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By: Jo Harris

January 25, 2017 8:44 pm


Is Open Source open to women? Three amazing women offer insight at SUSECON

For the first time at SUSECON, women took center stage in our keynotes – and not just one, but THREE amazing, inspiring women from IBM, Intel and Fujitsu respectively. It’s not that we’re not Open to women joining us on stage (of course we are, we’re the Open Open Source company) – […]

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November 21, 2016 8:21 am


SUSE Briefing and Christmas Shooting Fun

Last week SUSECON™ was a great success in Washington D.C. There was also an election with a surprising victor. These are very interesting times with historic changes and unexpected events. If you were unable to attend please see the final day summary blog: https://www.suse.com/communities/blog/complete-recap-susecon-2016-heres-missed/ In particular please watch the closing address: https://www.[…]

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November 18, 2016 10:15 am


SUSECON – what a wild GREEN ride!

We planned for it. We sweated it. We got excited for it. And it was... worth it. SUSECON 2016, my first chance to meet new colleagues was just one bonus (there's Ruby on the right - not that you'd know she's new, she was like a walking-talking, problem-solving machine) and visit with "old" […]

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November 16, 2016 8:20 am


SUSECON 2016: Open Technology, Passionate Users & A Real Sense of Community

Before SUSECON 2016, I shared some of my thoughts about the evolving theme of SUSECON and looking forward to this year's event in Washington D.C. I love being at SUSECON, interacting with customers, and being able to see first hand the awesomeness that is our community. This year, I found myself happily reflecting on […]

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November 2, 2016 5:11 pm


Come and Party with us at SUSECON 2016

SUSECON 2016 starts Monday and it’s definitely crunch time around the SUSE offices.  So far, we’ve given you an awesome overview of what to expect from the event (Future Gazing – Crystal Ball or SUSECon?), a deeper dive into IT Transformation identifying top cloud (IT Transformation at SUSECON 2016: A Guide […]

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October 18, 2016 3:30 pm


Get an Early Start: Pre-SUSECON Training Workshops

Ever wondered how to install and configure a Ceph cluster with SUSE Enterprise Storage 3? Or how to deploy a highly available SUSE OpenStack Cloud? Or maybe you’re just curious about the new features of SUSE Manager 3.  Either way…we’ve got you covered.  If you thought you’d have to […]

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By: Jason Phippen

October 14, 2016 7:16 am


Transform your business with these top storage sessions at SUSECON16

With all eyes on the upcoming election in November that has the world glued to various news outlets watching and wondering which party will trump the other (pun intended), we could all use a break from the political banter that has dominated conversations.  While Republicans and Democrats alike are begging you to join them, […]

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September 14, 2016 8:54 am


SUSECON : ce sont les clients qui en parlent le mieux !

Vous hésitez encore ? Le contenu sera-t-il à la hauteur de vos attentes ? Cette semaine aux Etats-Unis sera-t-elle bénéfique à votre projet ou votre carrière ? Pourrez-vous développer votre expertise ? Allez-vous pouvoir vraiment échanger avec les autres participants ? Et bien sachez- le, cette expérience sera positive et enrichissante. Il n’[…]

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July 8, 2016 11:49 am


SUSECON or Bust!

There’s something about attending industry events and trade-shows that always feels new to me (even year after year). Personally, I like to arrive early, get registered, and quickly flip through the event guide to figure out where I’ll head first, all the while, wondering which friend I’ll bump into that I’ve […]

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