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By: Sören Schmidt

August 3, 2020 1:12 pm


sapconf versus saptune – again

After the blog post about 'sapconf 5' a few hours ago, I was asked by various people: Shall we use 'sapconf 5' instead of 'saptune 2'? Before rumors or confusion spread, let me clarify. In short: If you have 'SUSE Linux Enterprise Server' only 'sapconf' is available. If you have 'SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for […]

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By: Sören Schmidt

November 29, 2019 3:13 pm


Noop now named none

Lately more and more people approached me with saptune warnings regarding 'noop' being an invalid scheduler. With new Servie Packs we see a transition from non-multiqueue schedulers (noop, cfq, deadline) to multiqueue schedulers (none, mq-deadline, bfq, kyber). This transition will be finished with kernel 5.x (SLES 15 SP2). Only multiqueue schedulers will remain. Even […]

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By: Sören Schmidt

June 25, 2019 8:02 am


sapconf versus saptune – in more detail

Last year I published a small post to compare sapconf and saptune:  sapconf versus saptune It would seem that there is still some confusion about it, so let me go a little bit deeper into the rabbit hole today. What is the difference between both? If you are running "SUSE Linux Enterprise Server" […]

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By: Sören Schmidt

August 1, 2018 12:30 pm


sapconf versus saptune

With the release of the sapconf blog series (A new sapconf is available a lot of people approached me with questions about how both tools relate to each other. So I thought it would be a good idea to publish a small post about it. What is the purpose of both tools? Sapconf is a […]

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By: Sören Schmidt

June 8, 2018 2:25 pm


sapconf – A way to prepare a SLES system for SAP workload – Part 5

This is the fifth and last article about sapconf and it will tie up lose ends. NOTE: For further documentation check SAP note 1275776 and the man pages shipped with sapconf. sapconf 4 → sapconf 5 The following list is quite long, so If decided to make two sections. One for sapconf 4 and one […]

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By: Sören Schmidt

June 8, 2018 12:04 pm


sapconf – A way to prepare a SLES system for SAP workload – Part 3

This is the third article about sapconf and it will cover the update from a previous (not reworked) version to a reworked one. NOTE: For further documentation check SAP note 1275776 and the man pages shipped with sapconf. sapconf 4 → sapconf 5 This is the only comment about sapconf 5 I have added to […]

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By: Sören Schmidt

June 8, 2018 10:33 am


sapconf – A way to prepare a SLES system for SAP workload – Part 2

This is the second article about sapconf and it will cover the configuration. NOTE: For further documentation check SAP note 1275776 and the man pages shipped with sapconf. Configuration Before I show you some details, I have to talk about the make-up of sapconf. In the past, sapconf was a simple shell script. With SLES […]

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By: Sören Schmidt

June 5, 2018 12:26 pm


sapconf – A way to prepare a SLES system for SAP workload – Part 1

sapconf 4 → sapconf 5 For all the people who read this post for the first time: "Nice to meet you!" And for those who came back here due to my sapconf 5 announcement: "Welcome back!" I wracked my brain if I should have a new series about sapconf 5 or […]

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By: Sören Schmidt

June 4, 2018 3:14 pm


A new sapconf is available

Those who administrate systems running SAP applications on SLES may be already familiar with the configuration and tuning tool "sapconf". For those who don't, now is an excellent time to do so! A new improved version of sapconf has been released for SLES 12 SP1 onwards. Some key improvements are: one central configuration file […]

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