Tag: agility
July 21, 2023 10:34 am
5,714 viewsChoice Happens: Why Mixed Platform IT Environments Foster Resilience and Freedom of Choice
In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of technology, businesses face a crucial decision - whether to adopt a single-platform IT strategy or embrace the potential benefits of mixed platform environments. While some argue that a single-platform approach streamlines operations, compelling reasons suggest that mixed platform setups are the way forward. In this blog, we will […]
Tags: agility, centos, cost optimization, Freedom of choice, Hybrid Cloud, innovation, IT Agility, IT strategy, mixed-cloud, RHEL, strategy
Categories: Corporate, Digital Transformation, Featured Content, Interoperability, Products, Rancher Kubernetes, Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE), Rancher Lightweight Kubernetes (K3s), SUSE Manager for Retail, SUSE Multi-Linux Manager
March 26, 2021 4:45 pm
16,626 viewsTop 5 Reasons to Migrate SAP to the Cloud
We’re sitting in March 2021, 1 year after COVID completely changed our lives, but also accelerated the move to Cloud for many enterprises and government agencies. Looking at a lot of industry surveys, many of you are no longer asking the question. The Cloud? It’s a done deal.
However, there are still those […]
Tags: 2027, agility, AWS, Cloud, cost, Migration, moderna, SAP, SAP&Cloud, SAPonAWS, SUSEAWS, transformation
Categories: Cloud Computing, SUSE News