Tag: Security Vulnerability Scanners
September 5, 2017 8:33 pm
9,535 viewsOur CVE Pages – self help to security issues in SUSE Linux Enterprise
SUSE offers various self-service options for getting information on Security Issues.
One of these self-service options that are intended for human consumption are our CVE Pages.
For every CVE that might be related to our products we provide a webpage with our current status.
These pages cover SUSE Enterprise products, and also […]
Tags: CVE, CVSS, Security, Security Vulnerabilities, Security Vulnerability Scanners
Categories: Server, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, Technical Solutions
March 31, 2017 10:20 am
14,059 viewsSecurity Vulnerability Scanners on Enterprise Linux
Colin Hamilton coming at you again from the SUSE team. In this post I want to discuss security vulnerability scanners and their role in an Enterprise Linux environment like SUSE. This role is a common pitfall I've seen that lead customers to our support team.
So what's the problem? Well, vulnerability scanners are kinda dumb. […]
Tags: CVE, Linux, Security Vulnerability Scanners
Categories: Technical Solutions