What is SAPHanaSR-angi?
SAPHanaSR-angi is the SAPHanaSR Advanced Next Generation Interface. It is aimed to ensure SUSE HA for SAP HANA over the next decade.

Picture: Get ready for the next round.
I this blog article you will get an overview on SAPHanaSR-angi. You will learn about useful new features and where to find more information.
What is SAPHanaSR-angi all about?
It is aimed to ensure SUSE HA for SAP HANA over the next decade.
- SAPHanaSR-angi can be used instead of SAPHanaSR and SAPHanaSR-ScaleOut. It is supported on SLES-for-SAP 15 SP4, SP5 and SP6.
- It is quite similar to SAPHanaSR and SAPHanaSR-ScaleOut, but not fully backward compatible. However, upgrade is possible without HANA downtime.
- Setup guides for the SAP HANA SR scale-up and scale-out performance-optimised scenarios are published.
- SAPHanaSR and SAPHanaSR-ScaleOut will remain supported for existing installations for the lifetime of SLES-for-SAP 15. Nevertheless, new deployments should be done with SAPHanaSR-angi.
- New features will be implemented in SAPHanaSR-angi only. It already contains an new resource agent to reduce downtime in case of filesystem outage.
- SAPHanaSR-angi will replace SAPHanaSR and SAPHanaSR-ScaleOut on SLES-for-SAP 16.
Does SAPHanaSR-angi already provide benefits?
It already provides several benefits for customers:
- Better handling for short time outage of HANA tools and communication to pacemaker backend.
- More resilient against admin mistakes during maintenance procedures.
- Faster takeover in case of filesystem failure for scale-up and scale-out.
- Faster takeover if HANA is unresponsive for scale-up and scale-out.
- Faster takeover in scale-out setups for several cases, like failing indexserver, filesystem failure or node failure.
- Reduced complexity due to identical software package and similar configuration for scale-up and scale-out.
Where can I find more information?
You can read setup guides and blog articles:
Setup guide for the SAP HANA SR scale-up performance-optimised scenario: https://documentation.suse.com/sbp/sap-15/html/SLES4SAP-hana-angi-perfopt-15/index.html
Setup guide for the SAP HANA SR scale-out performance-optimised scenario: https://documentation.suse.com/sbp/sap-15/html/SLES4SAP-hana-angi-scaleout-perfopt-15/index.html
Blog article “How to upgrade to SAPHanaSR-angi?” https://www.suse.com/c/how-to-upgrade-to-saphanasr-angi/
Blog article “Details on SAPHanaSR-angi” will follow.
Blog article “Emergency Braking for SAP HANA Dying Indexserver” https://www.suse.com/c/emergency-braking-for-sap-hana-dying-indexserver/
Blog article “SAP HANA Cockpit with SUSE HA integration greatly improves data integrity” https://www.suse.com/c/sap-hana-cockpit-with-suse-ha-integration-greatly-improves-data-integrity/
Further, the package SAPHanaSR-angi contains manual pages. Among them are:
SAPHanaSR-angi(7), ocf_suse_SAPHanaController(7), ocf_suse_SAPHanaFilesystem(7), SAPHanaSR-alert-fencing(8)