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By: ncutler@suse.com

April 20, 2023 12:06 pm


A brief look at SUSE’s CVE tracking process for automotive

What is a CVE? When a security vulnerability in a given software package becomes known, a response must be mounted in order to minimize the probability of malicious actors gaining access to protected computer systems and networks. For serious vulnerabilities, the response involves a number of entities working together, motivated by the common interest of […]

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By: Marcus Meissner

September 5, 2017 8:33 pm


Our CVE Pages – self help to security issues in SUSE Linux Enterprise

SUSE CVE Pages SUSE offers various self-service options for getting information on Security Issues. One of these self-service options that are intended for human consumption are our CVE Pages. For every CVE that might be related to our products we provide a webpage with our current status. These pages cover SUSE Enterprise products, and also […]

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By: Colin Hamilton

March 31, 2017 10:20 am


Security Vulnerability Scanners on Enterprise Linux

Colin Hamilton coming at you again from the SUSE team. In this post I want to discuss security vulnerability scanners and their role in an Enterprise Linux environment like SUSE. This role is a common pitfall I've seen that lead customers to our support team. So what's the problem? Well, vulnerability scanners are kinda dumb. […]

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By: Rich Paredes

August 4, 2015 11:42 am


Stay Up On Latest Security Vulnerabilities

Staying updated on the latest security vulnerabilities can be daunting which can understandably lead you to ask whether a particular version of SLES is vulnerable. The first thing to note when you get a security notification, for example from https://cve.mitre.org, https://nvd.nist.gov, or even by word of mouth, is the CVE identifier […]

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