a diode) thus allowing a user to grab the full 4.7GB ISO image in under a minute. I am pretty sure the storage is the fastest component in the system. Thanks Fusion-io!
We still have some great mini-theater sessions lined up for Wednesday and Thursday. Be sure and stop by to ask your most challenging questions about Linux (especially SUSE Linux) to the experts!
Here’s the lineup for Wednesday:
10:30 | Increasing efficiency in your datacenter at a hyperscale with Servergy
Brandon Moore, Global Director, Product Solution Development and Sales |
11:30 | Bright Cluster Manager: The All-Purpose Management Solution for SUSE Linux Clouds
Ian Lumb, Bright Evangelist |
12:30 | Vojtech Pavlik, Director, SUSE Labs |
2:00 | Image Building with SUSE Studio
David Byte, Sr. Technology Strategist, SUSE |
3:30 | SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time Extension Kai Dupke, Sr. Product Manager, SUSE |
5:00 | Panel Discussion/QA: Kernel Advances and the Impact on Large Systems |
Also, don’t miss your chance to win a Raspberry Pi Rev B running openSUSE 13.1. We draw for two of these each evening at the close of the show. If you already have a RPi and just want the openSUSE 13.1 image, come on by and download it!
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May 03rd, 2023
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