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June 16, 2024 4:52 pm


Meet the docs at SUSECON 2024

Sleep one more time. And we are finally starting our next SUSECON! After a great event in Munich in 2023, we are very much looking forward to SUSECON 2024 in our capital Berlin at the beautiful Estrel. We are very exited to be part of it again, we are prepared, and this time, we have […]

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By: Meike Chabowski

August 24, 2023 12:15 pm


Calling customers: research responses required 💚

    Roughly six weeks ago, we launched our new yearly documentation survey on documentation.suse.com. Participation to date We are very grateful for all the responses that are coming in.  KUDOS to our SUSE partners: As of now, you are very active and make up two thirds of the survey […]

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By: Meike Chabowski

June 15, 2023 10:58 am


The brains behind the books: Amrita Sakthivel

This article is part of a series of articles focusing on SUSE Documentation and the minds that create the manuals, guides, quick starts, best practices and many more helpful documents. The content of this article has been contributed by Amrita Sakthivel, Senior Technical Writer at the SUSE Documentation Team.       […]

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By: Meike Chabowski

June 14, 2023 1:18 pm


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By: Meike Chabowski

October 7, 2022 7:32 pm


Meet the latest SUSE documentation “accrual”

You might have already realized it when looking at our documentation.suse.com portal: the SUSE Best Practices (SBP) series of documentation got a new sibling—and it is growing fast! Yes, I am talking of the Technical Reference Documentation (TRD). Under the two currently available categories Kubernetes and Linux, we have already published […]

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By: Meike Chabowski

October 5, 2022 8:51 pm


SUSE documentation survey—share YOUR feedback!

Every year in late summer—or early autumn—the SUSE documentation team conducts a global survey to gather concrete feedback from our technical users at customers, partners and SUSE about what the current documentation might lack, and how we can improve our documentation services.  For the very first time, and for a limited time […]

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By: Meike Chabowski

July 27, 2022 7:31 pm


The brains behind the books: Jana Jaeger

The content of this article has been contributed by Jana Jaeger, Project Manager at the SUSE Documentation Team.       Most of the SUSE doc folks ended up on the team by happy accident. That is exactly what happened to me. Not to bore you with my bio too much,[…]

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By: Meike Chabowski

July 5, 2022 1:17 pm


Write with a little help from a stylish friend

This article has been contributed by Dmitri Popov, Technical Writer at the SUSE Documentation Team.      Let's start by stating the obvious. Well-written texts have three basic properties: correct spelling and punctuation correct grammar consistency Correctness is required While a spell checker can take care of the first item in the […]

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By: Meike Chabowski

May 31, 2022 2:42 pm