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By: Peter Schinagl

July 20, 2023 2:01 pm


From openSUSE Leap to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server PAYG on Azure

Several years back, SUSE had provided the sources from SUSE Linux Enterprise for usage in openSUSE Leap to bring the experience and quality of openSUSE Leap and SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) to a new level. The contribution promoted openSUSE Leap as a development platform for communities and industry partners going forward, as the provided source […]

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By: Ronda Clayborne

May 27, 2022 7:31 pm


Get Future Forward with SUSE and Microsoft @SUSECON Digital 2022

Staying current with today's technology innovations is the best way to prepare for your businesses future success. To that end, SUSECON Digital 2022 is providing a future forward look at our industry and technology trends, bringing together our diverse set of partners and technologies to help businesses prepare for their future success. The need for […]

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By: Michael Tabron

April 14, 2022 7:41 pm


How to migrate to SAP applications in the cloud

Increasing numbers of organizations are turning to the cloud to support their SAP applications. The cloud appeals to them for several reasons — it has built-in fault tolerance; it scales easily with demand; and it reduces capital expenditures by offloading the responsibility for hardware support onto the cloud provider. However, moving to the cloud isn’[…]

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By: Jeff Reser

May 14, 2020 6:40 pm


Has Hybrid Cloud Finally Come of Age?

Hybrid cloud continues to be a hot topic within the IT industry. That’s pretty amazing, because it seems like we’ve been talking about the concept for an eternity. Every cloud-related study or survey shows that it remains top of mind for enterprise business leaders and IT decision-makers. Just last month, I read that […]

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By: Joachim Gleissner

December 6, 2019 8:09 pm


Potential pitfalls with multi-NIC and cloud-netconfig

Most SUSE images in AWS and Azure come with a system called cloud-netconfig pre-installed. The cloud-netconfig implementation handles automatic configuration of network interfaces in those Public Cloud frameworks. See https://www.suse.com/c/multi-nic-cloud-netconfig-ec2-azure/ for the initial announcement of cloud-netconfig and details on what it does. Multi-NIC and routing policies In case a system has more than […]

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By: Kevin Ayres

July 26, 2018 7:16 pm


Using IPtables Masquerade on SUSE Linux in Azure to migrate data to HLI

Abstract and problem statement It is sometimes necessary to bridge two security or routing domains with an intermediary system configured to forward, tunnel, or Masquerade traffic between the source and final destination node. This solution was derived from a recent customer request, while moving their SAP Hana DB from a remote datacenter facility to the […]

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By: Elisa Portefaix

May 16, 2018 11:02 am


Install SUSE Manager on Azure

Worried about how you're going to manage your resources in the cloud? This may not currently keep you awake at night, however whether in the cloud or on premise, you are will at some point face the challenges of inventory, configuration, vulnerability management and compliance. Don’t panic! We have a simple solution below. See […]

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May 1, 2017 1:38 pm


Azure Stack — A Great Idea for the Hybrid PaaS

First, what is Azure Stack? It is pretty simple really, Azure Stack is essentially Microsoft Azure, but provided to you for you to install and run. This is a key point, Azure Stack is not an environment that emulates the public Azure for you, it functions as an extension of public Azure, bringing agility and […]

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By: Robert Schweikert

January 26, 2017 3:21 pm


Rocking January for SAP users in AWS EC2 and Azure

Drum-roll please, announcing SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1 and SP2 For SAP Applications  available as on demand in Azure. Hurrah :) .We've had Bring Your Own Subscription (BYOS) images available for some time and now you can also enjoy the benefits of SLES For SAP in an on demand format. For those looking for […]

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