Tag: webinar
October 25, 2022 5:23 pm
3,160 viewsAn AWS Webinar Double Header In November
In 2022, Kubernetes is essential to a modern, transformed digital enterprise. However many organizations and even system integrators find it complex to implement. The last thing an organization wants is to have a mission-critical application fail due to gaps in their enterprise Kubernetes Strategy. Now that SUSE Rancher is directly available on AWS Marketplace […]
Tags: Automation, AWS, Container, Cost savings, kuberrnetes, Rancher, SUSE, webinar
Categories: AWS, Cloud Computing
September 2, 2020 5:08 pm
6,448 viewsSLES for SAP Applications 15 SP2: What’s New and What’s Next
Attention all SAP Basis Administrators and IT infrastructure engineers who are responsible for implementing and managing SAP infrastructures. Are you concerned about the time and effort to move your current SAP landscape to SAP S/4HANA in the cloud? Are you interested in ways to work more efficiently and spend less time on routine maintenance? Is […]
Tags: #HANAonPOWER, #SAPHANA, #SLES4SAP, Automation, Cloud Migration, deployment, High availability, Installation, Monitoring, S/4 HANA, S4HANA, SAP Cloud Image, sap public cloud, SUSE Manager, webinar
Categories: Cloud Computing, Run SAP, S/4HANA, SAP, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications, SUSE Multi-Linux Manager, SUSE News