SUSE BYOS Images and the AWS Marketplace


Recently we have had a run on Bring Your Own Subscription (BYOS) topics in the cloud, here is another.

After numerous inquiries on where SUSE BYOS images can be found and the follow on question, “Why are these images not on the AWS marketplace?”, SUSE is moving all AWS BYOS images onto the AWS marketplace proper. This means you can now find all SUSE BYOS images in the same place that you find SLES for SAP images.

The BYOS images that can now be found in the marketplace span: the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server family — versions 12 and 15, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP family — versions 12 and 15, SUSE Manager, SUSE Linux Enterprise High Performance Computing, as well as SUSE Rancher Setup (sets up an EKS cluster and installs free Rancher into it).

These images are used the same way as other marketplace images.

To use these images, login to the AWS UI and subscribe to the product just like you would for a paid image. No changes have been made to how the images work. The recent BLOG about BYOS instances and the hosted update infrastructure, covered in a January post by Robert Schweikert, is still valid. The only change is the use of the AWS marketplace infrastructure to acquire the desired image.

To find images, visit the AWS marketplace. BYOS images are tagged with the term at the end of the product title.

Alternatively, you can use to find specific images. Pint operates the same as it did before the change in image location. (On the PINT UI, set the CSP to AWS and the search term to BYOS, all available images will be listed.)

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