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By: Michael Tabron

April 14, 2022 7:41 pm


How to migrate to SAP applications in the cloud

Increasing numbers of organizations are turning to the cloud to support their SAP applications. The cloud appeals to them for several reasons — it has built-in fault tolerance; it scales easily with demand; and it reduces capital expenditures by offloading the responsibility for hardware support onto the cloud provider. However, moving to the cloud isn’[…]

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By: Michael Tabron

July 15, 2019 7:22 pm


Join the Best for your SAP Digital Core on IBM Power Systems

To win a relay race, you not only need top performing runners but also teammates who work well together. No matter how fast the runners are for their respective legs in the race, working together for well-executed hand-offs is critical to the win. Similarly, you need a strong team that works together seamlessly for your […]

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