SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 Service Pack 5 Public Beta is out!
We are thrilled to start our Public Beta Program for SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 Service Pack 5 with the release of PublicBeta-202302.
The Public SLE Beta webpage is now live! Please check it out for all the Public information.
Consolidation Service Pack
SLE 15 SP5 is a “Consolidation” Service Pack. And so, the focus is on Bug/Security fixes as well as improving our existing features however you will find new selected features in this release but we have not made any major updates of our stacks compared to SP4.
Selection of Changes
- distribution-registry 2.8.1-150400.9.11.1
- gcc12 12.2.1+git416-150000.1.5.1
- go1.19 1.19.4-150000.1.18.1
- go 1.19-150000.3.26.1
- kubernetes1.23-client 1.23.9-150300.7.3.5
- nodejs18 18.13.0-150500.1.2
- nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-kmp-default 525.85.05_k5.14.21_150500.40-150500.1.3
- openmpi_4_1_4-gnu-hpc 4.1.4-150500.1.6
- pam_saslauthd 0.1.0~1-150400.9.4.1
- pcm 202212-150500.1.1
- postgresql15 15.1-150200.5.3.2
- python311 3.11.1-150500.1.1
- rear27a 2.7-150500.1.1
- redis7 7.0.8-150500.1.1
- rust1.67 1.67.0-150400.9.3.1
- slurm_22_05 22.05.5-150300.7.3.2
- zypper-changelog-plugin 0.3-150500.1.1
- busybox-ed 1.35.0-150400.4.3.14
- containerd-ctr 1.6.12-150000.79.1
- libbpf1 1.1.0-150500.1.1
- libguestfs 1.48.4-150500.1.2
- open-vm-tools-salt-minion 12.1.0-150300.21.2
- redis7 7.0.8-150500.1.1
- wicked-nbft 0.6.72-150500.1.1
Updated Kernel
- kernel-source: 5.14.21-150500.40.1
- 389-ds: 2.0.15~git17.498ec3e93-150400.1.3 => 2.2.4~git25.c81ee34-150500.1.2
- apache2: 2.4.51-150400.4.6 => 2.4.51-150400.6.6.1
- autoyast2: 4.4.36-150400.1.6 => 4.5.12-150500.1.1
- bind: 9.16.20-150400.3.6 => 9.16.37-150400.5.17.1
- binutils: 2.37-150100.7.29.1 => 2.39-150100.7.40.1
- bpftrace: 0.14.0-150400.1.6 => 0.16.0-150500.1.2
- btrfsprogs: 5.14-150400.3.6 => 5.14-150500.8.15
- buildah: 1.23.1-150400.1.17 => 1.28.2-150400.3.11.1
- build: 20210120-6.1 => 20220613-150200.12.1
- busybox: 1.34.1-150400.1.8 => 1.35.0-150500.8.1
- ca-certificates-mozilla: 2.44-21.1 => 2.60-150200.27.1
- catatonit: 0.1.5-3.3.2 => 0.1.7-150500.1.2
- cifs-utils: 6.14-150400.1.6 => 6.15-150400.3.9.1
- cni-plugins: 0.8.6-3.8.1 => 1.1.1-150500.1.12
- cni: 0.7.1-3.5.3 => 1.1.2-150500.1.13
- conmon: 2.0.30-150400.1.6 => 2.1.5-150400.3.3.1
- containerd: 1.4.12-150000.65.1 => 1.6.12-150000.79.1
