SUSECon 2014 – What’s in It for You?



Every year you get lots of invites to attend annual conferences.  Deciding which ones to attend can be a minefield so here are some simple ways to make sure you get the most out of them.

1. Get an education

Particularly in IT, no matter how experienced you are, keeping up with the market trends, latest products or solutions can be an ongoing learning process. Conferences give you a not only a great opportunity to learn from experienced people but also to expose yourselves to new ideas and trends that can impact future projects and results.  Not only can you hear and learn new things, you should also have the opportunity  to see live demonstrations and talk to experts about solutions and options for your business.

2. Network with peers

Its not just about sitting in a room with a bunch of strangers and not talking all week. The downtimes in a conference are about taking the opportunity to network with your peers. Talking with your competitors or non­competitive colleagues is an opportunity to find out about best practices, special projects or troubleshooting.  Discussing projects with your peers can also spark new ideas and spark inspiration.

3. Encounter new vendors and suppliers

Sometimes people view the trade show at the conference as nothing but an inconvenience. They fear that  it is just a sales pitch that is waiting for them. Actually, this is a good time to get to know what various vendors offer versus your existing suppliers.  Discovering innovative products and services for your business is necessary to stay competitive in today’s fast-­paced world. So these interactions can also add value to your business.

4. Position yourself as an expert

When you are active in a specialty within IT, you soon become the expert not only in your company but also for peers in other  industries.  When you engage openly and share your knowledge, you’ll soon discover the benefits this brings at work as well externally to your company.

We are planning for SUSECon on these ideas. It’s important to us that the event isn’t just a holiday,  but that we add real value for our attendees. To see for yourself the reasons why you should be there, November 17 – 21, visit our website.

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