Tag: manuals
June 29, 2017 10:04 am
20,073 viewsDocBook, AsciiDoc or Sphinx – Choices, Choices…! A Comparison of Document Formats
The following article has been contributed by Janina Setz, Trainee at SUSE. The original article has been published in German at DataCenter Insider. A big “Thank You” to chief editor Ulrike Ostler for the permission to publish the article in English at the SUSE blog.
Anyone who has ever used an instruction […]
Tags: AsciiDoc, content, DocBook, document formats, documentation, editor, Emacs, Gedit, GitHub, guides, JEdit, manuals, markup language, Notepad+, oXygen, Sphinx, Sublime, technical documentation, technical writing, text modularization, versioning, Vi, Vim
Categories: Expert Views, Technical Solutions
May 3, 2017 3:30 am
17,865 viewsDocumentation is Teaching, and Teaching is Everything
The following article has been contributed by Carla Schroder, Technical Writer at the SUSE Documentation Team.
Documentation is notorious for being in a persistent Schrödinger state. Everyone wants good documentation, but nobody reads it. Writing good documentation is "easy", but nobody wants to write it.
Documentation is absolutely necessary, […]
Tags: content matters, documentation, guides, Linux documentation, manuals, Schrödingers cat, technical content
Categories: Expert Views