SUSE Partner Engineering Releases YES System Certification Kit v9.1
SUSE® officially released SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro 6.1 on November 26, 2024. In addition to this new version of SUSE Linux Micro we are announcing the availability of the latest SUSE YES Certification Kit (SCK), version 9.1!
SCK 9.1 provides SUSE YES Certification support for SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP6 and 15 SP5, as well as SUSE Linux Micro 6.1 and 6.0.
Note: SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP5 will move into the LTSS phase on Dec. 31, 2024. All Bulletins submitted after this date will be Restricted Bulletins only.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 and SL Micro require separate certifications. If a company needs both, they will need two different certification test runs and submissions. SCK 9.1 replaces the previously released SCK 9.0 version. With SCK 9.1 your company can still leverage a SLES 15 SP6/SP5 certification to add Workstation Extensions and/or SLEPOS as an additional supported product. This requires using the corresponding project on TestConsole. SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP6/SP5 virtualization certifications are still available using a KVM and/or Xen virtualization host and Virtual Machines.
SCK 9.1 continues support for system certification of all SUSE Linux supported architectures:
- x86_64
- Arm
- IBM® Power® and IBM Z®
This new release of the SCK supports certification of servers, edge devices/servers, workstations, desktops, laptops, point-of-service systems, virtualization hosts, and third-party hypervisors. Any device requiring a robust Linux operating system can likely be YES Certified.
The changes from SCK 9.0 to 9.1 are mainly to enable SL Micro 6.1 but also include various bug fixes.
We encourage the use of the new SCK 9.1 Gold Master (GM) release for all future certification testing beginning immediately. SUSE partners are strongly encouraged to download and install the new version as soon as possible. The new SCK 9.1 ISO image is contained in a compressed .zip file which can be downloaded from the public YES System Test Tools for SUSE® Linux webpage or from the SUSE® Bulletin System (SBS) main landing webpage (requiring a login). The SCK 9.1 documentation is available at these download locations as well. The documentation files are packaged as a compressed .zip file. We strongly recommend that you utilize the SCK documentation for the best experience. Important: Please review the README file, which is part of the SCK download .zip file, for a detailed list of known issues with SCK 9.1. Understanding these issues will save you time.
We understand that our partners may be in the middle of certifying systems with SCK 9.0 and may need to complete this process before updating. For this reason, we have set the deadline for submissions with the SCK 9.0 release as Jan 31, 2025. After that date we reserve the right to reject submissions tested with the SCK 9.0 version. All SL Micro 6.1 certifications require SCK 9.1.
Note: SLES 12 SP5 general support ended October 31, 2024; SLES 15 SP5 general support will end December 31, 2024. At the end of 2024 both of these older versions of SLES have moved or will move to SUSE Long-Term Support Services (LTSS), requiring customers to purchase an LTSS contract. YES Certifying a system with a SLES version in LTSS is possible, but those certifications require certain policy changes, these changes are outlined here.
With SUSE Linux Enterprise and the latest System Certification Kit partners have the power to leverage the premier system certification program – SUSE YES Certification. We are confident that these tools and SUSE YES Certification to help increase your product sales opportunities.
Best regards,
SUSE Partner Engineering
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