SLES 12 SP2 Beta and openQA: status of QA Automation
In Mid May we have reached the Beta phase of SLES 12 SP2 so I would like to look back a little bit and see what we have achieved in SUSE QA Automation with openQA.
In 2014 the SUSE QA department has jumped on the openQA train, started with openSUSE much earlier, to fullfill the needs of improving and extending QA Testcoverage and keep pace with the requirements of DevOps.
As of today openQA tests operating systems and their applications, performs GUI & Console testing on multipe architectures, e.g. x86_64, s390x, aarch64 and ppc. Besides standard installation we can perform multi machine testing, add-on testing, real hardware and virtualized testing. Once the first test cycle is done openQA will start image creation and testing without OS installation.
Results presentation is done by a new dashboard and after the daily review of the test cycle our QA engineers add a comment about the quality of the products under test. So involved Release Managers and Product Managers are always up-to-date about the product status.
Latest Feature is the extension of the backend with libvirt to provide access to remote VMs. Now we can test different Hypervisors like VMWare, Hyper-V and others.
Need more information?
Check out our webpages, e.g. the openQA main website or the documentation page. Bug reports & feature requests can be added here.
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Sep 18th, 2023
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