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June 30, 2016 4:25 pm


SUSE to unlock technical opportunities within your business

Getting your skills up to date or becoming an expert even, is something we all fancy. The challenge however is that our time is often limited in this fast pacing world. Because I know what it's like to have limited time available while trying to keep my skills up high, I like to point out […]

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By: Fabian Herschel

January 25, 2008 9:07 am


How to Simulate Network Outages and Wrong-wired Network Environments for Xen DomUs

by Fabian Herschel Problem: For some situations you need to test system and software behaviour in special error cases like network outages. Clusters, also demo clusters, always have to be tested in case of failing network connections. Using XEN to run systems in domUs makes it hard just to “plug off” the network cable. […]

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By: jrecord

July 27, 2007 3:26 pm


Recovering a Lost LVM Volume Disk

Contents: Overview Server Configuration Disk Belonging to a Volume Group Removed Corrupted LVM Meta Data Disk Permanently Removed Conclusion Overview Logical Volume Management (LVM) provides a high level, flexible view of a server's disk storage. Though robust, problems can occur. The purpose of this document is to review the recovery process when a disk is […]

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