SUSE CaaS Platform at Open Infrastructure Summit
If you’re attending Open Infrastructure Summit this year and have in previous years as well, you might be noticing something a bit different; this year it’s not called OpenStack Summit. While we expect much of the talk will still be about OpenStack, we thought it might be a good idea to include other related technologies as well, like SUSE CaaS Platform, SUSE Cloud Application Platform – the two offerings that combine to form SUSE’s Application Delivery solution – and SUSE Enterprise Storage
Why are we doing this? Well, as for SUSE CaaS Platform, it goes with SUSE OpenStack Cloud kind of like peanut butter and jelly (and you know you like, peanut butter and jelly :D). I could go on about various ways deploying Kubernetes is made simpler with SUSE OpenStack Cloud and SUSE CaaS Platform, however the lean, mean, and green, SUSE machine has got you on that and I’m going to cut to the chase as a result. We developed a reference architecture on Deploying Kubernetes using SUSE OpenStack Cloud and SUSE CaaS Platform. Peanut butter and jelly, man.
During Open Infrastructure Summit, there will also be an interesting session called “Rook: A new and easy way to run your Ceph storage on Kubernetes.” Ceph is one of the most popular store back-ends for OpenStack; this session will investigate Rook. Rook is a relatively new way to orchestrate Ceph Storage on top of Kubernetes and is an open source project incubated by the Cloud-Native Computing Foundation with a goal of providing Ceph block, file, and object storage inside of Kubernetes. The talk aims to introduce Rook, while exploring the features important for OpenStack storage. It will also look to go into Ceph’s lifecycle management and integration. The session will be led by Blaine Gardner, Rook-Ceph maintainer and SUSE Software Engineer for SUSE Enterprise Storage, along with Stephen Nemeth, Senior Architect for advanced technology.
What’s more is that SUSE is now a Kubernetes Certified Service Provider and offers a variety of services for both technologies to help you deploy Kubernetes with SUSE CaaS Platform and SUSE OpenStack – from short term jump-start engagements to long term premium support service offerings providing a dedicated relationship with a technical professional.
And don’t forget, like all SUSE solutions, SUSE CaaS Platform and SUSE OpenStack Cloud are backed by SUSE Support. So this year, if you’re attending Open Infrastructure Summit, be sure to ask about how SUSE CaaS Platform is involved with SUSE OpenStack Cloud.
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Feb 27th, 2024
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