SUSE Academic Program to be present at 2019 UCISA SSG Conference


Engaging with the community has always been important for SUSE and this is no different for our Academic Program. That is why next week, the SUSE Academic Program is excited to attend and participate in a three day event hosted by one of the most respected networks in UK education.

“UCISA is the member-led professional body for digital practitioners within education in the UK.  An open and inclusive network, UCISA uses their collective knowledge and expertise to help transform teaching, learning and research to ensure both operational efficiency and an excellent student experience”. (  Most importantly, UCISA fosters an open community that collaborates and shares thinking, best practices and procedures that everyone in education can learn from.

USICA hosts a number of events throughout the year that give the opportunity for the community to come together and connect with professionals from various sectors. The UCISA Support Services Group conference will be held July 3rd-5th at the Queens Hotel in Leeds, UK. The audience will be made up of roughly 120 IT staff and administrators from higher education institutions across the UK. This year’s theme is “traveling back to the future of IT”, it will address the rapidly changing technological landscape in higher education and promises some entertaining back to the future 80’s themed evening activities. Some of the topics and questions that will be addressed include;

  • What are the latest technological advances that will be popular in future of Higher Education?
  • Will traditional functions such as a telephone service desk and processes like ITIL, SLAs and KPIs still be relevant to customers who have grown up with Google, Facebook and Snapchat?
  • How do we continue to adapt our service offering and develop our teams to meet these new challenges?


Where do we fit in? The SUSE Academic Program is all about enabling staff and students with the most up-to-date skills in Linux, Open Source, Storage, Cloud and Emerging Technologies. We feel education is so important that we offer our knowledge and expertise free for the academic community. Working with higher education institutions globally, it is not uncommon to see the SUSE Academic Program provided as a resource for students through their student services website.  Working with Cape Town University, the SUSE Academic Program has a dedicated webpage ( featuring the program and all associated benefits their staff and students have access to.

At the UCISA SSG conference, there will be a dedicated booth for the academic program and myself present to meet with everyone and share information. We are committed to providing the latest Linux education platform on the market, supported by a team of experts and enjoyed by the academic community.

Not yet a part of the program? Visit  to register or login with your existing SUSE login credentials. Learn more by reading the Academic Program Guide and Academic Program Flyer.


Have questions about the SUSE Academic Program?  Reach out to our team:


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