SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for System z supports OCFS2


Recently at BrainShare we partnered with IBM and presented a Technical Training on Installing SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availabilty Extension (HAE) on System z. Everyone knows about the Reliability, Availability, and Scalability of IBM’s zEnterprise System, but many do not know that with their SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for System z subscription they get access to the SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension (HAE) and they can use it to configure a highly available infrastructure across multiple Linux virtual machines. Check out the BrainShare presentation on HAE

SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension is an integrated suite of open source clustering technologies that enables you to implement highly available physical and virtual Linux clusters. For quick and efficient configuration and administration, the High Availability Extension includes both a graphical user interface (GUI) and a command line interface (CLI). One of the highlights of running our High Availability Extension on System z is you get access and support to critical tools such as the Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS2) to help you provide an Active / Active infrastructure for your enterprise data.

Oracle Cluster File System 2 (OCFS2) is a general-purpose journaling file system that has been fully integrated since the Linux 2.6 kernel. OCFS2 allows you to store application binary files, data files, and databases on devices on shared storage. All nodes in a cluster have concurrent read and write access to the file system. A user-space control daemon, managed via a clone resource, provides the integration with the HA stack, in particular with OpenAIS/Corosync and the Distributed Lock Manager (DLM). Only SUSE provides OCFS2 as part of the SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension (HAE). For more information on OCFS please visit:

SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension is provided as part of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for System z as well as SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for POWER. The High Availability Extension is an additional add-on product for our x86, x86_64 products. For more information on SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension please visit:

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