- container-suseconnect: 2.3.0-4.17.1 => 2.4.0-150000.4.22.1
- corosync: 2.4.5-12.7.1 => 2.4.6-150300.12.10.1
- cosign: 1.5.2-150400.1.7 => 1.12.0-150400.3.6.1
- cpuid: 20201006-1.38 => 20221201-150500.1.1
- cpupower: 5.14-150400.1.8 => 5.14-150500.7.2
- crash: 7.3.0-150400.1.61 => 7.3.1-150500.2.3
- crmsh: 4.4.0+20220321.8cf6a9d1-150400.1.12 => 4.4.1+20230117.fb8b3c2b-150500.1.5
- cups: 2.2.7-3.26.1 => 2.2.7-150000.3.35.1
- docker: 20.10.12_ce-159.1 => 20.10.17_ce-150000.169.1
- dpdk: 19.11.10-150400.2.10 => 19.11.10-150500.3.20
- firewalld: 0.9.3-150400.7.6 => 0.9.3-150400.8.6.1
- flatpak: 1.12.5-150400.1.11 => 1.14.1-150500.1.2
- gcc11: 11.2.1+git610-150000.1.6.6 => 11.3.0+git1637-150000.1.11.2
- git: 2.35.3-150300.10.12.1 => 2.35.3-150300.10.21.1
- gnome-shell: 41.4-150400.1.7 => 41.9-150400.3.3.2
- gnutls: 3.7.3-150400.2.12 => 3.7.3-150400.4.24.1
- go1: 1.18.1-150000.1.14.1 => 1.18.9-150000.1.40.1
- gpg2: 2.2.27-1.2 => 2.2.27-150300.3.5.1
- grub2: 2.06-150400.9.9 => 2.06-150500.19.3
- helm: 3.8.0-150000.1.3.1 => 3.10.3-150000.1.13.1
- hplip: 3.21.10-150400.1.9 => 3.21.10-150400.3.5.1
- hwdata: 0.357-150000.3.42.1 => 0.365-150000.3.54.1
- hwinfo: 21.81-150400.1.4 => 21.84-150500.1.1
- ipset: 6.36-3.3.1 => 7.15-150400.12.3.2
- iputils: 20211215-150400.1.5 => 20221126-150500.1.1
- irqbalance: => 1.9.2-150500.1.2
- issue-generator: 1.7-1.17 => 1.13-150500.1.1
- java-11-openjdk: =>
- java-17-openjdk: =>
- java-1_8_0-ibm: 1.8.0_sr7.5-150000.3.56.1 => 1.8.0_sr7.20-150000.3.68.1
- java-1_8_0-openjdk: =>
- kiwi-templates-Minimal: 15.4-150400.1.4 => 15.5-150500.3.1
- krb5: 1.19.2-150400.1.9 => 1.19.2-150400.3.3.1
- libreoffice: =>
- libvirt: 8.0.0-150400.5.8 => 9.0.0-150500.2.1
- linuxrc: =>
- llvm7: 7.0.1-3.19.2 => 7.0.1-150100.3.22.2
- mariadb: 10.6.7-150400.1.4 => 10.6.10-150400.3.17.1
- MozillaFirefox: 91.8.0-150200.152.26.1 => 102.7.0-150200.152.73.1
- MozillaThunderbird: 91.8.0-150200.8.65.1 => 102.7.1-150200.8.102.1
- multipath-tools: 0.8.8+64+suse.f265f7e0-150400.2.4 => 0.9.4+68+suse.98559ea-150500.1.1
- ndctl: 71.1-150400.8.5 => 75-150500.1.1
- NetworkManager: 1.32.12-150400.1.11 => 1.38.2-150500.1.2
- nftables: 0.9.8-1.7 => 0.9.8-150300.3.3.1
- nginx: 1.21.5-150400.1.8 => 1.21.5-150400.3.3.1
- nodejs-common: 5.0-150400.1.4 => 5.1-150500.1.1
- openscap: 1.3.5-150400.9.8 => 1.3.6-150400.11.3.1
- openssh: 8.4p1-3.9.1 => 8.4p1-150300.3.15.4
- openssl-1_0_0: 1.0.2p-3.49.1 => 1.0.2p-150000.3.65.1
