Tag: ZENworks Linux Management
May 5, 2008 2:36 pm
3,908 viewsZLM 7.2 IR1 >= HP3, Mirroring Security, Optional, Recommended, and Kernel Only
Looking for a way to filter out the Security, Optional, Recommended or just want to filter the Kernel only? This is a must read.
You must be at ZLM 7.2 IR1 with Hot Patch 3 or greater in order to get this to work. If you have not applied any Hot Patches you will […]
Tags: Filtering, ZENworks Linux Management
Categories: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, Technical Solutions
April 21, 2008 5:06 pm
4,585 viewsZLM Lab Guide..New Version 1.1
Requested by popularity I have finally gotten around to updating this document here to add steps for the md5sum's of the RPM's and the gpg signing of the YaST repository in Appendix A.
Please have a look at this document if you are running SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 and are using ZLM as your patch […]
Tags: Patch Management, ZENworks Linux Management
Categories: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, Technical Solutions