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By: Zhiqiang(Roger) Zhou

November 10, 2020 10:58 am


Azure Shared Disks with “SLES for SAP / SLE HA 15 SP2”

Microsoft Azure Shared Disks now supports SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications and SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 15 SP1 and above, as announced at July 2020 by Microsoft. With this new capability, it gives more flexibility to mission critical applications in the cloud environment, for example, SAP workload. Microsoft Azure Shared Disks […]

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By: amiej

November 3, 2011 8:47 pm


SUSE Continues Broad Platform Support for OCFS2

OCFS2 Remains the Cluster File System Choice for All SUSE Certified Hardware Platforms Guest post - Kai Dupke, Senior Product Manager, SUSE Oracle's decision (Oracle Doc ID 1253272.1) to limit its support for OCFS2 to Oracle Unbreakable Linux on Intel hardware has no impact on SUSE customers and you may continue to run OCFS2 […]

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By: pjquairoli

November 2, 2011 8:54 am


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for System z supports OCFS2

Recently at BrainShare we partnered with IBM and presented a Technical Training on Installing SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availabilty Extension (HAE) on System z. Everyone knows about the Reliability, Availability, and Scalability of IBM's zEnterprise System, but many do not know that with their SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for System z subscription they get access […]

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