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By: Meike Chabowski

March 11, 2020 9:55 pm


Artificial Intelligence Piano – My Hackweek Project

This article has been contributed by Lin Ma, Software Engineer and KVM Virtualization Specialist at SUSE. If you want to read more from Lin about virtualization, machine learning and artificial intelligence, have a look at the following articles: A Pen Plotter Powered by Artificial Intelligence How to Do Deep Machine Learning Tasks Inside KVM […]

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By: Marco Varlese

March 3, 2020 2:12 pm


Machine Learning with openSUSE

Packages, containers and more! In the past few weeks, many engineers have been working hard to create a foundation in Tumbleweed, the openSUSE rolling-release version, for a variety of Machine Learning frameworks and tools. They span from Tensorflow 1.13.2 to ONNX 1.6, Caffe, Theano and RStudio (both desktop and server editions). […]

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By: Helen Tang

February 11, 2020 9:49 pm


See Into the Future with Dell at SUSECON!

You are a technologist; you care deeply about solving problems with technology, the future of IT, the challenges, the obstacles, the thrill rides that are sure to come. Then you’ll want to be in Dublin the week of March 23rd. Answer your calling, be the IT Super Hero that you are meant to be, […]

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By: Jeff Reser

September 16, 2019 4:45 pm


Lunar Vacation Planning

The moon’s surface is not exactly a vacation spot – with no atmosphere, a gloomy gray landscape, average temperatures around -300 degrees Fahrenheit, and a lengthy 5-day, 250,000-mile commute from Earth.  Yet, being able to use our Moon as a stepping-stone towards Mars and beyond is essential and the research we can […]

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By: Meike Chabowski

August 1, 2019 4:00 pm


A Pen Plotter Powered by Artificial Intelligence

This article has been contributed by Lin Ma, Software Engineer and KVM Virtualization Specialist at SUSE. If you want to read more from him about virtualization, machine learning and artificial intelligence, have a look at the following articles: How to Do Deep Machine Learning Tasks Inside KVM Guests with a Passed-through NVIDIA GPU Machine […]

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By: Jeff Reser

February 25, 2019 9:28 pm


My Kind of Open: SUSECON 2019 Gets Flexible

SUSECON 2019 is all about open done your way and why wouldn’t it be? We’re the “open” open source company after all!  In today’s business environment, every company is a digital company. IT infrastructure needs to not only keep pace but also move fast enough to accommodate strategic business and […]

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By: Meike Chabowski

November 15, 2018 9:55 pm


How to Do Deep Machine Learning Tasks Inside KVM Guests with a Passed-through NVIDIA GPU

This article has been contributed by Lin Ma, Software Engineer and KVM Virtualization Specialist at SUSE.   This article shows how to run deep machine learning tasks in a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 KVM guest. In a first step, you will learn how to do the train/test tasks using CPU and […]

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