Tag: techwriting
June 29, 2023 5:14 pm
3,269 viewsIt’s THE time: SUSE doc survey 2023 ‘call to action’
Tags: customer, documentation, feedback, Linux, partner, SLE Micro, SLES, SLES for SAP Applications, survey, SUSE, SUSE Manager, techwriting
Categories: SUSE Blog, SUSE Documentation, SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension, SUSE Linux Enterprise Live Patching, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for High Performance Computing, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for z Systems and LinuxONE, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on IBM Power Systems, SUSE Linux Micro, SUSE Multi-Linux Manager, Website
July 27, 2022 7:31 pm
3,710 viewsThe brains behind the books: Jana Jaeger
Tags: documentation, project management, SUSE, technical writing, techwriting
Categories: Expert Views, SUSE Blog, Website