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By: Bret Dayley

January 7, 2023 12:40 am


World’s fastest supercomputer runs SUSE Linux

Looking back at 2022, certainly one of the most dramatic leaps forward in the compute world was a supercomputer breaking the exascale barrier, meaning it can process more than a quintillion calculations per second — making it capable of performing the most complex computing tasks in the world and setting the stage for breakthroughs in […]

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By: Meike Chabowski

August 25, 2022 11:39 am


Happy birthday, Linux!

There is a natural connection. Positive vibes probably, or the zodiac sign that "brought us together"? Yes - Linux and I have been born on the same day – August 25 (well – not exactly in the same year however …). Thinking about the "double feature birthday" – and the upcoming 30th […]

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By: Meike Chabowski

September 24, 2021 10:59 pm


The brains behind the books: Meike Chabowski

This article is part of a series of articles focusing on SUSE Documentation and the minds that create the manuals, guides, quick starts, and many more helpful documents. Would you have told me 30 years ago that I would work soon in the area of Information Technology, I would have boisterously laughed at you. […]

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By: Jay Kruemcke

October 12, 2020 2:49 pm


Simplified access to the NVIDIA CUDA toolkit on SUSE Linux for HPC

Overview The High-Performance Computing industry is rapidly embracing the use of AI and ML technology in addition to legacy parallel computing. Heterogeneous Computing, the use of both CPUs and accelerators like graphics processing units (GPUs), has become increasingly more common and GPUs from NVIDIA are the most popular accelerators used today for AI/ML workloads. To […]

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By: Meike Chabowski

September 14, 2020 7:15 am


Two More Weeks to Go: Documentation Survey – Your Chance to Make an Impact!

Technical documentation is not limited to conventional product documentation in the form of guides or manuals. It consists of many different types, categories and channels. Of course, product and solution related information is important. But in addition, there are technical information documents of many different levels delivered by many different departments and subject matter […]

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By: Elisa Portefaix

May 19, 2020 7:32 am


SUSECON Digital jour J-1

On y est presque ! Le 20 mai, à 15:00, SUSE lance SUSECON Digital, une nouvelle expérience virtuelle où que vous soyez. Le même contenu exceptionnel et la même interaction que le SUSECON que vous avez plébiscité ces dernières années, mais par écrans interposés, en live ou en […]

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By: Ana Guerrero Lopez

March 2, 2020 12:40 pm


Monitoring SLE HPC 15 with Prometheus and Grafana

While developing SUSE Linux Enterprise HPC 15 SP2, we have been working on adding new monitoring possibilities for our HPC product. As HPC systems monitoring has evolved, lately there has been a tendency to use the same system to monitor all company resources.  This is where applications like Prometheus have become increasingly omnipresent, especially […]

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By: Lawrence Kearney

December 4, 2019 11:08 am



Managing many systems from one is a basic need for system administrators. A need which has obvious development commonality judging from the myriad tools available that delegate work to other systems. Often the criteria used to target systems for management is understandably inflexible. Directory service management consoles and configuration management systems are good examples of […]

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By: Jeff Reser

February 25, 2019 9:28 pm


My Kind of Open: SUSECON 2019 Gets Flexible

SUSECON 2019 is all about open done your way and why wouldn’t it be? We’re the “open” open source company after all!  In today’s business environment, every company is a digital company. IT infrastructure needs to not only keep pace but also move fast enough to accommodate strategic business and […]

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