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By: Rajesh Rajamani

May 1, 2024 8:56 pm


SUSE Delivers Carrier-Grade, Commercial Implementation of Project Sylva

New revenue opportunities emerging at the edge for CSPs The telecommunications industry’s ongoing cloud native evolution is opening up new opportunities, along with new challenges. Communication Service Providers (CSP), being the natural bridge between end users and cloud services, are writing an important page of this cloud technology evolution. A number of industry use […]

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By: Andrew Steggles

September 23, 2022 1:15 pm


TCS Cognix Enterprise CaaS Solution with SUSE Rancher

       Introduction: The following blog has been written by TCS Agile Computing, Cloud & Edge Centre of Excellence (CoE) in collaboration with the Global SUSE GSI team. It examines the TCS Cognix Enterprise Container-as-a-Service (CaaS) solution with SUSE Rancher. Background: Businesses are adopting to the post-pandemic era and demonstrating certain […]

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By: Kent Wimmer

January 24, 2019 12:22 am


How Do You Get Even More Value From SUSECON?

SUSECON Pre-Conference Training Workshops are incredible opportunities to have technology experts guide you through an intimate software experience. Take advantage of this chance to spend Monday, April 1st, getting to know the solution of your choice in more detail than ever before. We're providing the hardware and the experts...you provide the will to become […]

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By: Andreas Jaeger

August 21, 2018 6:56 am


SUSE CaaS Platform Online Update Available

The online update from version 2 to version 3 is now available! We have put the new version in a new v3 channel that you need to enable for use. To run the online update, you have to do the following steps: Update all packages in current channel - and ensure those are rolled out. […]

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By: BLandorff

August 9, 2018 4:52 pm


CNCF Promotes Prometheus – Congratulations!

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) today announced that it promotes Prometheus to a Graduated Project[1], making it the second project after Kubernetes to move from Incubated to Graduated. Congratulations to everyone involved: a well-deserved promotion indeed! If you’ve been following the project, or the developments in the Monitoring community in general, this might […]

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By: Jennifer Kotzen

September 26, 2017 1:10 am


Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes: paired perfectly in SUSE Cloud Application Platform

If you were paying attention at SUSECON today, you may have heard something about SUSE Cloud Application Platform, a new offering for software development and operations teams that aim to speed delivery of traditional and new cloud native applications.  SUSE is previewing the platform at SUSECON this week, and it will be available later […]

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By: Jennifer Kotzen

August 3, 2017 1:43 pm



Today is the day! SUSE CaaS Platform is now available. If you are working with containers, this is for you - get introduced to the platform, or take it for a spin and tell us what you think. SUSE CaaS Platform provides easy-to-use container infrastructure that IT professionals use to deploy, manage, and scale […]

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April 27, 2017 1:53 pm


Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes

A few thoughts on why a strong market requirement will push Cloud Foundry onto Kubernetes. First thing to note, Cloud Foundry (CF) is a leading if not the leading PaaS offering on the market. Also note, CF is not built using Kubernetes, it uses its own container system. And while this container system is compatible […]

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