Struggle of existence


Today’s businesses are challenged by keeping up with constantly, rapidly changing customer demands and new market trends. This puts severe pressures on the lines of business within an organization and causes difficulty in staying ahead of the competition. In the first place to be constantly outward looking and in the second place to establish a great customer experience. Lastly a seamless internal operation through tight alignment between departments proves to be tough.

In practice you could easily say, that many acknowledge the need for establishing an environment within it can happen is badly needed. At the same time you see, that many organizations are crippled to do so. Intercompany struggles, process adaption, change management, let alone IT needs and much more; all withhold companies of becoming agile and remain or become hugely successful.

Role of cloud

A recent McKinsey study outlines why agility pays. Companies that successfully converge speed and stability are agile and turn out to have a much better organizational health.

An HBR research concludes that cloud adoption it’s not so much about the money, but that business agility is the main driver. It supports the adoption of new technology and simplifies the organizational processes at greater velocity, leading to a stronger competitive positioning.

Look before you leap

In order to fully benefit of the advantages cloud offers, there is a number of points to take into consideration. This will ensure a successfully deployment of such an environment. Want to learn more about what to consider before deploying cloud? Read more here how SUSE can support you. Or visit the website.

Look before you leap

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