SUSE x KubeCon; a Post-Mortem.


Socks were handed out, interviews were recorded, Rubik’s cubes got solved, SUSE chameleons proliferated the masses; and now we are very tired. KubeCon taught us all a lot of new things from sessions on new projects like Envoy and Harbor, to discussions on the intersection of technology, society, and the future. We saw some interesting keynotes including one on the donation of Etcd to the Cloud Native Foundation (CNCF), and learned from end users about how they’re utilizing Kubernetes in their technology stacks today. We hope you met some good contacts, and hopefully enjoyed some of the post-show parties too – we loved the MoMo and the glass museum!

Overall, “the KubeCon” was a four-day-long extravaganza-palooza that saw a two-fold rise in attendance from last year, up 4,000 attendees to 8,000 attendees, and over 300 sessions. Personally, I loved meeting the recent college graduates that were sponsored by the Linux Foundation – if any of you are reading this now, you’ll do great out there, I already know it!

Above all, all that activity translates into a lot of interest in Kubernetes. So, here’s our wrap up of what happened when SUSE took on KubeCon 2018 in Seattle:


Interview with Thomas Di Giacomo and Roger Klorese

During the craziness of KubeCon we were able to flag down our friendly Chief Technology Officer Thomas Di Giacomo and our resident SUSE CaaS Platform Product Manager Roger Klorese for a 15-minute interview on SUSE’s involvement with the CNCF, and how SUSE is bringing cloud native technologies to enterprise customers with SUSE CaaS Platform and SUSE Cloud Application Platform. In my obviously non-biased opinion, the interview is awesome and a must watch for anyone who is curious about what SUSE is doing in the cloud native world, and what we have to offer to both the end user and the broader community.

Also, massive shout out to Swapnil Bhartiya from TFiR for his help recording and editing the interview. Be sure to check out his website, and read some of his hot takes on the technology industry. Aside from his amazing work – seriously, the interview is top notch stuff – Swapnil is a good person, and that is what makes him stand out the most to me. One of the most underrated business skills is being nice; people want to work with nice people like Swapnil, and this gives him access to some of the best sources around.

LGBTQIAP+ – The Final Minority Challenge

As human beings, we have a moral obligation to leave this world a better place than we left it. During KubeCon, Rob Knight and Roger Klorese contributed to that mission with their KubeCon session on the under representation of minority and LGBTQIAP+ individuals. In the spirit of Open Source, Roger and Rob’s session was a collaborative one, where healthy discussion was had and hopefully progress was made.


SUSE CaaS Platfom is Advancing Rapidly

SUSE is rapidly delivering enhancements to SUSE CaaS Platform as we continue to fulfill our mission of providing developers with an exceptional operator experience. Recent updates include new support for external authentications, and for simplified connectivity to Kubernetes services. I’m not going to get into too much details on these as Roger is continuing to blog about our new enhancements. You can check out his blog on external authentication enhancements here and be sure to read up on all our new enhancements as they are released by following the SUSE Containers-as-a-Service Platform blog page


SUSE Cloud Application Platform Shines Brightly

SUSE Cloud Application Platform was also of great interest to the developers in the crowd. Bringing the best of Cloud Foundry to Kubernetes, SUSE Cloud Application Platform provides one step deployment and lifecycle management of 12-factor applications.  It supports any language or framework, and can be installed into an existing Kubernetes environment with Helm charts. You can check out more on SUSE Cloud Application Platform on SUSE’s website.

That just about wraps it up for now. We had a great KubeCon and we’re hoping you did too. We know everyone says this, but we’re really excited for what’s ahead, and we encourage you to stay tuned to SUSE and SUSE CaaS Platform happenings. Wishing you a relaxing, stress-free, and enjoyable holiday break.

I’ll leave you with one of my favorite YouTube videos:


Chris Lentricchia is the product marketing manager for SUSE CaaS Platform. You can find Chris on Twitter @iamcippino

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