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By: Christine Puccio

March 26, 2024 10:59 am


Why Structure Your Cloud Spend any Differently than Your On-Premise Spend?

Since joining SUSE, I’ve been talking with our customers and sales teams to learn more about how enterprises are consuming SUSE technologies. Very quickly, some consistent messages have come through—you want a multi-product, multi-year agreement to consume SUSE’s enterprise-grade open source technologies on the cloud, with the freedom to scale your solution […]

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By: Elodie Mallea

August 23, 2023 2:09 pm


Transform Your SUSE Subscriptions from Bring Your Own Subscriptions (BYOS) To the Google Cloud Marketplace for SAP HANA

Savings Are Easier Than You Think Taking control of your costs in the Cloud Making the right spending choice is essential in moving to Google Cloud. In any cloud migration journey, cost is central to the business case discussion. In a previous webinar, we reviewed the advantages of purchasing SUSE through the marketplace. Once upon […]

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By: Michael Tabron

April 14, 2022 7:41 pm


How to migrate to SAP applications in the cloud

Increasing numbers of organizations are turning to the cloud to support their SAP applications. The cloud appeals to them for several reasons — it has built-in fault tolerance; it scales easily with demand; and it reduces capital expenditures by offloading the responsibility for hardware support onto the cloud provider. However, moving to the cloud isn’[…]

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