- openssl-1_1: 1.1.1l-150400.5.14 => 1.1.1l-150500.12.1
- openssl-3: 3.0.1-150400.2.4 => 3.0.8-150500.1.1
- open-vm-tools: 11.3.5-13.1 => 12.1.0-150300.21.2
- openvpn: 2.5.5-150400.1.5 => 2.5.6-150400.3.3.1
- openvswitch: 2.14.2-150400.22.23 => 2.14.2-150400.24.3.1
- pam-modules: 12.1-3.17 => 12.1-150000.5.3.2
- pam: 1.3.0-150000.6.55.3 => 1.3.0-150000.6.61.1
- permissions: 20201225-150400.3.4 => 20201225-150400.5.16.1
- php7: 7.4.25-150400.2.7 => 7.4.33-150400.4.16.1
- php8: 8.0.10-150400.2.7 => 8.0.27-150400.4.23.1
- podman: 3.4.4-150400.2.14 => 4.2.1-150500.1.2
- postgresql: 14-150400.2.72 => 15-150500.8.6
- powerpc-utils: 1.3.9-150400.17.4 => 1.3.11-150500.1.1
- powertop: 2.14-150400.1.7 => 2.15-150500.1.3
- ppc64-diag: 2.7.7-150400.1.8 => 2.7.9-150500.1.1
- procps: 3.3.15-7.22.1 => 3.3.15-150000.7.28.1
- python3: 3.6.15-150300.10.21.1 => 3.6.15-150300.10.37.2
- redis: 6.2.6-150400.1.5 => 6.2.6-150400.3.11.1
- rmt-server: 2.7.1-150400.1.7 => 2.9-150500.1.3
- rpm: 4.14.3-150300.46.1 => 4.14.3-150300.52.1
- ruby2: 2.5.9-150000.4.23.1 => 2.5.9-150000.4.26.1
- runc: 1.0.3-27.1 => 1.1.4-150000.36.1
- rust: 1.59.0-150300.21.20.1 => 1.67.0-150400.24.6.1
- s390-tools: 2.19.0-150400.5.5 => 2.25.0-150500.3.3
- salt: 3004-150400.6.16 => 3004-150400.8.20.1
- samba: 4.15.5+git.328.f1f29505d84-150400.1.44 => 4.17.3+git.290.00f806b25c9-150500.1.11
- sapconf: 5.0.3-7.18.1 => 5.0.5-150000.7.24.1
- saphanabootstrap-formula: 0.7.1+git.1619008686.8600866-3.11.1 => 0.13.1+git.1667812208.4db963e-150200.3.15.1
- SAPHanaSR-ScaleOut: 0.181.0-30.1 => 0.184.1-150000.33.1
- SAPHanaSR: 0.155.0-4.17.1 => 0.162.1-150000.4.31.1
- sapstartsrv-resource-agents: 0.9.0+git.1645795466.55a8cca-1.12.1 => 0.9.1+git.1663751963.e0ef8a2-150000.1.15.1
- shadow: 4.8.1-150400.8.57 => 4.8.1-150400.10.3.1
- sqlite3: 3.36.0-3.12.1 => 3.39.3-150000.3.20.1
- squid: 5.4.1-150400.1.16 => 5.7-150400.3.6.1
- sssd: 2.5.2-150400.2.9 => 2.5.2-150500.7.1
- suseconnect-ng: 0.0.8~git0.16545bf-150400.1.10 => 1.0.0~git0.faee7c196dc1-150400.3.7.3
- sysconfig: 0.85.6-9.1 => 0.85.9-150200.12.1
- systemd: 249.11-150400.6.8 => 249.14-150400.8.19.1
- transactional-update: 3.6.2-150300.3.3.1 => 4.1.0-150500.1.3
- u-boot-rpiarm64: 2021.10-150400.2.6 => 2021.10-150400.4.11.1
- ucode-intel: 20220207-10.1 => 20220809-150200.18.1
- util-linux: 2.37.2-150400.6.26 => 2.37.4-150500.7.1
- valgrind: 3.18.1-150400.1.4 => 3.20.0-150500.1.1
- vim: 8.0.1568-5.17.1 => 9.0.1234-150000.5.34.1
