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By: Meike Chabowski

September 14, 2020 7:15 am


Two More Weeks to Go: Documentation Survey – Your Chance to Make an Impact!

Technical documentation is not limited to conventional product documentation in the form of guides or manuals. It consists of many different types, categories and channels. Of course, product and solution related information is important. But in addition, there are technical information documents of many different levels delivered by many different departments and subject matter […]

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By: Rania Mohamed

July 9, 2019 3:21 pm


Cloud Application Platform vs Container as a Service vs VM hosted application

As a solution architect in SUSE Global Services, I often hear the following question: What is the main difference among? Hosting an application on a cloud platform Hosting an application on a container as a service platform Building a simple virtual machine and hosting an application on it (And, yes, most people describe virtual machines […]

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By: Rania Mohamed

April 16, 2019 3:44 pm


Kubernetes Cluster vs Master Node

What is a Cluster? In software engineering, a cluster resembles a group of nodes that works together to distribute the work load. Additionally clustering helps in fault tolerance, by having a cluster acting as a secondary (backup) to a primary cluster. What is Master Node in Kubernetes? A master node is a node which controls […]

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By: Andreas Jaeger

August 21, 2018 6:56 am


SUSE CaaS Platform Online Update Available

The online update from version 2 to version 3 is now available! We have put the new version in a new v3 channel that you need to enable for use. To run the online update, you have to do the following steps: Update all packages in current channel - and ensure those are rolled out. […]

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April 27, 2017 1:53 pm


Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes

A few thoughts on why a strong market requirement will push Cloud Foundry onto Kubernetes. First thing to note, Cloud Foundry (CF) is a leading if not the leading PaaS offering on the market. Also note, CF is not built using Kubernetes, it uses its own container system. And while this container system is compatible […]

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