SUSECON Call for Papers, and the great content that it generates!


Today is the day! The eagerly awaited SUSECON Call for Papers is open! As the project manager of session development for SUSECON, I have been looking forward to this for a long time, and although the timeframe for the Call for Papers is short (the Call for Papers closes April 21), I anticipate a great response. The wonderful content that has consistently been associated with SUSECON is a direct result of the high quality submissions received!

Speaking of high-quality submissions, I have been managing content development for various events, for almost 2 decades, and for almost 2 decades I have seen people use basic principles to create great submissions, and people forgetting the same basic principles, resulting in not-so-great submissions. With that in mind, I put together this simple guide to submitting proposals to the SUSECON Call for Papers. It covers the basics about what type of content is expected, and a few short lines about good titles and abstracts – with a focus on conciseness. (Mark Twain once wrote, “I apologize for such a long letter, I didn’t have time to write a short one”.) I hope it will help you create the best possible submission!
Use this link to submit to the SUSECON Call for Papers – I look forward to your great submissions!

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