Tag: SUSECON 2017
July 28, 2017 7:53 am
6,290 viewsThere’s more to SUSECON than just the sessions…
A few months ago, we announced that SUSECON 2017 would be in one of the most beautiful places in the world: Prague, Czechia (The wait is over. SUSECON 2017 location will be….) Since then, we’ve talked about the incredible technical content at SUSECON until we’re *green* in the face. By now everyone […]
Tags: SUSECON 2017
Categories: Technical Solutions
July 10, 2017 3:25 pm
3,690 viewsDid you consider the day pass option for SUSECON 2017?
In preparation for SUSECON I often get the feedback that SUSECON is to technical for some of the managers, CxO's from customers and partners we talk to. And although SUSECON provides a lot of business related sessions, use cases and customer references, 5 days of Open Source Technology can be a bit overwhelming and […]
Tags: Benelux, events, SUSECON 2017
April 28, 2017 2:44 pm
3,212 viewsLooking ahead to SUSECON 2017
Is it that time again? You bet. SUSECON is right around the corner and being held in Prague, Czechia, September 25-29, 2017.
If you’ve attended SUSECON in the past you know that anything can happen (live music, giveaways, Minecraft on a giant screen, to name a few…) but more importantly, the event offers […]
Tags: SUSECON 2017
Categories: SUSECON, Technical Solutions