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By: Jeff Reser

November 8, 2018 12:00 pm


Cowboy up! Announcing the SUSE Partner Theater at SC18 in Dallas

SUSE will have a strong presence at the SuperComputing18 conference in Dallas, November 12-15. The theme this year is “HPC Inspires” – bringing together computing systems and brilliant minds in the continuous pursuit of improving our world as never before, allowing us to analyze many points of data to make groundbreaking discoveries in all […]

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November 15, 2016 4:38 pm


Democratization of Supercomputing

Last week SUSE played the T.R.U.M.P. card in Washington D.C. as Thomas and Ralf Unveiled Many Products during an incredible SUSECON that saw our first acquisition (welcome aboard openATTIC!) alongside countless releases from SLES on Raspbery Pi to Containers-as-a-Service Platform – so obviously we would kick back and relax […]

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By: David Byte

November 8, 2014 9:31 am


SUSE at Super Compute 2014 in New Orleans

Once again, SUSE will be present at the Super Computing event of the year.  This year we are focused on innovation and what SUSE is doing that provides a positive impact in the HPC community. We will have SUSE Labs personnel around all week to discuss some of the great new features and kernel […]

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By: David Byte

November 19, 2013 10:06 pm


SC13 is going FAST

We just put the wraps on day two of SC13 here in Denver.  Heading into the next 2 days, we still have a tremendous amount of information to deliver in our booth (#301) and in meetings.  We have already had great mini-theater presentations from partners like Solarflare, SGI and Bright Computing and a […]

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By: Meike Chabowski

November 15, 2012 5:31 pm


SUSE and High Performance Computing – Part V: How HPC innovation is spilling over to mainstream IT

Today is the last day of exhibition at Supercomputing Conference 2012. And the Salt Lake Tribune really hits the mark with its recent article about Supercomputing being now part of everyday life. In a sense, everyone has baby supercomputers these days, whether or not they are used for technical workloads. An important category within threshold […]

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By: Meike Chabowski

November 13, 2012 12:49 pm


SUSE and High Performance Computing – Part IV: Linux and "High Productivity Computing" in the Enterprise

Linux is the undisputed operating system of choice for traditional HPC workloads or "number crunching". This is again proven by the most current list of the top500 supercomputers, which has just been published yesterday during the Supercomputing Conference 2012 in Salt Lake City. An impressive 93,8% of all supercomputers listed here is running […]

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By: Meike Chabowski

June 21, 2012 8:40 pm


SUSE and High Performance Computing – Part I: How Linux did evolve

During the past days, I've been attending the International Supercomputing Conference 2012 in Hamburg. This is one of two events (the other one is Supercomputing in the US) where the newest list of the top 500 supercomputers of the world is released - Amie just published a nice blog about SuperMUC, the fastest supercomputer in […]

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By: amiej

June 19, 2012 2:11 pm


Super Chameleon takes on Supercomputers

The 2012 International Supercomputing Conference kicked off on Monday in Hamburg with an opening session that recognized the world’s fastest supercomputers and provided a look at trends in high-performance computing. The June 2012 Top500 list can be found here. Congratulations to SuperMUC, the most powerful system in Europe and No.4 on the list. […]

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