Why Expanding Open Source Skills is Good (For You & Your Business)


The world and the workforce is forever changed. Many people say that Covid is the reason, but the truth is that it was merely a catalyst that accelerated the inevitability of a more virtual workforce. As a result, organizations around the world are being challenged to shift their attention towards retention programs and initiatives that deliver resources to enrich the employee experience through professional development and career growth.

For software engineers & developers, solution architects, and other technologists, gaining timely and marketable skills in open source has never been more important. Organizations looking to close the skills gap by bringing in new talent to support a modern infrastructure also need to view learning and development programs (both free & paid) for existing staff as an investment, not a cost.

By granting access to learning resources that enhance professional growth, organizations will realize that the measurement of that investment is revealed in a more skilled, productive, and satisfied workforce.


Open Source is the Language of Innovation

At SUSE, we provide all our partners with zero-cost training and certifications that help industry professionals gain in-demand open source skills.

When the SUSE One Partner Program was unveiled a few years ago, sales and technical trainings were built in as a core component of program success, and program certifications are needed to advance from Silver to Gold, and from Gold to Platinum in the program. The learning paths we provide help partners elevate their understanding of how to work with and sell SUSE technology, as well as deliver tactical skills and advanced open source knowledge that helps individuals become valued community practitioners.

As a SUSE One partner, you have access to it all:

  • Sales & Technical Sales Training
  • Technical Expert Training
  • Support Training
  • SUSE Academy (in-depth technical training)

Linux and Kubernetes are the backbone of hybrid cloud infrastructure and core to the success of a mixed IT environment. With SUSE One professional & technical certifications, you can gain the sought-after skills and knowledge that will help your organization win with open source products and solutions, deliver cloud-native services, or help ease the challenges of adopting, managing and scaling containers–from SMB to the enterprise.


A Program Built for Your Success

If you’re currently a SUSE One partner, be sure to review the updated training and certification courses available through the partner portal. For those of you looking to partner with a leading open source vendor, look no further. The SUSE One Partner Program has a modern structure that was designed to provide flexibility and choice to help partners get started, define their path, and accelerate to success.

Role based learning puts your organization on course to gain access to additional program benefits, discounts, incentives and support options, while giving individual contributors the skills needed to advance professional growth and technical acumen.  

Industry accreditations and certifications are nothing new, but the value they deliver has never been more important. Join SUSE One today, or log in to the portal to get started. 

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