Two Really Good Reasons to Keep an Eye on SUSE’s Lifecycle Page
End of January marks the end of some important events in our product lifecycle calendar. Lifecycle page snippet:
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications (SLESforSAP) 11 SP3 nearing end of General Support. Customer options:
- upgrade to SLESforSAP 11 SP4 or
- purchase LTSS for SLES11sp3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 nearing end of Long Term Service Pack Support (LTSS). Customer options:
- Upgrade
Note that our regular LTSS Subscription Offering can be used for regular SLES or SLESforSAP.
I would first like to use the opportunity and share that at the time of this blog, and during SUSECON 2016, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 was just released together with SUSE Enterprise Storage. There is news around both of these SUSE offerings so feel free to look them up!
We have dedicated web pages whose sole mission is to spread our product messaging and keep customers and partners informed about features, relevant news and overall product direction. The purpose of this blog is to remind our client and alliances to check our lifecycle page often. This has two excellent benefits:
- Learn about product maintenance dates. As well as launch of new product versions or service packs – we update the pages with the latest. Stay informed.
- Plan accordingly. With the end of General Support for SLESforSAP 11sp3 customers have to either upgrade or consider purchasing LTSS. The latter option will allow them to stay current on updates for another two years and slowly transition their systems to newer versions. LTSS allows for more flexibility and minimizes stress.
Note that LTSS for SLES11sp2 is nearly done also. This is the end of the extended support base period and customers must migrate to a supported code stream. At the time of the publication of this blog such code streams are:
-SLES11sp3 (with LTSS)
Full details and dates for LTSS can be found in this white paper as well as the public LTSS page –
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