SUSE Welcomes Cimitra for it’s “Just Enough Administration” Solution


SUSE welcomes Cimitra as its newest partner in the arena of IT administration and support, with the addition of Cimitra certified support on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.


The Cimitra server is distributed as a Docker container that can easily drop right into a Docker implementation on SLES12 or SLES15. Cimitra ships as a free solution limited to 3 users and 3 agents. No license is needed. And the free version never expires. Select the “Try” option at Cimitra’s website to get the free version. 


The Cimitra web client is designed to present actions that are simply connections to pre-generated scripts and commands. Cimitra end-users can perform actions without having to be granted OS administrator logins or sudo access. One of the problems that IT support organizations are experiencing is that many rudimentary management functions require system administration rights thus requiring the cost of having sysadmin-trained IT staff available to perform simple duties, or putting the organization at risk by either generating too many privileged accounts or having to manage dozens of different roles.

For example, a script or command to restart an Apache webserver (rcapache2 restart) is presented to Mike from the Help Desk. Mike doesn’t need any rights on the Linux server to run the scripts that have been provided to him, thus granting Mike the ability to perform just the actions given to him. A catalog of such scripts would free highly-trained system administration staff to perform more serious work and Level 1 support could perform the tasks in the catalog without needed administrative/root authority and console access.

Learn more about this solution and how it can be:

  •       A boon for IT administrators because it automates self-help responses to common level one issues
  •       Easily installed because it doesn’t require deep system hooks
  •       Customized and extended for a particular organization’s needs

Contact Cimitra to see how they can help you.

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Mark Brown Mark is an ISV Partner Manager with SUSE, specializing in Storage and Big Data.