- virt-manager: 4.0.0-150400.1.5 => 4.1.0-150500.1.1
- wicked: 0.6.69-150400.1.3 => 0.6.72-150500.1.1
- wpa_supplicant: 2.9-4.33.1 => 2.10-150500.1.1
- xen: 4.16.0_08-150400.2.12 => 4.17.0_02-150500.1.14
- yast2: 4.4.47-150400.1.7 => 4.5.22-150500.1.1
- bcc-{docs,examples}
- cargo{1.58,1.59}
- cross-nvptx-gcc11
- flatpak-zsh-completion
- gcc11-{32bit,ada,ada-32bit,c++,c++-32bit,fortran,fortran-32bit,go,go-32bit,info,locale,PIE}
- gnu11-compilers-hpc
- gnu11-compilers-hpc-{devel,macros-devel}
- go1.17
- go1.17-{doc,race}
- guestfsd
- guestfs-{data,winsupport}
- imb_2021_2-gnu-{mpich-hpc,mvapich2-hpc,openmpi3-hpc,openmpi4-hpc}
- kubernetes1.18-{client,client-common}
- libada11
- libada11-32bit
- libasan6-32bit
- libexiv2-26
- libfrrgrpc_pb0
- libglue2
- libglue-devel
- libgo19
- libgo19-32bit
- libgrpc++1
- libigdgmm11
- libipset11
- libixion-0_16-0
- libLLVM11-32bit
- libopenblas_0_3_20-gnu-{hpc,hpc-devel}
- libopenblas-pthreads_0_3_20-gnu-{hpc,hpc-devel}
- libopeniscsiusr0_2_0
- libopenmpi_4_1_1-gnu-hpc
- liborcus-0_16-0
- libpacemaker3
- libpacemaker-devel
- libpapi_6_0_0_1-hpc
- libpolkit0
- libpython3_10-1_0
- libqatzip1
- libstdc++6-{devel-gcc11,devel-gcc11-32bit,pp-gcc11,pp-gcc11-32bit}
- libtukit0
- libyang1
- libyang-extentions
- mpich_4_0_1-gnu-hpc
- mpich_4_0_1-gnu-hpc-{devel,macros-devel}
- mpich-ofi_4_0_1-gnu-hpc
- mpich-ofi_4_0_1-gnu-hpc-devel
- mvapich2_2_3_6-gnu-hpc
- mvapich2_2_3_6-gnu-hpc-{devel,doc,macros-devel}
- mvapich2-psm2_2_3_6-gnu-hpc
- mvapich2-psm2_2_3_6-gnu-hpc-{devel,doc,macros-devel}
- mvapich2-psm_2_3_6-gnu-hpc
- mvapich2-psm_2_3_6-gnu-hpc-{devel,doc,macros-devel}
- nodejs16
- nodejs16-{devel,docs}
- npm16
- nvme-cli-{bash,zsh}-completion
- openmpi_4_1_1-gnu-hpc
- openmpi_4_1_1-gnu-hpc-{devel,devel-static,docs,macros-devel}
- papi_6_0_0_1-{hpc,hpc-devel}
- perl-TermReadLine-Gnu
- postgresql13
- postgresql13-{contrib,devel,docs,llvmjit,llvmjit-devel,pgagent,plperl,plpython,pltcl,server,server-devel}
- python310
- python310-{base,curses,dbm,devel,idle,pip,setuptools,tk,tools}
- python3-{bcc,evtx}
- rust{1.58,1.59}
- system-user-flatpak
- tftpboot-installation-SLE-15-SP4-{aarch64,ppc64le,s390x,x86_64}
- thunderbolt-user-space
More information
Please visit for more information like beta schedule, how to report issues, how to start a discussion with SLE Engineering and more.
Have fun beta testing!
Your SUSE Linux Enterprise Team
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