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By: Christine Puccio

March 26, 2024 10:59 am


Why Structure Your Cloud Spend any Differently than Your On-Premise Spend?

Since joining SUSE, I’ve been talking with our customers and sales teams to learn more about how enterprises are consuming SUSE technologies. Very quickly, some consistent messages have come through—you want a multi-product, multi-year agreement to consume SUSE’s enterprise-grade open source technologies on the cloud, with the freedom to scale your solution […]

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By: Meike Chabowski

August 24, 2023 12:15 pm


Calling customers: research responses required 💚

    Roughly six weeks ago, we launched our new yearly documentation survey on documentation.suse.com. Participation to date We are very grateful for all the responses that are coming in.  KUDOS to our SUSE partners: As of now, you are very active and make up two thirds of the survey […]

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